"What did Mr. Xue ask her to do?" Han Bochao is still a little puzzled.

"There should be others, not just her!"

"There will be others? Who is it?"

"I don't know. I'll see it later!"

At the same time, in the face of Ren Xing's gift, Xue an just nodded lightly.

"I see. Step aside!"


Ren Xing dared to straighten up, and then respectfully retreated to one side.

The men she brought came up with heavy boxes.

"I've heard that childe Zhuo is getting married. This is my intention of ren'an city. Please accept it!" Ren Xing explained.

But when the lid of the box was opened, the jewels inside made everyone deeply understand what luxury is.

This is called a little mind?

Zhuo Benzheng was a little confused, "this... This..."

He wanted to say it was too much!

Unexpectedly, Ren apricot turned white and said with panic: "if childe Zhuo doesn't feel enough, I'll ask someone to send some more boxes later!"

"No... not that! I just..." Zhuo Benzheng suddenly stopped talking.

Because he saw Ren Xing's heartfelt fear and immediately wanted to understand the reason.

Obviously, Ren Xing is afraid of Xue an. These gifts are obviously gifts, but they are actually showing loyalty to Xue an.

That's why she was so nervous when she saw her hesitation.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Ben sighed and nodded, "that's it... Thank you, master Ren!"

Ren Xing was relieved.

Zhuo Ben was right. She was really afraid of Xue an.

Even after receiving the message from Xue an, she didn't dare to delay for a moment, and immediately came with a gift.

Fortunately, I came in time. If I miss the time, I may even have to take my own life!

Thinking of this, Ren Xing peeked at Ren Ning standing behind Xue an.

At this time, Ren Ning's momentum was quiet and his eyes were elated. He had no cowardice in the past.

Ren Xing's heart is full of envy.

The fate of people is really unpredictable!

Before, Ren Ning was completely ignored at home, so she was almost sent out as a gift.

But I never thought her life would be so good. Unexpectedly, she met such a noble person as Xue an. As a result, her fate changed greatly.

Now he has become the envy side.

Ren Xing was thinking, when he saw another bright light in the sky, and then flew over Zhuo mansion.

After landing, he was an extraordinary man.

Many people didn't know him, but Zhuo Benzheng and Wu Zizhang recognized him.

Isn't this the great talent Fu Yuanfeng who attended the Ling'an cultural conference at the beginning!

His appearance surprised Wu Zizhang and others.

At the same time, Fu Yuanfeng walked quickly to Xue an and bowed his hand.

"Mr. Xue!"

Xue an smiled calmly, "I didn't expect you to come so soon, brother Fu!"

"I didn't dare to delay for a moment after receiving the letter from childe Xue, so I came here immediately!"

Fu Yuanfeng said, then turned his head and smiled at Zhuo Benzheng not far away.

"Brother Zhuo is very happy to be married. I'll come uninvited. Don't be angry!"

Zhuo Ben woke up from his amazement and said with a smile, "brother Fu, you're welcome. You're a distinguished guest I can't invite. How can I be angry? Please take a seat and have a tea!"

Fu Yuanfeng laughed. "You don't have to drink tea. I came here today to drink! I haven't brought it up yet!"

At the command, his servants brought rich gifts.

At this time, the Xi Niang volunteered to be a publicity officer and shouted, "master Fu Yuanfeng of Haofeng city sends a congratulatory gift!"

The name of Fu Yuanfeng made many people present pale.

If the arrival of Ren Xing was only a small-scale earthquake, now the arrival of Fu Yuanfeng is an intermediate earthquake.

Because this Fu Yuanfeng became famous very early. He is one of the best young talents!

Haofeng city is the largest city in Lingan!

In the past, such people could never come to such a small place as fangwaicheng.

Mrs. Zhuo, who was hiding in the room and peeping, was a little anxious.

"Old man, did you hear that people have come to places like Lianhao Fengcheng? Do you still have to carry a shelf?"

Zhuo Qianqi's face is changeable.

Seriously, he did have some regrets at the moment.

Regret that you shouldn't go all the way to the dark. You've done so well that you don't even have a step to go down now.

"What can people from Haofeng city do? I won't go out!" Zhuo Qianqi has a cow's temper.

"How stubborn are you, an old man? If you come back later, won't you go out?"

"What other distinguished guests can come? I don't believe he can invite all the great people in Lingan!"

As soon as the voice fell, just like in response to his words, the outside world first set off a violent noise, and then heard a loud shout and salute through the sky.

"Miss Manning village, Huaicheng village, Qing Dynasty came to give a congratulatory gift!"

"Prince Bao Luobao of Cloud View city came to present a congratulatory gift!"


Such shouts one after another made Zhuo Qianqi's face in the house very wonderful.

Because these people are all famous people in the spiritual security region without exception.

Mrs. Zhuo didn't rush at this time, but sneered: "now you're satisfied. The big people in the whole Lingan domain have come. I think when can you finish it!"

"What if they all come? I won't show up unless the domain master comes in person!" Zhuo Qianqi launched a fierce attack.

But today is destined to be his face.

Because just then there was a cry of surprise outside, and then a hearty laughter shook the sky.

"Mr. Xue, I came here after I received your letter. I hope I didn't miss the good time!"

"I didn't miss the hour, but I'm just missing you!" Xue an responded in an indifferent tone.

"Ha ha, I can't help it. I've just straightened out the affairs of the general's house. There are too many chores, but how can I not give Mr. Xue's face? So I'm not drunk today!"

Xu Lingan!

The domain master of Lingan domain.

Now Zhuo Qianqi had nothing to say, so he immediately stood up and walked back and forth.

Seeing this, Mrs. Zhuo did not forget to make a mockery.

"Why? Don't you have a shelf in the house?"

"Nonsense, even the domain leader is close. Isn't it too uneducated for me to hide in the house without seeing anyone?"

With that, Zhuo Qianqi opened the door and went out.

At this moment, this small courtyard has truly become the absolute center.

Because almost all the big people in the spiritual security region have arrived.

At this time, there are many strong people who are as difficult as seeing the last side, which is dazzling.

Even as the male host of the mansion, Zhuo Qianqi still has some weakness in his heart.

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