Central region, Xihua city.

This is a very high-end restaurant, located in the rich land of Xihua city. People who can come here for dinner are either rich or expensive.

Because it was not time for dinner, it was cold in front of the restaurant. Even the waiter leaned against the door post and dozed off.

At this time, a burst of wheels rolling over the bluestone broke the silence.

The waiter of the famous shop woke up from half sleep and half wake up. Looking up, he saw a carriage that was dark all over and even the carriage was black, and then stopped at the door of the shop.

The waiter quickly wiped the saliva on the corner of his mouth, walked a few steps and greeted him with a smile.

But he did not take the initiative to say hello, because as the waiter of this high-end restaurant, he knew that the guests who could come here were more or less eccentric.

In particular, the carriage is dark and thrilling. God knows what kind of person its owner will be.

In case the other party doesn't like others to take the initiative to greet him, his hospitality will not only do useless work, but even have a negative effect.

So he just stood respectfully by the roadside, lowered his head and eyes, and didn't dare to look more.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtain shake, and then a faint fragrance hit. Two women in white gauze stepped out of the carriage.

The two men all wore veils and hats and hid themselves tightly.

But the waiter greeted them every day. His eyes were so fierce. Although he only glanced at them, he could still conclude that both women were rare beauties.

Especially the one in front is the most beautiful among all.

But the more so, the more the waiter dared not look up.

Because if women of this level can appear here, they must have an extremely deep background.

With such an identity, maybe one more look will lead to great disaster.

So he stood upright until the two white figures had gone far. He dared to look up slightly and looked at the back that had disappeared at the corner of the second floor with fear.

The two women in white walked up the second floor.

This second floor is more luxurious and private than the hall on the first floor.

The ground was covered with a thick carpet, and there was no sound when your feet stepped on it.

The two men walked to the door of a private room at the deepest part of the corridor, and then listened to the woman in front of them.

"You wait outside!"

"Yes, miss!" The woman behind answered. It sounded as if they were the master and servant.

The woman pushed open the heavy door and entered the box.

There are thick curtains hanging on the window of the box, which can't even shine.

So although it was broad daylight, it was dark in the box.

Without the slightest panic, the woman turned her back and closed the door.

With a click, the door closed, the external sound was completely isolated, and the room was terrible.

Just then, I heard a chuckle in the dark.

"Although it's not the first time we've met, we can't help being overwhelmed by Miss Yun's amazing face every time we see her!"

With the words, a candle lit on the square table in the middle of the room.

The candle light was blue, and the box became more and more gloomy and terrible.

But all this terror combined can't compare with the man sitting behind the table.

It's human, but it's just an existence close to human form.

The reason for this is that although this existence sits there, it is like a floating shadow. Even a candle close at hand can't shine through the surface.

But the flicker of this dark shadow at that time was like a terrible picture that would only appear in a nightmare.

Nevertheless, the woman still had no fear. Instead, she slowly took off her hat and veil, revealing a beautiful and refined cheek.

It's Yun lingxuan.

"Housekeeper Hong praised me!"

After that, she sat opposite the dark shadow.

The shadow shook a few times, and then a face gradually appeared in the head area.

This is an indescribable cheek.

Although the facial features are no different from people, and even quite handsome, when they come together, they give people a feeling of extreme evil. If you look more, you will go crazy.

At the moment, such a cheek is greedily staring at Yun lingxuan.

Other women might have gone crazy at that time.

But Yun lingxuan seemed to be used to it and calmly faced the opposite eyes.

"Hey, hey, hey..." The shadow burst out a harsh laugh, "do you know why I think you are beautiful, Miss Yun? Because you are the only woman who dares to face me without changing her face!"

Speaking of this, the face frowned and said in a rather depressed tone.

"I don't know when, there are fewer and fewer such women! Especially when they know that I can see through all their disguises, no women are willing to stand in front of me!"

"After all, no matter what clothes they wear or what camouflage they use, it doesn't help. In my eyes, they are just like naked! Ha ha ha ha!"

The dark figure burst into a triumphant laugh.

Yun lingxuan didn't move at all, but sat there quietly until his laughter gradually stopped.

"Are you finished laughing? Then start trading!"

The shadow muttered in frustration, "Hey, aren't you afraid at all?"

"Afraid? Why should I be afraid?" Yun lingxuan said quietly.

"I can see through all your disguises!"

"Oh, then what? Can we start trading?" Yun lingxuan said.

The dark shadow suddenly felt that he had no sense of achievement, so he said, "well, well, it's really boring. Start trading quickly!"

Yun lingxuan nodded, and then took out a potholed and gray stone from her pocket.

After seeing the stone, the dark shadow lit up.

"I didn't expect Miss Yun to accumulate so many wishes in such a short time!"

With that, a tentacle stretched out from the dark shadow to take the stone.

Yun lingxuan raised her hand to let go of the tentacle, and then said faintly, "what do I want?"

As soon as the dark shadow suffocated, it immediately threw a light ball angrily.

"I can't help it. I've traded so many times. Is Miss Yun still so vigilant?"

Yun lingxuan took the ball of light with a pale face and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was what she wanted, she threw the stone in her hand and said at the same time.

"There's no way. When dealing with you, you must be vigilant!"

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