In fact, as long as monks with certain strength can do this, because this is only a method of using heaven and earth aura, and there is not much strange.

But it's hard to make the flowers and plants in the whole city bloom at the same time as xue'an.

This requires a strong control over the aura of heaven and earth, and must cover the whole city at the same time.

So when the flowers bloom, the whole city is shocked.

"What's the matter? Why are all the flowers in full bloom at the same time?"

"Is there a big man here?"

While many people do not know why, some people are stunned.

"Look at Zhuo mansion!"

People turned their eyes and saw that the sky over Zhuo mansion was red and fragrant. Unexpectedly, a magical scene was formed in the sky.

"God, what's the matter? Is it because of the wedding of Zhuo mansion that it led to such a big battle?" Someone muttered to himself.

"I don't think it's possible. After all, that old man Zhuo resolutely disagrees with the marriage! And even if he agrees, he can't make such an array!" Someone retorted.

"Don't talk so much. Just go and see what's going on!"

Then the man ran to the Zhuo house.

The others looked at each other and followed.

For a time, the whole fangwai city was a sensation, especially those rich and powerful families who watched the whole process from the wall smelled a different smell from this matter, so they flocked to it.

Some of them came with rich gifts.

For a moment, the originally deserted Zhuo house became lively.

The guests who came to congratulate Xi almost broke the threshold.

Faced with such a sharp contrast, Zhuo Benzheng was stunned.

Xue an just smiled faintly.

Because he knew it was just the beginning.

Xue an likes Zhuo Benzheng and Wu Zizhang.

This is not only because they are practicing a method similar to Chinese Confucianism and law, but also because Xue an saw rare vitality and valuable qualities from these young people.

Especially this time, Zhuo Ben is trying his best to overcome the public opinion. He would rather marry Ying Weilan than live up to her, which makes Xue an admire him.

So he doesn't mind helping the young couple.

After all, it was just a small effort for him.

In the main room at the same time, Mrs. Zhuo, who was looking into the courtyard through the window gap, became excited.

"Look, old man, almost all the dignitaries in the city have arrived! And the later childe is so good that he even ordered the flowers in the whole city to bloom together. Should we go out?"

Zhuo Benzheng's father Zhuo Qianqi naturally saw the outside scene. To tell the truth, after xue'an appeared at the beginning, he wanted to go out to meet him.

Because through the stories of Zhuo Benzheng and Wu Zizhang, he already knew that Xue Annai, who played a brilliant role in the Ling'an cultural conference, was a handsome young man in white.

So needless to ask, the gentle and arrogant young man in the hospital must be Xue an.

When such a person comes, he naturally has to meet him personally.

This is also a step for yourself.

But when the girls from the Wanhua building also appeared, Zhuo Qianqi's face turned black.

"Don't go! I'm willing to go. You go! I said never to interfere in this wedding is never to interfere!"

Mrs. Zhuo has been with Zhuo Qianqi for many years. Naturally, she knows that he has lost his temper, so she can only cry silently.

"I've never seen such a cruel father as you!"

Zhuo Qianqi didn't say a word with a black face.

At this time, Wu Zizhang came to Xue an and whispered.

"Childe, will the wedding begin?"

"Don't worry, wait!" Xue an said quietly.

"Wait?" Wu Zizhang is a little unclear, so.

Now almost all the dignified people in fangwai city have arrived. What are you waiting for?

In fact, not only did he have doubts, but these people behind him were also full of doubts, and then gathered together to whisper.

"Who is this young man in white? Why such a big style?"

"Looking at the respectful manner of Wu Zizhang and others, it may be the son Xue who made a great success at the Ling'an Cultural Conference!"

"Yes, it's him! As it is said, he is like jade and forgets the customs!"

"Such people are coming. Why hasn't Zhuo Qianqi come forward to meet them?"

"Don't you know the temper of Zhuo Qianqi? It's as smelly and hard as the stone in the pit!"

"Who says no, if you change to other parents, how can you let your son marry so shabby!"

Everyone nodded one after another. It seems that they all know Zhuo Qianqi's temper and character.

Then someone asked, "what are you waiting for if you don't start the wedding at this time?"


What are you waiting for?

Many people have this question in their hearts.

At this time, as if to answer what they thought, Xue an looked up and said faintly, "here it is!"


What's coming?

Many people immediately looked with Xue an's eyes, but they saw that the sky was empty and nothing different.

But the next moment, a chariot ran over the sky at a very fast speed, and then came over Zhuo's house.


The chariot fell to the ground, and then several figures hurried down from it.

The leader was a young woman in white with a look of panic.

When Xue an arrived, he gave a deep and trembling salute.

"Ren'an city director Xing, have you seen your excellency!"

As soon as he said this, everyone present was shocked.

We all know the great changes that have taken place in Ren's family in ren'an city during this period.

The former family director Di died at the Ling'an Cultural Conference and was killed by his own daughter Ren Ning.

The Ren family had no head and fell into chaos.

In this case, Ren Xing, the little daughter of the Ren family, stepped forward and swept away all the wrong people by means of thunder, which soon calmed the turmoil and finally won the position of home owner.

For a time, the outside world talked about it, and many people said that there were behind this term of apricot.

However, Ren Xing is now in charge of a large family at a young age, and seems to have become a real power figure in Lingan domain.

So many people were shocked when she appeared at the wedding and gave Xue an such a respectful gift.

Even Han Bochao lowered his voice and asked Yao Yachao, "why did she come?"

"Fool, I must have received the news from childe Xue!" Yao Yachao said.

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