The shadow didn't respond, because after receiving the stone, it couldn't wait to stretch out several tentacles and deeply pierce into the stone.

The tentacle sucked hard, and a gray brilliance gushed out of the stone, and then converged into the dark shadow along the tentacle.

The shadow uttered an extremely comfortable groan, but this state did not last long.

With the sucking of tentacles, the gray on this stone quickly faded and finally turned into a white strange stone.


The stone fell to the ground and turned into powder.

The shadow leaned back on the chair for a long time and seemed to be enjoying the aftertaste of the ultimate refreshing.

After a long time, I only heard it sigh slightly: "it has to be the wish from these literati teenagers! It is not only the essence, but also chewy. Just one bite can make people forget all their troubles! Unfortunately, the amount is too small!"

Then he looked at the opposite Yun lingxuan with some dissatisfaction, "can't you save more willpower?"

Yun lingxuan shrugged, "it's just equivalent exchange. You give me so much. Naturally, I can only give you these!"

After that, Yun lingxuan stood up and was about to leave.

At this time, the shadow suddenly said, "Miss Yun, in fact, I've always been curious. Why do you collect so much information about him at all costs?"

Yun lingxuan's body shook slightly and immediately said faintly, "it doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. We're just trading partners who get what we need."

"Giggle, don't be so nervous. You know, our existence doesn't have the superficial and ridiculous morality of your human beings, so it doesn't matter to me to provide you with this information."

"And even if you don't say it, I know that you are so painstaking in collecting intelligence. You must be waiting for an opportunity to revenge! No, no, no, don't be nervous, let alone show your ancient mirror. All this is just my reasonable guess!"

"After all, with his work style, I don't know how many enemies and enemies he has provoked in these endless years. Even as he's the housekeeper, I can't count them one by one! So if I guess correctly, you must be one of his many enemies!"

Yun lingxuan's murderous eyebrows gradually eased down, and then said in a cold tone: "so what?"

"Cluck, cluck, I knew it was like this. Miss Yun, although all this has nothing to do with me, for the sake of so much happiness you have brought me, I still want to advise you!"


"Don't have unrealistic dreams. You've been trying hard to collect intelligence for so many years just to kill him yourself? But that's impossible, because you can't imagine how powerful he is!"

"All your efforts now are just a worthless joke in front of you! Even I'm sure you know I'm betraying you, but so what?"

"Even Li didn't care about it because he didn't care!"

With the narration of the dark shadow, Yun lingxuan's face became more and more pale, but the perseverance in her eyes did not fade at all.

"He doesn't care that it's his business, but I must do it, and I firmly believe that I can cut him!"

The shadow smiled, "is human's stupid and blind courage? Well, just take it as if I didn't say. Good luck and hope the next sacrifice can satisfy me!"

The words fell, the shadow dispersed and disappeared.

Yun lingxuan stood for a moment, then resolutely turned around, pushed the door and walked out of the box.


Tuan'er hurried up and looked concerned.

"Let's go!"

Yun lingxuan and tuan'er put on their hats and left the restaurant.

At the same time, xue'an, Ren Ning, Sheng Hongxi and others had appeared on the streets of Xihua city.

"Wow, is this the world-famous Xihua city? It looks so prosperous!" Zhang Xiaoqiang exclaimed.

"Come on, Dick, pay a little attention to your image. Don't look like you haven't seen the world!" Niu Dali pretended to be calm.

But the brilliance in his eyes had betrayed his true thoughts.

Even Fu Yuanfeng and Zhuang Manning, who have been to Xihua city several times, can't hide their excitement at the moment.

you 're right!

Not only the people from Longhu stronghold but also the young talents from Ling'an region came with xue'an this time.

After attending Zhuo Ben's wedding with Ying Weilan in fangwaicheng that day, these people led by Fu Yuanfeng didn't go back, but directly followed Xue an to the middle regions.

Just then, Sheng Hongxi asked, "Sir, where are we going next?"

Yeah, where are you going?

Everyone focused on Xue an.

Xue an didn't speak, but looked at the West until they asked, and then he restrained his eyes and said calmly.

"Go to the Qisi poetry club and report first! After all, they hold the general literature meeting, so we have to give them face!"

Everyone nodded.

"Yes! That's it. Go and report first and tell these guys that we're in Ling'an area!" The young master Bao Luobao of Yunjing city is very excited about boxing.

Fu Yuanfeng could not help nodding and said, "yes, the name is irregular and the words are not smooth. Since we came to break the rumors, we should be upright!"

Xue an didn't think so much at all. He just felt that he had to go to Qisi poetry club.

After all, the memorial tablet of Wensheng has always been here!

Kai Si poetry club is not difficult to find. Xue an didn't even ask for the way, so he smoothly came to the door of Kai Si headquarters.

Like other people who saw the headquarters for the first time, Fu Yuanfeng and others were also deeply shocked.

"I've heard that the headquarters of Qisi poetry club is unique. I've seen it today!" Fu Yuanfeng smiled bitterly.

"This broken house, which seems to fall down at any time, is the world-famous headquarters of Kai Si Poetry Society?" Baoluo in Cloud View city still can't believe it.

Only Zhuang Manning snorted coldly, "fishing for fame!"

She did not have much affection for the Kai Si poetry society, especially after the Ling'an Wen Hui incident.

Xue an didn't say anything, but said faintly, "you don't have to go in. Just wait outside!"

With that, xue'an stepped up the steps and walked to the Kai Si headquarters.

After crossing the threshold, the challenging courtyard is in front of us.

Only a few stones scattered among the mud and water can settle down.

Seeing this, Xue an's mouth raised a cold smile.

The strength is as strong as him. Naturally, we can see the clue behind this.

The so-called muddy path is actually the test of this Kai Si headquarters for visitors.

"Small skills!"

Between words, xue'an stepped onto the first stone.

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