"Oh? Auto fire?"

"Yes! I used to stay well in Wenshan, but suddenly you came. At that time, I thought you came to rob my aura like those people, so I tried to stop you and try to make you retreat!"

"But who thought that even the space enchanting array couldn't stop you, but I went to the battle and manipulated the shadow parts to attack you. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. I not only tore up those shadow parts, but also punched me firmly..."

This Wenshan Lingyun is more and more wronged, just like a child who was robbed of candy and beaten.

Xue an couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. It seems that she has become a bad person!

"How long have you been here?"

"I don't know, but since I had a clear consciousness, the guys who robbed the aura while I was ignorant have never appeared again!" Wenshan Lingyun replied honestly.

Xue anruo thinks.

He naturally heard that Wenshan's aura was not lying.

Because the little guy didn't exist for too long, so that he spoke like a child of seven or eight years old.

Xue an is naturally not interested in the same aura as a child.

So he said lightly: "now the misunderstanding has been clarified. I'm not the one who came to rob your aura. I just mistakenly entered here by chance, so you can rest assured!"

After that, xue'an dispersed his fist power and released the shackles of Wenshan's aura.

Wenshan Lingyun moved his body, then peeked at Xue an. Seeing what he was looking around for, he couldn't help asking.

"Are you looking for a way out?"

"Yes! Can you send me out?" Xue an turned to look at it.

"Of course! You know, I'm the master of this space!" This is Wenshan Lingyun's rather proud words.

"Oh, that's great!" Xue an boasted lightly.

In fact, he was just observing this space to find out how Wenshan of these academy societies was formed.

If he really wants to go out, he can't be trapped by this small world.

He's just very bored, so he just teases the spirit of Wenshan.

But it was this sentence that made Wenshan's Lingyun face shine.

This inexperienced aura was obviously a man's crazy temper. He immediately said, "I can send you out from here now, but there's something I need you to help me."

"What's up?"

"I've been here for so long. Although I'm comfortable, sometimes it's too boring, so can you go out with a wisp of my aura, so I can see the outside world!" This is Wenshan's aura.

"Yes, yes, but is it good for me?" Xue an glanced at Wenshan's Lingyun words.

"Benefits?" Wenshan Lingyun obviously didn't expect Xue an to ask. First, she was stunned and immediately said something.

"Isn't it good for me to take you out of here?"

Xue an just smiled faintly and stamped her feet.


The whole Wenshan mountain began to shake violently, and the space gave out an unbearable groan, as if it could break at any time.

This shocking scene also startled Wenshan's aura. He suddenly stepped back and looked at Xue an with a shocked face.

Xue an said calmly, "see? If I want to go out, I can leave at any time, so do you still think it's good?"

Wenshan's aura was full of complex expressions. After reading Xue an for a long time, he said, "what benefits do you want?"

"What good can you give me?"

"I don't know. I only know that a breath I occasionally spread will be regarded as a treasure by those guys outside. What they say can improve their wisdom and talent. In addition, I really don't know what I can do." Wenshan Lingyun replied honestly.

But this sentence brightened Xue an's eyes.

It's not wrong to say that Wenshan's aura is not deep in the world. He revealed such important information in just a few words.

Can improve people's talent and wisdom.

This is a divine skill!

You should know that no matter what skill you practice, you need to have enough talent and wisdom.

Both are indispensable.

Some people have excellent talent, but their IQ is average. As a result, they can easily be used by others.

Some people have extremely high IQ, but they are generally gifted. In this case, even if he tries his best, it is in vain.

And this Wenshan aura can actually improve these two aspects, which is a very rebellious skill wherever you put it.

Although it's better than Xue an's use of these, the two daughters are extremely gifted to think and read, and they don't have to use external forces to improve anything.

But even if you can't use it, disciple Ren Ning can use it.

At the thought of this, xue'an was calm on the surface, but nodded slightly, "OK, although your ability is of no great use, but helping people is the foundation of happiness, I'll try my best to help you once!"

Wenshan Lingyun didn't hear the clue at all, but nodded happily.

"Thank you! You're a good man!"

At that moment, Xue an's heart suddenly felt a sense of guilt for cheating children.

Did you go too far and cheat such a simple aura?

But soon Xue an dispelled these thoughts in his heart.

How can this be called cheating!

Obviously, it was Wenshan Lingyun's initiative to ask. He was just a handy help!

In a word, he volunteered everything, which has nothing to do with himself!

Thinking of this, Xue an smiled, "you're welcome. Who makes me a good man!"

At the same time, in the Kai Si headquarters, Lu Hui, Tang Xiao and many great scholars surrounded the courtyard, all waiting anxiously.

"Why don't you come out?" There are great Confucians who are very anxious.

"Climbing Wenshan is a very time-consuming thing, especially after falling into a dreamland, it will take a lot of time, so it's normal not to come out yet!" A great Confucian beside him stroked his beard and smiled and explained.

"How do you know so well?" Someone asked.

This sentence was asked about the man's itch, and his face was full of complacency.

"To tell you the truth, although I have little talent and learning, I also inspired Wenshan when I was promoted to the enlightenment. Naturally, I know what happened in Wenshan!"

"Oh? You inspired Wenshan?"

"But also!" Seeing the shock and envy on the faces next to him, the great scholar's face became more and more gratified.

"Is it difficult to climb Wenshan?"

"It's hard to say, it's easy to say!"

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