Shumana and shumanqing sisters are almost angry and spit blood.

"Anything dares to shout in front of our sisters, but don't get away!" Shumana burst out, and the green silk sword rushed at the cute ball like the surging tide.

But unexpectedly, so many green silk swords didn't break the defense of this cute ball, and they were bounced off one after another on the surface.

The cow leaned out his head vigorously and said with a wild laugh: "fool's eye, I have a defense shield!"

Shumana felt like she was going to explode.

As usual, people like Niu Dali came to him, but he didn't even dare to breathe.

But now she ridiculed herself wantonly, which was an intolerable shame for her.

"Sister! Kill her!"

In fact, she didn't need her orders at all. Shu Manqing on the side was ready to start after the failure of Qingsi sword attack.

Just as Niu Dali was talking, she snorted coldly and directly launched an attack.


With a crisp sound, the space where the cute ball is located is forcibly bent.

Niu Dali shrunk his neck and hurriedly retracted into the cute ball.

Shumanqing sneered and seemed to have seen the scene of this round sprouting ball being crowded by space.

But what happened the next second stunned her and everyone.

Under the terrible pressure of Space folding, he still didn't break the defense of sprouting ball, but just bounced out of place under the action of squeeze pressure.

When it appears in mid air, the surface is still as smooth as jade, unharmed.

The sisters shumana and shumanqing were all silly.

As usual, they think highly of themselves and don't pay attention to these people in Longhu stronghold at all.

In particular, they all know the tricks of the stronghold leader Niu Dali and the second stronghold advocating Xiaoqiang.

Knowing that they always rely on the power of rules that can disguise the breath of the strong, they swagger and cheat everywhere, so they despise them.

But I never thought that it was such an existence like mole ants, but today it taught them a lesson.

All his attacks failed to shake it.

Not to mention anything else, this skill can be called a magic skill by virtue of its incomparable terrible defense.

But what they don't know is that the cute ball composed of Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang looks powerful, but it actually has a fatal defect.

Whether it's the meaning of the green silk sword or the folding space, it can actually be regarded as the power of rules owned by the shumana sisters themselves.

And their combination happens to have a strong defense against this ability.

This is also the reason why the two women's attack did not work.

In fact, a little thought also knows that if their ability is really so rebellious, they will not stoop to the small dragon and tiger mountain to be a stronghold leader.

Their most fatal defect is that they have strong defense against rules, but they can't defend against physical attacks.

Any slightly more powerful force attack can break them up.

This is why they were kicked off by Xue an in Lingan city and suffered a disastrous defeat.

Because Xue an used a real physical attack.

The shumana sisters naturally don't know this.

They just feel that the world has changed and become so strange.

The existence that I despised before has become so powerful now.

Where's the reason?

Thinking of this, the two sisters looked at each other and had a retreat in their hearts.


This place is not suitable for us at all!

Then they turned and prepared to escape here.

But at this time, the old five, the old six and others saw the clue, couldn't help shouting and stopped the way one after another.

"Well, two smelly women, you've always been unhappy with you. Why do you still want to escape now?"

The old man shouted in a deep voice, then pulled off his coat and stretched his body to reveal his strong muscles.

Although the old six didn't say anything, his eyes were as red as blood and looked terrible.

Even the old four with the injured palm came forward in silence and lost his injured hand behind him, a profound image of an expert.

Shumana and shumanqing were really shocked and retreated a few steps, but they were immediately angered.

I'm afraid of the cute ball that can't be broken by the hammer. How can even these miscellaneous fish and rotten shrimp dare to jump out and shout with me?

Is it because I didn't see the Yellow calendar when I went out today, so everything went wrong?

"Go away! Dare to be wordy again, be careful of your dog's life!" Shumana shouted in a deep voice.

As usual, even if they lent the old four, five and six ten courage, they didn't dare to stop the shumana sisters.

But today, I don't know whether it's because the big brother and the second brother's performance is too amazing, or because Xue an has to rely on!

The three people were unexpectedly abnormal. In the face of their questions, they not only didn't step back, but sneered.

"Smelly girl, don't think our brothers are afraid of you. Before, it was just because we didn't want to see women. Today I'll show you how powerful I am!" Old five smiled grimly.

"Well, I'll see your power today!" Shumana laughed angrily.

Old four and six on one side immediately backed away when they heard the speech,

"Brother five, you go first!"

"Yes, old five, I'll give you this smelly woman!"

Old five almost choked. He winked at the two people crazily. That means I'm just pretending to be an X. why are you serious?

How can I handle this bitch?

But if they couldn't see it, there was no way. The old five had to harden his head and turn around and smile awkwardly at Shu mana.

"I said I was just joking with you. Do you believe it?"

But Shu mana would not listen to his explanation. The green silk sword suddenly broke out and cut off towards the old five.

The old five shouted with fear, turned and ran.

But how could his speed be comparable to the sword light, but the sword light had been cut to his back in an instant, and he saw that it would be cut in half in the next instant.

Just then, the world shook.

The crowd looked in horror.

I saw that the gray fog melted quickly like ice and snow, and a sad scream came from the void.

"Xue, don't be complacent for too long. There will be someone to deal with you after the above things are handled!"

At this time, Xue an's figure gradually appeared. His face was a little pale, but his body was still as tall and straight as a sword.

"OK, I'll wait!"

When the words fell, a sword between Xue an's eyebrows took shape quickly and stabbed into the void.


Then a scream came from the void.

"Ah, boy, wait for me!"


Another sword!

The sound stopped suddenly.

Everything returns to silence.

All the people were silly.

Who could have thought that Xue an's shot would be so crisp, but in a moment, he rushed out of the gray fog and succeeded in killing.

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