Xue an is very fond of tuan'er.

Of course, this kind of favor is not the love between men and women, but simple appreciation.

Xue an saw extremely rare kindness and simplicity from this girl.

So after seeing tuan'er at the moment, Xue an smiled.

"Tuan'er, why are you here?"

After feeling the tenderness in Xue an's eyes, tuan'er's face couldn't help reddening. He couldn't say the words he had thought of, so he had to falter.

"I... i... no, miss. I was very glad to hear that the childe came. I specially ordered me to invite you to the building outside!"

Xue'an raised her eyebrows slightly, "miss your family?"

"Yes!" Tuan'er raised his head and looked at Xue an expectantly.

"Since the departure of Lingan City, my young lady has been thinking about you and wants to see you again. After hearing that you arrived at Xihua city this time, she sent me immediately!"

Xue an naturally could see that what tuan'er said was half true and half false. Inviting herself to meet him should be inspired by Yun lingxuan.

But to say that Yun lingxuan will never forget herself, Xue an categorically refuses to believe it.

After all, Xue an knows that girls like Yun lingxuan are arrogant. Even if they like themselves, they can't tell tuan'er clearly.

But he did not expose tuan'er's lie, because he knew that tuan'er said so because he was afraid of refusing again.

Anyway, it's still some time before the general cultural meeting. I have nothing to do. It's OK to meet in the past.

Thinking of this, Xue an smiled and nodded, "since your young lady invited me warmly, I wouldn't respect it! When will it be over?"

Hearing Xue an's promise, tuan'er's happy eyes were bent into crescent shape.

"My lady is waiting outside the building right now. You can go there now!"

"OK! Let's go now!"

Then Xue an turned to Ren Ning and Sheng Hongxi and said, "you two stay and wait. I'll go back!"

Ren Ning stepped forward and opened her mouth to speak.

Xue an smiled and waved his hand. "Don't worry. I just went to talk to miss Yun. Just wait at home!"

Ren Ning had to bow her head and answer, "yes!"

"Let's go!" Xue an said to tuan'er.

Naturally, she could not be a carriage as tuan'er, so she came by herself when she came.

You can't walk back when you go back.

Xue an and tuan'er stood on the street. "What direction is the building outside the building?"

Tuan'er stretched out his hand and pointed to the West. "It's over there!"

"OK! I'll fly you over and tell me in advance when you're about to arrive!"

With that, xue'an reached out and took tuan'er's hand, and then flew away.

After flying to the sky, tuan'er just reacted.

Oh, my God!

Childe Xue held my hand!


Tuan'er felt his blood gushing up, and his blushing was about to bleed.

She wanted to look up at Xue an in front of her, but the cold wind blowing in front of her made her unable to open her eyes.

Xue'an seemed to be aware of this and saw a flash of brilliance. The originally violent cold wind was blocked out.

"How's it going? Is it too fast?" Xue an asked softly.

"No... not fast!" Tuan'er ate AI's words, but there was only one idea in his heart.

Childe Xue is really... So gentle!

I just felt a little uncomfortable, he noticed the difference, and then used means to keep the cold wind out.

Such a gentle person must be very kind. It seems that the young lady's great hatred is really hopeful.

While she was thinking, she saw Xue an smile at her.

"Oh? Really unhappy?"

"Well, I can stand it!" Tuan'er spoke seriously.

But the next second her composure disappeared, because at this time, Xue an grabbed her waist, and then accelerated rapidly, galloping like wind and electricity in the sky.

The speed is even faster than people's Visual limit.

People on the ground just felt that something in the sky seemed to fly past, but when they looked up, they found nothing. Only a long path ran through the clouds in the sky.


What was that flying over just now?

These people are full of doubts.

At the moment, the heart of tuan'er, who is walking through the clouds, is full of fear and excitement.

Fear is because the speed of flying is too fast, which makes her gentle nature really unacceptable.

The excitement is because it is Mr. Xue who is flying with him at the moment.

Especially Xue an is still holding his waist, which makes Tuan Er feel a little shy in the excitement.

At this moment, it suddenly opened up. It turned out that in this short moment, Xue an had penetrated the clouds with tuan'er.

At their feet is the boundless wilderness. It turns out that they have rushed out of Xihua city to the wild land outside the city.

Speaking of this, I would like to briefly introduce the regional composition of the world.

In fact, the world is very similar to the ancient earth in all aspects, but it has expanded countless times.

On this huge and indescribable land stands cities of countless sizes and decimals.

Strangely enough, the wilderness outside these cities is deserted.

You can't find anyone on the wilderness except the official road for driving.

For example, the scattered villages on the earth do not exist at all.

Now xue'an and tuan'er came to a wilderness far from the official way.

"It seems that some have run!" Xue an loosened her grip on tuan'er and said something embarrassed.

Tuan'er couldn't lift his head, and said, "let's go back quickly! The young lady is still waiting for us!"


Xue an also felt that the joke just went too far. He wanted to scare the lovely little girl.

Instead of being afraid, the little girl hugged herself tightly and didn't say a word during the whole process.

This made Xue an feel a little guilty. She turned around with tuan'er and just wanted to go.

But at this time, the vast wilderness under my feet suddenly became as soft as a swamp. Then I saw huge soil bubbles on the ground, and then expanded rapidly.

Bang bang!

These earth bubbles began to burst one by one, and the smoke from them quickly filled the whole space, and even shrouded Xue an's way.

Tuan'er shrunk his neck and hurriedly hid next to Xue an. Then he trembled and said, "childe, what's the matter?"

Xue an is also a little inexplicable. Therefore, he is just a joke on a whim. Why did he suddenly encounter such a thing?

Can you say that like the child who is always in primary school, he has his own troubled constitution and can encounter all kinds of strange things wherever he goes?

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