No guests, no wedding banquet, nothing.

Zhuo Ben was standing in the dark and felt desolate in his heart.

Although Jia Weilan has been saying that she doesn't care about those red tape, she still attaches great importance to them from the sewing xipa and other things she has been forgetting to eat and sleep during this period.

In fact, this is also human nature. Which girl doesn't want to get married?

The reason why she pretended not to care was just because there was no way.

At this point, Zhuo Ben was as worried as a knife.

I'm really incompetent!

I don't even have the ability to give my beloved woman a qualified wedding!

When the cold wind blew, Zhuo Ben suddenly had an impulse to cry.

At this time, I saw several lights flashing in the distance, and then I saw Yao Yachao, Han Bochao and Wu Zizhang coming with lanterns and large and small boxes in their hands.

"You..." Zhuo Ben opened his eyes in surprise.

"Ha ha, brother hazhuo, how can you have a happy day without us?" Yao Yachao smiled.

"Yes, any marriage must have a night watchman. Today we will watch the night for you!" Han Bochao said.

"Can there be no wine on the night watch? See? This is the aged wine I stole from my father's wine cellar. Today, our brothers will not be drunk!" Wu Zizhang raised the wine pot in his hand and said with a smile.

Looking at the smiling Wu Zizhang three, Zhuo Ben's eyes were hot and almost shed tears.

"OK! OK! I'm a little stuffy myself. Since I'm here, let's watch him all night tonight!"

"Yes, keep him all night!"

It's night!

Four people sat around, talking loudly, drinking and writing poetry, so happy.

It was not until dawn in the East that Zhuo Ben put on his new clothes and walked out of Zhuo's house surrounded by Yao Yachao.

The whole Zhuo mansion was quiet and terrible, and there was no sign of marriage at all.

Even the hired bride was startled.

I have long heard that master Zhuo is very dissatisfied with this marriage. It seems to be true!

But she didn't dare to say anything more. She said a few congratulations with a strong smile, and then hurriedly asked Zhuo ben to get on his horse and rush to the Wu house where Ying Weilan lived temporarily.

That is, after their party left, Mrs. Zhuo, who hid in the distant wing and peeped at it, had already burst into tears, and then said to her husband with infinite resentment.

"Now you're satisfied. You're the only child. As a result, you're embarrassing the child?"

Zhuo's father also had regrets in his heart at the moment, but it was impossible for him to take the initiative to bow his head, so his face was livid.

"He asked for everything!"

After that, Zhuo Fu turned and left.

At the same time, the wedding team has gone more than half the way.

Early risers gathered around the roadside to watch the excitement.

"Tut Tut, is this the childe of the Zhuo family? How can you get married so shabby that even an ordinary person is far inferior?"

"Haven't you heard that this marriage was requested by Mr. Zhuo. Mr. Zhuo firmly disagrees. The father and son have fallen out!"

"It's said that this young master Zhuo married a woman who was born in the world!"

All kinds of comments poured into Zhuo Benzheng's ears.

His heart was full of flavors, and he didn't know what it was like.

Fortunately, the journey was not far away, and the wedding team finally came to Wu Zizhang's home.

In contrast, it is actually the temporary residence of Wu house that has a more festive atmosphere of marriage.

But see the door open, red lights everywhere.

Even in front of the door, there were several servant girls who stopped horses and asked for red envelopes.

At this point, the sleepy Xi Niang found some feeling and began the process with a smile.

Entry, wine, wedding, sedan chair.

First, after the process came down, it was time to make rapid progress, and the welcoming team began to rush back.

Ying Weilan sits in the sedan chair, and Zhuo Ben is riding beside him.

Although neither of them spoke along the way, a kind of happiness surged in their hearts.

Finally, they returned to Zhuo's house.

Everything was the same as when I left. It was cold and there was no festive atmosphere at all.

Even Wu Zizhang, who temporarily served as Ying Weilan's family, could not help frowning.

Anyway, this old man Zhuo has gone too far.

But it's no use saying more.

The wedding procession stopped in front of the door. Zhuo Ben was dismounting, opened the car curtain, picked up Ying Weilan and walked to Zhuo's house.

No firecrackers, no flowers.

There is only the simple happiness of a new couple.

Soon, the two of them came to the nave, where there was the heaven and earth memorial tablet arranged by Xi Niang in advance.

Zhuo Ben is putting down the small waves. They stand quietly and wait to worship heaven and earth.

Somehow, the people in the field were silent.

Wu Zizhang's sister turned her head aside with tears in her eyes.

What a cruel wedding for a girl!

But at this time, Ying Weilan gently stretched out his hand and held Zhuo Benzheng's hand.

Zhuo Benzheng was stunned. Immediately, the two held their fingers together and never separated again.

"Worship heaven and earth!" Xi Niang shouted loudly.

They will bow down.

Just then, I heard a chuckle in the air.

"Brother Zhuo, didn't you say it's time to bother you with a wedding wine? Why did you start in a hurry before we arrived?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked.

Zhuo Benzheng and Ying Weilan turned their eyes and looked at the voice with consternation.

At the same time, xue'an fell to the ground with a smile.

Ren Ning, Sheng Hongxi, Niu Dali, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others landed behind him.

But the most striking is the group of people who landed last.

"Sister Ying!"

"Miss Ying!"

With the sound of Jiao drinking, all the girls in the Wanhua building rushed forward and surrounded Ying Weilan.

Ying Weilan woke up from the shock, "you..."

"It was childe Xue who brought us here. At that time, we didn't dare to come because we were afraid that you would be angry again. After all, our origins are bad! But childe Xue said that all origins are bullshit. As a friend, how can we not attend his good sister's wedding? That's why we came here. Are you not angry, sister?"

Xiao Weilan's eyes burst into excited tears, "of course not, how can I be angry! I... I'm so happy!"

At the same time, Xue an looked around and frowned.

"No, it's too cold! The wedding must be lively! I'll find some guests first!"

With that, Xue an waved, several messages rushed into the sky, and then flew in different directions.

Then Xue an stamped, "flowers bloom!"

In an instant, the whole Zhuo mansion and even the outer city were blooming.

For a time, it was full of flowers and lively.

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