"Although I don't know the answers to the two questions you asked, I'm not a useless waste!"

"Oh? What's your use?"

"This..." Ancient mirror fragments hesitated slightly.

But when it saw that xue'an's fist was accumulating strength again, it couldn't help but speak quickly.

"I said, I said, although I don't have any combat ability, I have a special ability, that is, I can detect all kinds of treasures."

Xue an felt a slight movement in his heart when he heard the speech, but he was calm on the surface. He just said faintly: "detect the treasure?"

"That's right!"

"What kind of detection method?"

"It's very simple. As long as there is a treasure within a ten mile radius, whether it is in the sky or underground, even if there are layers of array barriers, it can't escape my detection." Ancient mirror fragments are quite proud of their words.

But its pride was soon shattered by xue'an.

Xue an disdained to laugh. "Ten miles? Are you kidding? What can you do with such a short detection distance?"

The fragments of the ancient mirror were hit hard, but the situation was stronger than people. It could only harden its head and explain weakly.

"Ten miles is really not short. You know, I am incomplete now. If I can find other fragments to integrate into one, my ability can continue to be enhanced!"

Xue an was noncommittal.

In fact, he knows how rebellious this ability is.

Don't say ten miles, even one mile can be called a pervert.

After all, this is an all-round non dead angle detection!

Taking it is like taking a treasure hunting radar.

The key is that the ancient mirror fragment is right. If other fragments can be found, its ability will continue to be enhanced.

However, these are what Xue an thinks in his heart, but on the surface, they are not revealed at all.

"If you say so, you are not completely useless. I'll let you go!"

With that, Xue an loosened his hand.

The fragment of the ancient mirror took a breath, and I couldn't help my stomach.

This guy is such a violent maniac!

Are all Chinese posterity like this now?

Doesn't the memory that remains say that these Chinese people are gentle gentlemen?

The result is such "gentle"?

Just as it was secretly tucking away in the heart, Xue An turned to make complaints about it.

It was this understatement that made the fragments of the ancient mirror tremble slightly, and I dare not have the slightest resentment in my heart.

Because this look is so terrible.

There is a hidden edge in peace, as if everything in the world is under his control.

"Since you can detect treasures within a ten mile radius, do you say there are any treasures in this mountainous area?" Xue an said faintly.

The fragment of the ancient mirror just wanted to say no, but it swallowed it back to its mouth, because it suddenly thought of a fact.

This guy is not testing me!

"Cough... I have been sealed in Longhu Mountain for countless years. I really haven't found any treasures here, but I can try!"

Xue an nodded and said faintly, "then look for it!"

Then, the shackles that trapped it disappeared, and the fragments of the ancient mirror quickly flew out, and then patrolled around the mountain area.

Xue an just stood there and watched quietly.

But his silent standing put more pressure on this ancient mirror fragment.

The last chance left in my heart disappeared, and I began to look for the treasure honestly.

At this time, Ren Ning also flew behind Xue an and looked curiously at the fragment of the ancient mirror in the distance.

"What is it doing?"

"Nothing, I gave it a chance to prove its value!" Xue an said faintly.

Ren Ning doesn't understand, but it doesn't hinder her worship of Xue an.

She was also deeply shocked by the feat of pulling up several peaks just now, so she couldn't help asking.

"Childe, what's that trick you just used? Why is it so powerful that you can pull up the mountain?"

Xue an turned his head and looked at her. Seeing her curious face, he couldn't help smiling faintly.

"You want to learn!"

Ren Ning blushed, "I'm just... A little curious!"

This shyness is in sharp contrast to the domineering spirit of finding out his father's heart in Lingan city.

"That's the art of Dharma, heaven and earth. It looks like bluffing, but it's just an ordinary trick! If you really want to learn, I can teach you the real way of cultivation!" Xue an looked at the fragment of the ancient mirror in the distance and said calmly.

Ren Ning's heart tightened.

Although with her shallow understanding of practice, she still can't understand what the real avenue of practice is.

But she is not a fool. Naturally, she knows how precious this opportunity is.

Thinking of this, she pondered for a moment, and then nodded solemnly.

"OK! I want to learn!"

Hearing this, Xue an turned to look at her again. "You should think clearly. The road of cultivation goes against the sky. There are countless difficulties and obstacles. Once you step into it, you will have no chance to turn back!"

"I understand, but nothing in this world can be obtained without paying any price. Everything is like this!"

"Practice can give people a long life and powerful power, so you must lose something accordingly, and I... Am ready!"

Looking at the girl with a solemn face, Xue an was stunned and smiled.

"OK! In that case, I'll give you a hand!"

With a wave of his hand, xue'an flew out with a brilliance, and then drilled into the center of Ren Ning's eyebrows.

In an instant, Ren Ning felt that many things were poured into her mind.

Among them, there is a complete set of cultivation skills, but this is not the most precious. The most precious is Xue an's feelings on the way of cultivation.

This is an invaluable experience. It is no exaggeration to say that even a gifted fool can become a strong person in a short time after getting these memories.

Not to mention the talent of Ren Ning is very good.

So almost in the blink of an eye, Ren Ning successfully got started and completed the achievements that others could not achieve in a month or even a year in a few seconds... She felt the ubiquitous aura fluctuation between heaven and earth.

In an instant, in Ren Ning's eyes, the world had undergone earth shaking changes.

There are floating light spots around. These light spots constitute a vast Reiki River, which flows clearly in this world.

This magnificent scene made Ren Ning look dull and almost trapped in it.

But just then, the voice of Xue an came from her ear.

"Hold your breath and concentrate. Don't be disturbed by foreign things!"

This sentence was like a flash of insight. Ren Ning thrilled, and then recovered from the infinite shock.

And that's when Xue an whispered.

"Keep the Lingtai empty and bright, and I'll help you again!"

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