Fang Waicheng.

As a small town subordinate to Ling'an region, it is a backwater in the backcountry.

Apart from being close to ren'an City, there is nothing special here.

Even some people living here have never walked out of this small world in their life,

But even in such a closed place, people here still have a heartfelt worship for words and talent.

Therefore, even if the city is small enough to be inconspicuous, there is still a luxurious academy, and we are trying our best to cultivate talents.

But because this outer city is too small, despite the efforts over the years, it has not achieved any results.

Even the residents here think it will take a long time to see the achievements of their Academy.

But surprises are often so unexpected.

When the story happened at the Lingan cultural meeting came back, the small outer city was boiling.

For nothing else, just for this cultural conference, fangwaicheng is no longer the background board.

On the contrary, the students of their own family even recited a poem at the cultural meeting. Although they failed to win the final victory, it was already a great progress for fangwaicheng.

In this case, when Zhuo Benzheng and Yao Yachao returned to fangwaicheng, they enjoyed the heroic courtesy.

The people of the whole fangwai City poured out and stood on both sides of the road to welcome the students' triumphant return.

This formation greatly surprised Zhuo Benzheng and others.

But there was no doubt about the enthusiasm of the people. They were soon crowded into the city, and then the whole city had a big banquet for three days.

In these three days, I don't know how many rich and rich family trustees came to talk about matchmaking, especially Zhuo Benzheng, the backbone of fangwaicheng students, who received the most engagement.

But without exception, Zhuo Benzheng refused them all.

While the outside world was unclear about Zhuo Benzheng's move, a news spread.

It turned out that when Zhuo Ben was going to Lingan city to attend the cultural meeting, he met a woman and fell in love with each other at first sight. Then he brought it back and was about to get married.

Hearing this news, those rich families who had intended to marry women could not help sighing, and then put out their thoughts.

But what they don't know is that Zhuo Ben is having a violent conflict with his parents because of this matter.

Originally, Zhuo Benzheng's father was very satisfied that he could make a name for himself at the cultural conference, but he never thought he would bring back a woman without permission and claim to marry her.

This of course made Zhuo Fu furious.

This anger reached its peak after hearing that the woman brought back by Zhuo Ben was born in a brothel.

Both father and son will even break off the relationship.

Finally, Yao Yachao, Wu Zizhang and others made peace and reluctantly exposed the matter.

But Zhuo Fu made it clear that Zhuo Ben was trying to marry this dusty woman. I wouldn't stop him, but he wouldn't want me to help him with his marriage.

Everything follows the simplest process.

Zhuo Ben apologized for the original, but Ying Weilan smiled and said.

"Ben Zheng, don't worry about these vulgar rites. I married you. As for those superficial flashiness, it doesn't matter!"

Although Jia Weilan said so, Zhuo Benzheng still had a big pimple in his heart.

After all, which man doesn't want to give his woman a magnificent wedding?

But so far, he had no choice but to cheer up and start preparing for the wedding.

As Zhuo Fu said, everything follows the simplest process, and everything that can be simplified is simplified.

Although Ying Weilan didn't say anything, Zhuo Benzheng's guilt became stronger and stronger.


Time came the day before the wedding.

Because Ying Weilan has no home, he has always lived in Zhuo mansion.

At the moment, they sat opposite each other, and there was only an oil lamp flashing in the room, just as Zhuo Ben was in a gloomy mood at the moment.

On the contrary, Ying Weilan was much more open-minded. She gently leaned her head against Zhuo Benzheng's shoulder.

"Still angry?"

Zhuo Ben shook his head, "no anger!"

"Come on, I don't know you yet. Once I have something in mind, I'll keep my mouth shut!"

Ying Weilan raised his head and looked at Zhuo Benzheng with bright eyes.

Zhuo Ben was silent for a moment and said, "I just feel sorry for you!"

"All right, what are you doing? I said I don't care. Why are you still holding on to it!" Ying Weilan said carelessly.

Zhuo Ben was about to stop talking and finally sighed.

The atmosphere in the room became very depressed.

Ying Weilan leaned on Zhuo Benzheng's shoulder again and spoke softly.

"Do you think Mr. Xue will come and drink our wedding wine this time?"

"I don't know. I sent someone to deliver the letter as early as the wedding preparation, but Longhu Mountain is far from here. It's estimated that the wedding date has passed before the messenger arrives!"

Speaking of this, Zhuo Ben began to feel depressed again.

"To put it bluntly, the wedding date is too hasty!"

"In fact, this is a good thing, because I can't wait to marry you. In that case, when I wake up every day, Wu Zizhang will have a sister. It's more convenient for his sister to receive Ying Weilan.

Zhuo Benzheng felt a strong sense of guilt again. Ying Weilan seemed to see the idea in his heart and couldn't help laughing.

"Well, don't say anything. I'm a dusty woman. It's normal that your father can't accept it. As long as you can really treat me, I don't care about anything!"

Zhuo Ben was taking a deep breath. "Weilan, don't worry. As a scholar, I still have this belief! From now on, I will be sincere to you. If there is any violation, heaven..."

Not waiting for Zhuo ben to say the following oath, Ying Weilan stretched out his hand to block his mouth.

"Don't say anything. With you, Weilan will die without regret!"

Ying Weilan left.

Accompanied by sister Wu Zizhang, she disappeared into the boundless night in a small sedan.

Although tomorrow is the wedding day, today's Zhuo house is deserted. Only the two red lanterns hanging at the door indicate what will happen here.

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