The situation is so bad. Why doesn't Mr. Xue even look worried? He even thinks it's not a matter at all?

Xue'an shrugged. "Yes, it's really no big deal, because I copied those eleven poems!"

This remark made the whole audience dumbfounded.

Fu Yuanfeng, Zhuang Manning and others stared at Xue an dumbfounded.

Xu Lingan was almost choked by his saliva and asked in a changed tone, "what are you talking about?"

Xue an said lightly, "I said I copied those eleven poems!"

"From which book?" Xu Lingan asked immediately.

"Well... It was copied from a book called 300 Tang poems."

Three hundred Tang Poems?

Xu Ling'an and Fu Yuan Feng Zhuang Manning, who were present, looked at each other and saw the doubts in each other's eyes.

This is the first time they have heard the name.

"Who wrote this 300 Tang poems? When was it written?" Xu Lingan asked persistently.

"Who did it..." Xue an scratched his head. "There are so many authors that I can't remember clearly! As for its completion year, it took 289 years from 618 to 907 A.D.!"

After that, Xue an Chong, Xu Ling'an and others smiled, "do you understand?"

Xu Ling and others did not understand, but they saw their faces make complaints about their chairs, and their hearts were crazy.

What and what!

What do you mean you can't remember the author, and what's the following string of numbers and years?

Who can write a book for two hundred eighty-nine years?

Xu Ling'an said in tears and laughter: "childe, let's not joke, shall we?"

Fu Yuanfeng also said, "yes, childe, this matter is very important, and even related to the reputation of our Lingan domain. We must not play with it!"

Looking at the serious Xu Ling'an and Fu Yuanfeng, Xue an sighed, "what I said is clearly true. Why don't you believe it?"

Everyone was speechless.

On the contrary, Zhuang Manning suddenly sighed at this time.

"I see. The childe must disdain to explain to those petty people, so he made up this story, right?"

Xue Anwei was stunned and looked at Zhuang Manning in surprise.

And his expression more supports Zhuang Manning's conjecture.

She said excitedly, "young master has a noble temperament, just like the clouds in the nine days. Naturally, I disdain to spend more time with the disciples of the fly camp dog. The so-called clear is from the clear, and the turbid is from the turbid. Indeed, the realm of young master is much higher than ours!"

After that, Zhuang Manning got up and left his seat and saluted Xue an deeply.

Her words also awakened Xu Ling'an, Fu Yuanfeng and others. They all had a sudden understanding, and then got up one after another and saluted Xue an.

"Great wisdom, childe!"

In the face of these people's behavior, Xue an can't cry or laugh. Looking at Zhuang Manning standing in the front, he has only one idea in his heart.

Woman... She is really a kind of creature who is good at adding self touch to her brain!

"All right, get up!" Xue an said faintly.

He was too lazy to explain anything.

Anyway, no matter how you explain it, these people won't believe it. Let them go!

Xu Lingan and Fu Yuanfeng got up and returned to their seats.

Only Zhuang Manning did not move. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Xue an with burning eyes.

"What else can I do for you?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

He is really afraid of such a woman who is good at self-healing.

Zhuang Manning took a deep breath and said slowly, "I have nothing else to do. I just want to persuade you. Although you have a noble temperament and don't want to explain with worldly things, now this matter is not only related to you, but also closely related to thousands of students in Lingan area!"

"If you are really slandered and successful by those vulgar things, it will be a great damage to the cultural luck of the whole spiritual security region!"

"Oh? Is it so serious?" Xue an asked.

"Yes, after all, after this Lingan cultural conference, you are already the leader in the literary world of the whole Lingan region. If you fall, it will damage not only the cultural luck of Lingan region, but also the faith of tens of thousands of students. At that time, I don't know how many students will waste and sink!" Zhuang Manning said in a heavy tone.

"Yes! Younger martial sister Zhuang is right. Even for the tens of millions of students in Ling'an area, you can't easily fall down!" Fu Yuanfeng got up again to salute.

Xue an fell into silence.

Seriously, he really didn't care about fame.

He came to this world to find the guy who changed the timeline of the heavens.

The rest is just easy.

That's why he frankly admitted that all his poems came from Chinese Tang poetry.

But who could have thought that this matter now also involves the cultural luck of the whole spiritual security region.

If those students were really punished for themselves, it would be a disaster.

Thinking of this, Xue an nodded, "well, in that case, I'll explain to them at that time!"

Xu Lingan shook his head. "It's useless to explain. At this time, Zhongyu has formed a certain consensus with the help of people with intentions. Even if you explain to them, they won't believe it!"

"Shit, these guys in the central region are absolutely hateful. They just don't like the talent of the young master in our remote place. That's why they maliciously slander us!" Bao Luo from Yunjing city suddenly said angrily.

"Yes, they are jealous! But the problem is that now the voice is in their hands, there is nothing we can do!" Fu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly, obviously aware of this situation, but helpless.

Everyone fell into silence.

Everyone's face is not good-looking.

At this time, Xue an said faintly, "in fact, there is no way!"

"Oh? What can I do?" All the people asked when their eyes lit up.

Xue an stretched out her slender fingers like bamboo shoots and gently turned the wine cup on the table.

"Since they don't believe that I made these eleven poems, I'll make another eleven poems in front of them and use their rules. Won't it end?"

Everyone opened their eyes.

Xue an went on to say, "the title is up to them to choose, and then I will make a poem under their supervision. They can't say it's still plagiarism!"

Xue an blinked, "what do you think?"

Before Fu Yuanfeng and others spoke, Zhuang Manning took the lead in calling good.

Seeing her excited face with a blush, "good idea. In this way, you can not only prove the childe's talent, but also sweep away the previous plagiarism rumors. It can be called a coup to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Good is good, but is there too much risk?" Xu Lingan hesitated.

After all, this is to go to other people's territory and do things according to other people's rules. If something goes wrong at that time, all previous efforts will be wasted.

Xue an just smiled faintly.

"Don't worry, since I dare to say so, it proves that I have full confidence. It's just that the general cultural conference is about to be held. Don't they believe it? Then I'll face the people all over the world..."

Xue an took a sip of the wine from the cup and said with his eyes like a knife, "hit them with poetry!"

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