Especially the sisters shumanna and shumanqing fell into great panic.

Even the omnipotent master died like this!

How good should this boy be?

As soon as they read this, they didn't even have the courage to escape.

Because they knew that since the boy was so powerful, it was easy to kill himself.

So it's impossible to escape.

They can only stand in place trembling, hoping that Xue an will forget themselves.

But this is bound to be an extravagant hope.

Xue an smiled at Ren Ning and indicated that she was okay. Then she slowly turned her head and looked at the two sisters shumana.

When their eyes reached, they trembled slightly, and then lowered their heads deeply. They didn't dare to look directly at Xue an.

"I remember you said before that you wanted to make my life worse than death. As a result, what you relied on was such a waste?" Xue an said coldly.

Shumana's teeth trembled and she could hardly speak.

On the contrary, shumanqing showed a little calmness and hurried to speak.

"Sir, we really don't know that you have such divine power. The previous events are all our fault. Please punish us at will, as long as you leave one of our sisters!"

When it comes to the four words of random punishment, shumanqing's tone becomes a little ambiguous, and this kind of words come out of their sister flower's mouth, which causes people's infinite reverie.

At least Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang have some straight eyes.

Only Xue an was unmoved and smiled coldly.

"Punish at will? Well, you can abolish your accomplishments now, and then leave here. Don't step here. You can do it?"

As soon as these words came out, shumana and shumanqing sisters turned pale together.

"Sir, what's the difference between your punishment and letting us die?" Shuman said in a delicate voice.

"Didn't you want me to punish at will? What? I said it now, but you refused?" Xue an looked at Sen coldly.


Both of them made difficulties.

They thought that by their looks and the special bonus of twin sisters, they would be able to fascinate the boy.

But I didn't expect that he was not moved at all, but put forward such a punishment.

As shumanqing said, it's no different from killing them.

After all, their sisters have been domineering and made many enemies over the years. If they lose their cultivation, they will really become fish to be slaughtered on the chopping board, even worse than dying directly!

Shumanqing took a deep breath, then arched his hand and said.

"My Lord, how about this? As long as you can change a condition that allows us to live safely, no matter what we do, our sisters are willing and will never dare to refuse!"

Xue an sneered, "what you said is light, but what if you refuse for various reasons this time?"

"Don't worry, sir. We don't dare to be scared to death!"

"Well, then I'll give you another way to live!"

Then Xue an raised his hand and pointed to Ren Ning in the distance.

"This is my disciple. He has just built the foundation. He is a newcomer on the road of cultivation, but I can't be with her all the time, so..."

Xue settled down and then said, "I think you two have good power of rules. It's better to give it to me as an apprentice!"

The tone of understatement said a condition enough to move them.

Give up the power of your own rules to others!

What's the difference between this and self abandonment cultivation?

So whether it's shumana or shumanqing, her face is embarrassed.

Seeing this, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. "Why? Still want to refuse? It seems that you really think I dare not kill you!"

With the voice, a majestic thought and pressure rose from Xue an.

Both of them looked frightened and hurried to speak.

"Calm down, sir. I'm willing, I'm willing!"

"Hum!" Xue an snorted coldly, and then the pressure dissipated.

"Let's start!"

They were sad, but they didn't dare to disobey Xue an's orders. They could only look at each other in despair, and then use their own mysterious power.

Two puffs!

The second daughter vomited a gray bead from her mouth, and then the whole person's momentum was pouring out, and her face was even more pale.

Nevertheless, they still strongly supported themselves and said, "my Lord, this is the power of our rules!"

With a wave of Xue an's hand, the two beads disappeared into the space in an instant, and then appeared in his hand.

Shumana and shumanqing's eyelids jumped wildly when they saw this amazing skill, and a trace of resentment in their hearts disappeared.

Although the power of rules is very important, it is not worth mentioning compared with your own life.

Xue Anluo looked at the two beads in his hand and determined that the two women were not lying, because there was a strange power in it, so he nodded.

"Well, since you are so trustworthy, I won't embarrass you. Go away quickly. Remember, you can't step into this mountain again in the future!"

The second daughter, nono, dared not speak, but she was thinking.

Even if you ask us to come, we dare not come.


It's really a big loss today. The master was killed. Even the power of the rules that made him famous.

Make complaints about two people.

Xue Anluo looked up, "don't you get out of here?"

Hearing this, the two girls, like Amnesty, immediately ran out like a lost dog.

Although the power of rules had been lost, their accomplishments were still there, so they disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Xue Jing stood still, his eyes deep, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

At the same time, Sheng Hongxi, Niu Dali and others welcomed them.

"My Lord, why did you let these two female demons go?" Niu Dali's strange way.

"Who says no, these two smelly women are haggling over every penny. If they don't kill them this time, there will be endless trouble in the future!" Old five also looked puzzled.

But just at this time, Xue an's body broke out a click sound.

Then he saw deep cracks in his body.

It's like a cracked porcelain doll, which is shocking.

This scene made Niu Dali and others silly.

Ren Ning reacted very quickly and rushed forward immediately, "master!"

Xue an waved his hand and said in a slightly weak voice, "don't touch me. I'm just hurt a little. I might as well be a big problem!"

At this point, Niu Dali and others just understood why Xue an had just let the shumana sisters go.

If he didn't want to kill, he really didn't have the ability to kill.

Thinking of this, Niu Dali couldn't help shaking his heart, and then whispered.

"They have been hurt like this, and they can intimidate the two female demons as if nothing had happened, and force them to surrender their power of rules. What courage it must be!"

Words are full of admiration.

Sheng Hongxi thought more than they did. Her eyes flashed first, and then she didn't take the initiative to move forward. Instead, she stepped back a little, kept a safe distance, and then whispered.

"Don't worry, childe. I'll wait. Even if those two women go back, they won't get any benefits!"

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