Those who jump well will attract people's admiration.

This has even formed a conventional practice, and every new entrant to the poetry club has to pass this test.

If he can easily jump over the path, he will get twice the result with half the effort if he integrates into the headquarters in the future, and vice versa.

As a veteran of the Qisi poetry society, Tang Zheng is naturally familiar with every layout here.

You can even jump over these stones with your eyes closed.

But today he has no such interest.

I saw him walk honestly through these stones, and he didn't even feel a few mud spots splashed on his shoes.

Beyond this courtyard, there is a horizontal corridor in front of you, and in the middle of the corridor is a passage to the deeper courtyard.

Although the corridor is also dilapidated, the brilliance of that year can still be discerned from the carefully carved pillars.

At least Tang used to stop and sigh when he was passing by.

But today he is not in that mood.

He walked up the corridor and was about to go to the passage.

Just then, someone suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Tang Zheng turned and looked, but he didn't see half a figure.

And just then, his hands covered his eyes, and then a rough voice said.

"Guess who I am?"

Tang Zheng tugged at the corners of his mouth, and then said helplessly, "stop laughing!"

"Oh, it's boring. I've changed my voice very carefully. How can I guess!"

The voice turned into a pleasant female voice, and then Tang Zheng's hand, which covered Tang Zheng's eyes, loosened.

Tang Zheng turned his head and saw a beautiful girl standing behind him. Her face was still angry, but she was more lovely.

Seeing this scene, even Tang Zheng, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help but show a faint smile on his face.

"Your voice can really confuse the false with the true, but the problem is, which strong man have you ever seen with such delicate hands?"

"Oh, I see! I really didn't expect this. I'll improve it next time!" The girl spoke very seriously, and then looked at Tang Zheng strangely.

"Brother, what's the matter with you today?"

"Nothing?" Tang Zheng felt nervous.

Because he knew how difficult his strange sister was.

you 're right!

This girl is Tang Zheng's sister. Her name is Tang Xiao.

Their brother and sister differ greatly in age, but Tang Xiao also joined the Qisi poetry society early.

Because if it comes to talent, Tang Xiao can kill Tang Zheng 18 times a second.

Even now, without full cultivation, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, Tang Xiao still touches the threshold of Confucianism. What he lacks is a little opportunity and time training.

Tang Zheng doted on his sister in every way, so she tried to hide it after she saw the clue.

Because he doesn't want his sister to worry.

But he still underestimated Tang Xiao's agility.

"No way, you definitely have something on your mind, and you look very depressed. Let me guess!"

Tang Xiao turned around Tang Zheng twice. "After receiving the invitation, he hurried out and said he was going to host a cultural conference for a remote territory, but even I didn't want to bring it. There must be something in it!"

Tang Zheng became more and more guilty. "You think more and smile. I didn't mean to leave you. I was just invited by my friends and the time was very tight, so I went alone!"

"Oh? Is that so?" Tang smiled meaningfully at his brother.

"But how did I hear that just two days before you left the central region, the Huakui sister Yun lingxuan outside the building also left the capital?"

The smile on Tang Zheng's face became harder and harder.

Tang Xiao looked over his head, "my poor brother, you shouldn't be chasing your wife for thousands of miles, but you were rejected by the Huakui sister?"

Tang Zheng was surprised because Tang Xiao really guessed eight or nine times.

Tang Xiao's eyes widened gradually. "What? I really guessed right? Brother, you shouldn't really go after that Huakui sister?"

"Keep your voice down, I can hear you!" Tang Zheng was helpless.

Tang Xiao's eyes lit up a fire of gossip, "come on, tell me what's going on! Let me give you a chance to turn around!"

"Don't involve children in the affairs of adults!" Tang Zheng is unable to speak.

"Come again, what's the matter with young people? The cultivation of young people is no worse than you, and your sister, I'm known as a little talent for flirting with girls. If it weren't for being a girl, I wouldn't have run away."

Tang Zheng: "..."

Then he suddenly changed his face, "senior brother, you're coming!"

Tang smiled.

There is only one person in the whole Kai Si poetry society who can be respected as the senior brother by Tang Zheng, that is Lu Hui, who is known as the leader of the new generation in the poetry world.

Especially in recent years, Lu Hui has become the actual controller of the headquarters of Kai Si poetry society.

Tang Xiao is very afraid of him, because Lu Hui has always been unsmiling, and he does things methodically and extremely inhumane.

So in private, Tang Xiao called him poker face or dead fish eye more than once.

Tang Xiao was surprised when he heard that Lu Hui had come.

In this case, Tang Zheng disappeared into the corridor after a flash.

At this point, Tang Xiao just realized that he had been cheated and stamped his foot in anger.

"Tang Zheng, wait for me!"

Tang Zheng can't care about that much now.

He was afraid that his sister would say more.

So I found an excuse and quickly slipped away.

As for how to coax in the future, that's what will happen in the future.

After passing through this long passage, we arrived at the core area of the headquarters of Kai Si poetry society.

The houses here are still dilapidated, but at least they are not as exaggerated as before. At least they can live normally.

People are busy going in and out here, and there are lights flying around from time to time in the sky.

That's the light from the magic weapon used to communicate and spread books.

Tang Zheng didn't say a word, lowered his head and walked unobtrusively through layers of courtyards, and finally came to a house.

The doors and windows of the house were closed, and Tang Zheng reached out and gently knocked on the wooden door.

"Come in, the door is unlocked."

Tang Zheng pushed the door in.

The room was filled with ink and the unique smell of paper.

At the front of the desk by the window sat a man.

Even in this dark room, the man was dressed neatly, and his sitting posture on the chair was impeccable.

"Elder martial brother, I'm back!" Tang Zheng whispered.

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