There was no response. Tang Zheng glanced and saw his eldest martial brother Lu Hui sitting at his desk writing.

Although we can't see what is written, we can also see Lu Hui's profound calligraphy skills from the stroke, which is like a silver hook and iron painting.

In fact, Tang Zheng knows very well that if the whole literary world is ranked according to the level of calligraphy, his eldest martial brother can't be one of the best, but he can definitely enter the top ten.

The key is that the words written by the master brother are just like his person, square and upright without the slightest tact.

I don't know what elder martial brother wrote. It's important to look serious.

Tang Zheng was thinking about it. At this time, Lu Hui put down his pen and slowly turned his head to look at him.

Lu Hui's appearance is not brilliant, but his eyes are clear and clear.

But his calm eyes made Tang Zheng's scalp numb.

"Elder martial brother..."

"Where is your Wen Sheng memorial tablet?" Lu Hui directly interrupted him and asked directly.

Tang Zheng was so worried that he knew he couldn't hide it, so he smiled bitterly and told the story about it.

After hearing this, Lu Hui's eyes glowed strangely.

"Ten Poems in a row?"

"To be exact, it should be eleven. He also made one at the beginning!"

Lu Hui stood up, pushed aside the book on the table, and then took out a piece of white paper and spread it on the table.

"Come on, write it to me!"

Tang Zheng didn't dare to disobey. He took over the pen and wrote down all the eleven poems Xue an had written at the meeting.

Tang Zheng's memory is outstanding, so it's natural to mention only 11 poems.

In an instant, eleven poems were written by dictation.

Lu Hui stood and watched quietly all the way. After Tang Zheng finished writing, he reached out and picked up the paper.

"In spring, there is no human life, the void cannot live in the sky, the Orioles and flowers follow the world, and the pavilions send them to the top of the mountain... The artistic conception is quite good, but the words and sentences still have defects."

"When people are idle, osmanthus flowers fall, the night is quiet, and the spring mountains are empty. When the moon rises, it startles mountain birds and sounds in the spring stream! Good poetry has not only empty and quiet artistic conception, but also excellent words and sentences. It can be called a masterpiece."

"It's a good way to be a middle-aged man. When you go to the South Mountain in the evening, you will know better than yourself. When you go to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise. You occasionally go to the old Lin and have no time to return... This poem starts worse, but when you go to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise, this sentence can be called an amazing stroke, which directly sublimates the details and style of this poem!"

Lu Hui shook his head and commented on these poems one by one.

If Xue an is nearby, he will be surprised at Lu Hui's profound attainments in poetry.

All this is because his comments on these poems all hit the point, and some even guessed the author's situation and psychological state at that time.

After commenting on the eleven poems, Lu Hui looked at Tang Zheng.

"You say he did all these poems alone?"

"There is no doubt that at least no one could do it before the memorial tablet of Wensheng!" Tang Zhengyan said.

Lu Hui shook his head, "it's impossible! Because the genre and style of these eleven poems are very different, and they can never be written by one person!"

"But..." Tang Zheng is a little silly.

In fact, he has always had this doubt in his heart.

As a great scholar, how can he not see the strange of these poems.

But the key is that no one could do it under the memorial tablet of Wensheng at that time.

It seemed that he saw his doubts. Lu Hui said, "the memorial tablet of Wensheng is not omnipotent. At least you went to Lingan this time with the idea of releasing water?"

Tang Zheng's face turned red. "Elder martial brother, I'm wrong!"

"Of course you're wrong. You leave the central region without authorization and open the door for others. No matter what kind of things you do, it's not in accordance with the law. So when you're done, go to siguoya and get your own punishment!" Lu Hui said.

Tang Zheng smiled bitterly. He knew it would be the result, so he was not too excited.

But there was still a trace of doubt in his heart.

"Eldest martial brother, if this person is really plagiarizing, who is he plagiarizing? You know, no matter which of these 11 poems is a masterpiece, the person with this creative ability is either a well-known Su Ru or a talented person all over the world. Even if there are people of unknown origin, it is impossible for him to plagiarize!"

Lu Hui shook his head. "I don't know the answer to the question you said. I can't know the final result until I see this person!"

Tang Zheng was slightly shocked. "Are you going to find him?"

"Of course I want to find him. After all, the Wen Sheng memorial tablet is the treasure of my Kai Si poetry society. How can it fall into the hands of others?" Lu Hui said in a flat tone.

Tang was about to say something, but he swallowed it again.

Because he knew that his eldest martial brother always did things in a straight way and could not be fooled at all.

Now that he has confirmed the matter, it's no use talking about it himself.

He just sighed in his heart, hoping that there would be no violent conflict between the two.

Although he said that he was very convinced of his elder martial brother's strength, at the thought of the young man in white, he felt a little weak for no reason.

That's an existence that specializes in dealing with all kinds of dissatisfaction.

It can even kill the enemy by two levels.

Tang Zheng doesn't know what else Xue an can't do.

With this in mind, Tang Zheng withdrew from the room with a heavy heart. As soon as he was about to cross the channel, he suddenly thought of something, and then turned around and took a secret path to leave Qisi headquarters.

Just after he left, his sister Tang Xiao was still waiting in the corridor in front of him.

Hum! I don't believe you don't come out!

But wait and wait. I don't know how long I've been waiting.

The people in the passage came and went, but there was no figure of their brother.

Tang Xiao was a little anxious and grabbed a passing Kai Si student.

"Did you see my brother in there?"

The Kai Si student was startled at first. After seeing clearly that it was Tang Xiao, he relaxed and smiled.

"It's sister Tang. Are you looking for senior brother Tang Zheng? I just saw him withdraw from the senior brother's room. Why? Didn't he leave here?"

Tang Xiao was stunned and immediately thought of something. He couldn't help stamping his feet fiercely.

"Damn, I stole away!"

Then she let go of her hand and went inside.

The student also wants to show.

After all, for this Kai Si headquarters with more men and fewer women, young and beautiful girls like Tang Xiao can attract many eyeballs wherever they go.

"Sister Tang, you don't have to ask elder martial brother in the back. I just heard that elder martial brother Tang Zheng seems to have gone to Siguo cliff to shut up!"

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