That is, when they left and looked for a place to stay.

The news that Xue an had arrived and went to Qisi headquarters to sign up for the cultural conference spread wildly, which immediately set off a big wave.

"What? This guy really dares to come? I'm afraid he's crazy!" Someone was shocked.

"Hehe, either you lose your mind, or you feel that you can despise people all over the world after winning a bet! Do you really think our middle region is comparable to his small spiritual security region?" Someone sneered.

Lou Wailou Restaurant.

Yun lingxuan was sitting quietly in front of the window on the second floor. Tuan'er ran up. He shouted excitedly before he entered the house.

"Miss, have you heard the news? Childe Xue has come to Xihua city!"

After hearing the sound, Yun lingxuan slowly opened her eyes.

At this time, tuan'er rushed into the room, his face full of blushes caused by too excited and running.

"Miss, according to the news just heard, childe Xue came to Xihua city and signed up for the Qisi poetry club. He said he was going to attend the general literature meeting!"

Yun lingxuan was stunned when she heard the speech.

Because she didn't expect Xue an to come suddenly.

"Don't get excited about what's going on. Speak slowly."

Tuan'er picked up the teapot on the table and drank a few mouthfuls first. Only after he gasped for breath did he speak with flying eyebrows.

"I heard from a friend who worked in the headquarters of Kai Si. He said that today someone suddenly inspired Kai Si Wenshan who had not appeared for a long time!"

"What? Inspired Kai Si Wen Shan?" Now Lian Yun lingxuan's face changed and asked anxiously, "are you sure the news is correct?"

"Sure and sure, there is no empty word!"

"And then?"

"Then the whole Kai Si headquarters was a sensation. Many great scholars who lived in seclusion and rarely appeared heard the news and wanted to accept the man who inspired Kai Si Wenshan!"

Yun lingxuan nodded, "it's normal. After all, no one has inspired Wenshan in Qisi poetry club for a hundred years!"

"Yes! That's what my friend said at that time. Guess what, the person who inspired Qi Siwen mountain was childe Xue!"

"Is he...?" Yun lingxuan had guessed for a long time, but she was surprised when she really got confirmation from tuan'er.

That's the world's leading poetry club. There are really a large number of talents under the door. Apart from anything else, Lu Hui, who is actually in power, is a first-class figure.

But none of these people could inspire Kai Siwen mountain. As a result, an outsider did it.

"Yes, it's childe Xue! After he came out, those people didn't know him, and even took the initiative to recruit him. They didn't realize it until childe took the initiative to sign up!"

Speaking of this, tuan'er was simply overjoyed. "It's ridiculous that these guys of Qisi poetry club have higher eyes than the top on weekdays. As a result, they are still taught to be a man by master Xue?"

But Yun lingxuan fell into a deep thought. After a long time, she said, "you mean that childe Xue took the initiative to go to the Kai Si headquarters this time?"

"Yes, he went to sign up! Hum, it's been crazy outside before. It's said that childe's poems were copied. I think he absolutely dare not participate in this general meeting. Now he's slapped in the face!"

"As long as the childe has a good performance at the cultural meeting, he will be able to shut up all doubts!" Tuan'er said with satisfaction. It seems that he has seen the moment when xue'an was "wronged and snowed".

Yun lingxuan was not as optimistic as tuan'er. Her eyes dropped and she thought about it carefully in her heart.

Before, I invited Xue an to come to Zhongyu to attend the general cultural conference, but he flatly refused.

At that time, it must have been a lie to say that Yun lingxuan was not sad at all.

After all, Xue an was the one who broke her string, according to the master who taught her piano skills at the beginning.

One day, the person who broke her string appeared, which means that the thing she has been searching for has finally taken a turn for the better.

This was also the reason why Yun lingxuan was so excited after the string was broken.

As a result, Xue an didn't talk to himself at all and flatly refused himself.

How could it not make her sad.

But she is a very tough woman, otherwise she would not hold the original hatred and refuse to put it down until now.

Since others can't count on it, even if you are alone, you should go down the road behind.

That's why she asked out the housekeeper Hong and paid a lot of money to get information.

Because she can't wait. With the passage of time, that existence will become stronger and stronger.

This general meeting is the best time to start.

But Yun lingxuan also knew that if she did it herself, the hope of winning was slim, so she was ready to die.

But I never thought it would turn around at this time.

Xue an, who once flatly refused himself, suddenly appeared again.

Although she only came to attend the general cultural conference, she still gave Yun lingxuan a glimmer of hope.

Seeing that the young lady was lost in thought, tuan'er also guessed something.

As a close servant girl, she saw everything the young lady did during this period.

She knew that the young lady had prepared for the worst. She wanted to persuade, but she knew it was useless. She could only look at it with sadness.

This is why she was so excited after knowing Xue an's arrival today.

After all, in her mind, the young man in white is omnipotent. As long as he appears, it means that the young lady is saved!

"Miss, shall we go to see the childe?" Tuan'er spoke carefully.

Yun lingxuan woke up from meditation, thought for a moment, and then nodded.


Tuan'er looked happy, "then I'll prepare!"

Then she went downstairs.

That is, when their master and servant learned the news, what happened in Kai Si headquarters also spread, and detonated public opinion again.

"Hiss, did I hear you right? Can a literary thief who plagiarizes poetry inspire Wenshan?"

"The news is conclusive, but I think there must be some misunderstanding!"

"Can there be any misunderstanding? I don't believe this Xue is so powerful. Immediately inquire about his residence. I'll come and visit him now to see what the other party comes from!"

For a time, the crowd was fierce, and many people were eager to try. They wanted to meet Xue an in advance.

Xue an knows nothing about it.

In fact, even if he knew, he didn't bother to pay attention to these bad things.

At the moment, he has led the people to live in an inn, and then opened the mode of living in seclusion and simplicity.

Having nothing to do every day is to guide Ren Ning's cultivation.

With the help of the wisp of enlightenment aura, Ren Ning's talent and wisdom are growing rapidly, and her cultivation is advancing thousands of miles a day.

After a few days of this quiet life, tuan'er came to the door himself.

When Sheng Hongqian led her to see Xue an, tuan'er was at a loss and came forward with a gentle salute.


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