"There's nothing to make a fuss about. It should be the people of Kai Si poetry society who go back to the headquarters!" The cow spoke vigorously.

But as soon as his voice fell, there was a violent noise from the Kai Si poetry society, which was mixed with many footsteps and startling voices.

Now everyone's face changed.

Ren Ning turned pale and rushed directly to the gate without saying a word.

But when Wenshan was inspired, the whole Kai Si headquarters had been shrouded in a light curtain.

With the strength of Ren Ning, who has just built the foundation, how can she get in.

Just when she was anxious and was about to cry, an indifferent voice sounded from her and Sheng Hongxi, Fu Yuanfeng and others.

"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

It's Xue an's voice.

Ren Ning immediately stood up and looked inside the wall.

But I couldn't see anything except the light curtain.

But at this time, she already knew that Xue an was fine, and a hanging heart was finally put down.

"See if I'm right. Is this little Kai Si poetry club an opponent of adults?" Sheng Hongqian said with a smile.

Nevertheless, Ren Ning still has some doubts in her heart.

What is master doing now?

Why is there so much noise in Qisi poetry club just now?

In fact, Xue an is climbing the mountain now.

you 're right!

It's literally mountain climbing.

After stepping into the literary transportation space of Qisi poetry society, Xue an saw the towering Qisi Wenshan.

Although he didn't know much about this Wenshan before.

It can be seen that his strength can only see the mystery contained in this Wenshan in a moment.

But he is different from those who are eager to get the favor of the so-called Wenshan.

Although this Wenshan mountain was born with thousands of years of literary luck of Kai Si poetry society, it can be called a behemoth, but to him, it is just a pool of dead things and has no value at all.

I saw him walking up the mountain like a stroll. All kinds of obstacles retreated and could not be an obstacle.

But the mountain seemed to have no end. Even with xue'an's feet, it still didn't reach the top after walking for a quarter of an hour.

Seeing this, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly and then stepped down with a sudden foot.


After a loud noise, the Wenshan mountain shook slightly, and then the surrounding space seemed to break suddenly, and it suddenly opened up in front of me.

It turned out that the surrounding space had been changed by some rules, so Xue an walked for a long time and was actually in a circle.

A dignified color flashed in Xue an's eyes.

This Wenshan mountain has reached an unimaginable level in terms of space control, at least.

"That's interesting. I thought you were just a dead thing!"

Xue an said softly, and then walked.

Xue an paid more attention this time. Every step implied great power.

In one step, it can span hundreds of feet, step down one after another, and finally the Wenshan mountain appears at the top of the mountain.

But at this time, a thin figure like a jellyfish suddenly appeared in the surrounding space.

As soon as he appeared, he came straight to Xue an.

Xue an snorted coldly. His eyes were full of brilliance, and he wanted to gather his sword Qi to resist the enemy.

But when he tried, the sword did not appear. Xue an was surprised.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation.

But the reality can't help but hesitate. In Xue an's stunned scene, these figures have rushed to the front, and then raised their hands to turn into sharp spikes and stab Xue an straight.

Xue an was not flustered, but smiled coldly, then raised his fist and blew.

Although the sword intention was not condensed, Xue an's boxing was not hindered.

Just listen to a loud bang, the magnificent force rushed out, and directly blew away the figures who rushed to the front.

However, these figures did not suffer any damage. Instead, they rushed towards Xue an again after standing firm.

At this point, Xue an found that these figures seem weak, but in fact they are extremely tough.

Especially when they bombard with great force, these figures are like springs. The greater the pressure, the greater the rebound.

Xue an sneered, "it's a good plan to block the whole space with Wen Yun, so that other forces can't conceive, and then surround me with this force!"

"It seems that I underestimated you before. You are far from a dead thing, but a spiritual existence!"

Wenshan was silent, only the swish sound of these figures walking through the air.

Xue an stood still until these figures reached the body. Xue an suddenly raised his eyes.

Huge thoughts rushed out like a tide. Where they passed, these figures were directly torn to pieces without even struggling.

But this is far from over. After these figures were torn to pieces by Qi Qi, Xue an's divine power was like a heavy fist, which bombarded Wenshan firmly.


A crisp sound came from Wenshan, and then a painful dull hum was heard.

Xue an said faintly, "why don't you keep silent?"

As he spoke, his eyes were as bright as a diamond, and his violent spiritual power condensed again to form a huge fist, which hung over Wenshan and could fall at any time.

Xue an stood in place and said, "now I'll give you three seconds to think about it. If you don't show up after three seconds, don't blame me for being rude!"


In fact, it was useless. Xue an counted the second number, and a frightened voice came from the Wenshan mountain in front of him.

"Don't move, don't do it, I'll come out, I'll come out!"

With the voice, wisps of white fog diffuse from Wenshan mountain, and then gather in the air, condensing into an illusory figure of literati.

This is a high crown and broad belt, like a figure from ancient times.

When it appeared in front of Xue an, even Xue an couldn't help raising her eyebrows slightly.

"Are you the aura of this Wenshan?"

"Yes! I am!" The figure said hurriedly.

"Then why did you stop and kill me?" Xue an asked.

This is also his doubt. If Wenshan doesn't want to get close to him, he doesn't want to inspire himself directly. Why do he take action after he enters the Wenyun space?

Unexpectedly, the figure was wronged when he heard the speech, "I'm afraid you'll harvest my aura again!"

"Harvest away?"

"Yes! Just like those people a hundred years ago, they have fun conquering me, and then take away all the aura I have worked hard to accumulate!" The figure said.

Xue an was neither laughing nor crying. He didn't think about it at all, but he asked with a straight face.

"In that case, you won't let me enter your literary space?"

"Do you think I'm willing to let you in? It's triggered automatically as soon as you step into the courtyard!"

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