No matter how violent the aura was, it became extremely tame in front of Xue an.

Therefore, Xue an only did two things next. First, he controlled these violent auras and made them as flexible as spring breeze and rain.

Second, put these auras into Ren Ning's body to transform her body and meridians.

In fact, this process is an essential foundation period for everyone in practice, but the foundation period is long and short, and everything depends on talent.

When xue'an first entered the road of cultivation, it took three months to build the foundation alone.

But his speed is already first-class.

No matter how talented people are, the foundation construction period can not be less than two months, because it is difficult for physical fetuses to carry the violent Reiki transformation, and even a little carelessness may cause damage.

So people can only practice carefully.

But today, Xue an wants to create a miracle.

He first wrapped Ren Ning with his vast sea like mind. In this case, every subtle structure inside Ren Ning's body appeared in Xue an's mind.

The key is fine to the cellular level.

Then Xue an controlled the aura and began to transform Ren Ning's body.

With a strong divine mind as the backing, Xue an can easily hold a just right degree.

It will not damage Ren Ning's body, but also effectively improve her physical strength.

So Hu Guanghua was surrounded, and Xue an actually built a foundation for Ren Ning in mid air.

And in this process, Xue an even rushed to the ancient mirror fragment in the distance with ease.

"Did you find it?"

To tell the truth, it just noticed Xue an's action. Especially when it saw that Xue an was actually building a foundation for Ren Ning, it really wanted to take this opportunity to slip away.

But Xue an's words mercilessly shattered his fantasy. The fragments of the ancient mirror trembled three times, "no... no!"

"No, then why are you stunned? Don't you find it quickly?" Xue an said coldly.

"Ah, yes!"

The fragments of the ancient mirror quickly turned around and continued to get busy.

This scene was naturally seen by Sheng Hongxi, Niu Dali and others.

Zhang Xiaoqiang said with great envy: "unexpectedly, he built a foundation for this woman hand in hand. This woman is really a great fortune!"

"The key is just building the foundation and making such a big formation. How high will this guy achieve in the future?" Niu Dali also replied.

Sheng Hongxi didn't speak, because at the moment she had fallen into hysterical jealousy.

I'm so nice to this woman who wants to be fierce and has no ass, but she never talks to me.

What an eyesight!

Doesn't he like big ones, just plain ones?

Sheng Hongqian was thinking in her mind. She heard the fragments of the ancient mirror exploring in the mountains in the distance suddenly shout.

"I found it. Unexpectedly, there are really treasures here!"

At this moment, Ren Ning's foundation construction is just completed.

Xue an waved his hand and the glory dispersed. Then he looked at Ren Ning. His eyes were as bright as stars, and his whole body was as powerful as a rainbow.

It is the vision formed by the essence Qi that cannot be suppressed after the foundation is built.

Xue an takes Ren Ning and comes to the ancient mirror fragment.

Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others naturally followed.

This is the edge of the mountains. Even Niu Dali and others stationed on Longhu Mountain have not been here.

After all, the mountains were barren and barren before. Even now they are moistened by aura, the edge area is still very desolate.

But it was in this place that the fragments of the ancient mirror detected the baby.

"Just under this valley, there is the smell of treasure 20 meters underground!" Said the fragment of the ancient mirror.

Without answering, Xue an stepped out to the position indicated by the fragments of the ancient mirror, and then stepped down with one foot.


The earth shook and the mountains shook, and a big crack opened in the ground, revealing the underground scene.

Sure enough.

Twenty meters from the bottom of the valley, there is a small cave.

Obviously, the cave has gone through countless years, and even the font on the cave plaque has been blurred, but the shielding array around the cave is still in operation, which is why Niu Dali and others have been stationed here for many years without realizing it.

Sheng Hongqian and others opened their eyes and looked at the scene with good eyes

The fragment of the ancient mirror was complacent, "what? Am I right? As long as it appears within ten miles of me, even if there is a Dharma array, I can smell the smell of baby."

Xue an didn't say a word and stepped in front of the cave door.


Guanghua appears, which is the scene caused by the excitation of the mountain protection Dharma array.

But Xue an didn't even lift his eyelids, but raised his hand and punched out.


After a loud noise, both the mountain protection array and the shielding array were shattered.

Together with the broken Mountain Gate of the cave, the scene inside appeared.


Waves of precious light rose into the sky.

Then Niu Dali and others were dazzled by the spirit stones and treasures in the cave.

This seemingly small cave is actually full of high-quality spirit stones. In addition, there are all kinds of strange treasures.

Such a sight is crazy enough.

At least the cow's vigorous breathing is much heavier.

"Shit, so many treasures are buried under our feet, but we didn't know at all!" Niu Dali murmured, hating that iron is not steel.

But Xue an didn't go into the cave at the moment. Instead, he turned and looked at the distant sky, and then said faintly.

"Is there anyone else in Longhu stronghold besides you?"

Niu Dali was stunned and didn't understand why Xue an asked.

Sheng Hongqian reacted very quickly and immediately replied, "no, there are only a few of our stronghold leaders in Longhu stronghold. They are all here now!"

Xue an nodded, "in this way, the comer should be the enemy!"

Sure enough, as soon as Xue an's voice fell, a burst of silver bell like laughter came from the distant sky.

"Tut Tut, it's a big change not to see the dragon and tiger mountain for a few days!"

"In particular, this abundant aura is stronger than our station!"

These two sentences sound almost the same, but you can still hear subtle differences in tone, so you can conclude that the speaker is two people.

After hearing these words, Niu Dali and others turned pale.

"Bad, how are these two ancestors!"

"It's over. Two pickpockets are coming again!"

Niu Dali and others are lamenting that people have reached the mountains.

And then it was as like as two peas of a sister who looked exactly alike in appearance or figure.

When they stood still, their eyes could not help but be attracted by the pearly underground cave.

"Yo, I didn't expect that there was an unexpected joy!"

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