"The key is that this person can't copy. How can anyone even write ten poems, and the capital is a masterpiece! It's impossible for anyone with a higher IQ to do so."

"Hide your masterpiece and release one every two years to win fame. Isn't that sweet? In that case, even if the style and sentence have changed, there's a reason to prevaricate and explain! It's so stupid! It's so stupid!" Someone shook his head and sighed.

"What? You're sorry for him?" Someone nearby asked.

"It's not a pity, but I think this method is too stupid. It's not as stupid as a normal person can do!"

"Hehe, normal people won't plagiarize. In short, this boy is disgraced now. It's estimated that he doesn't dare to show his real name again in his life!" The man sneered.

In the face of these surging slanders against Xue an, tuan'er was very sad.

"Miss, you knew that these people outside would not believe it!"

Yun lingxuan was also puzzled, frowned and said, "something's wrong!"

"What's wrong?"

"Although I expected suspicion from the outside world, I would never be as fierce as now..."

"You mean... Someone is behind it?" Whenever xue'an is involved, tuan'er's IQ will burst in an instant.

"I don't know, but it's really unusual!"

"These bastards can't slander Mr. Xue if they can't do it themselves. I think they're just jealous!"

Tuan'er thought for a long time and couldn't think of what he could do for xue'an, so he could only bite his teeth and curse a few words, which could be regarded as a solution to his hatred.

And at a time when the whole central region is making a lot of noise because of this matter.

In the Longhu Mountain thousands of miles away, Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others are waiting at the junction of the back mountain and the front mountain.

"How many days have you been closed?" Niu Dali asked.

"It should be five or six days!" Zhang Xiaoqiang replied.

"Tut Tut, it's been five or six days. The aura is still pouring into the back mountain. How profound your strength should be!" Niu Dali sighed.

No wonder he said so, because in these five or six days, the violent aura didn't stop for a moment. It rushed back to the mountain crazily. It was so fast and large that a huge vortex was formed over the back mountain.

There is no doubt about the shock this brings to people.

"Nonsense, how can you and I guess your strength? Otherwise, we wouldn't have been defeated by him!" Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

Old four, old five, old six and others thought so.

Because in their view, the stronger Xue an shows, the more he can prove that he is not a waste.

"The second brother is right. Can you and I guess the strength of adults? Anyway, adults will be my idol all my life from now on!" The words of Lao Liuyi.

"And me!"

"I think so!"

"Don't talk!" Sheng Hongxi gave a sudden reprimand.

Several people who were enthusiastically expressing their loyalty were stopped!

"What's the matter, third sister?" Old six doesn't know why.

"Do you think the speed of this aura is slowing down?"

People looked up one after another and saw the long river of aura flowing in the sky. The speed really slowed down a lot.

"What's going on?" The old six doubted.

"It goes without saying that, of course, adults are going to leave the customs!" Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole Longhu Mountain began to shake, and then a huge pillar of light rushed into the sky from the back mountain.

The majestic pressure brought by this light column, even if separated by a certain distance, still makes Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others look pale.

"Hiss, this is... Another breakthrough? Hey, why do you say it again?" Zhang Xiaoqiang murmured.

At the same time, I saw a figure flying straight out of the back mountain. After standing in the air, who is not Xue an!

At this moment, Xue an not only swept away his previous fatigue, but also made further progress. He successfully broke through the realm of six grade cavalry captain and came to the realm of five grade Duwei.

This also means that Xue an's strength suppressed by the law of heaven has finally been completely restored after crossing into the so-called high-dimensional world.

Wupin Duwei is equivalent to the quasi holy state of the heavens. However, because the law of heaven in this world is much stronger, this quasi holy state is much more powerful than the saints of the heavens.

Seeing the figure in the air, Sheng Hongqian took a step forward and bowed to salute.

"Congratulations, sir, for further progress. I'm a lieutenant of the Ministry of justice!"

Sheng Hongxi's body trembled slightly during the speech.

Not fear, but excitement.

Excited, he hugged a golden thigh.

After all, since Sheng Hongqian first met Xue an, he has given Sheng Hongqian too many surprises.

In particular, this breakthrough shocked Sheng Hongqian.

Who has ever seen a breakthrough as easy as breathing?

At least Sheng Hongxi hasn't seen it.

From the moment she stepped into the path of cultivation, there was only one statement in her ears, in her eyes and around her.

That is, the path of practice is like climbing a ladder.

Every step requires extremely hard work and the favor of God before it can be successful.

But Xue an easily broke this idea.

After killing the enemy in seconds by crossing several major realms with the cultivation of six grades, he not only did not suffer any fatal damage, but benefited from misfortune and successfully promoted.

What's the reason?

Sheng Hongxi saw the talent and luck against the sky.

That's why she trembled with excitement.

I made a lot of money this time!

In fact, even Xue an didn't expect that this promotion would be so smooth.

According to his calculation, it will take him at least three months to really resist the threat of this world and restore his original state.

But he soon figured out the truth.

Everything is because of the inheritance of Xingtian family.

Under the blessing of this secret Dharma, my strength is growing all the time and can resist the threat of heaven, so I can be promoted so smoothly.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Xue an's mouth.

Anyway, promotion is a good thing.

This means that they will have greater confidence to face the coming enemy.

After all, Xue an still remembers what the gray figure said before he died.

After dealing with some problems, there will be special to deal with yourself!

Xue an knows exactly what this means.

But instead of being afraid, he began to look forward to it.

Because the more so, the more you prove that you are getting closer to the truth.

But before that, Xue an found that he still had a few things to do.

For example... Drink wedding wine!

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