But these thoughts just flashed away in his mind. Soon he smiled and said, "it's all right. Hold on to my clothes and don't go anywhere. I'll see what's going on!"

In fact, he didn't have to give orders at all. The regiment had already clung to his skirt and wouldn't give up.

At the same time, the surrounding fog became more and more thick.

At the same time, many unspeakable huge figures appeared in the fog.


A huge tentacle pierced through the fog and stabbed Xue an.

Xue an snorted coldly. His body didn't move, and a sword cut straight past.


The huge tentacle was cut in half, and blood splashed everywhere. A dull hum came from the fog, and then the tentacle dissipated into the fog.

But this was just the beginning. In an instant, countless tentacles attacked Xue an from all directions.

Tuan'er was so frightened that he closed his eyes, and then heard a continuous puff.

When she opened her eyes again, in addition to xue'an around her, her surroundings had been shrouded in a dense fog.

"Childe, what's the matter?" Tuan'er asked in a trembling voice.

Xue an's face at the moment also became dignified, "it should be evil!"

"Evil thing?"

These two words shocked tuan'er, and an idea flashed through his mind.

Isn't miss's great hatred of life and death a evil thing?

Why did you find a childe now?

"But how can these evil things know we're coming here?" Asked tuan'er.

"That's what I doubt!" Xue an said coldly.

He can be sure that he didn't mean to come here just before meeting the group.

Even when I just flew with the regiment, I didn't have any purpose.

Strangely enough, the fog or the evil things behind it seemed to know that they were coming here. They had been arranged here in advance!

This is worth pondering.


An idea flashed across Xue an's mind like lightning. His eyes suddenly burst, and then stared at the fog in front, with a slight sneer on his lips.

"It's interesting. After coming to this world for so long, can't you help showing up?"

Hearing his words, the fog in front of him began to surge up, and then a huge octopus monster appeared in front of Xue an.

Tuan'er was almost stunned.

It's all because the octopus monster is so terrible. It's like the deepest nightmare, full of extreme evil and chaos.

Even a glance can make people almost crazy.

Tuan'er felt that his consciousness was dragged by something and slid into the unknown abyss.

At this moment, tuan'er felt that his eyes were dark, and then xue'an's voice came to his ears.

"Don't look at it, close your mind!"

It turned out that Xue an blocked tuan'er's vision just now, otherwise tuan'er had collapsed and died.

Of course tuan'er didn't dare to move, and immediately closed his mind.

At the same time, xue'an was facing this terrible evil thing, with a solemn face and a cold tone.

"Is this the power of fate?"

The tentacles of the giant octopus monster floated and waved in the fog, as if they were at the bottom of the water. After hearing Xue an's question, the middle of the body slowly cracked, and then slowly opened a pair of huge eyes.

The eyes were dark, with only a little dead white pupil in the middle, which was frightening.

Even as strong as Xue an, he felt a great pressure when staring at this eye.

It's not from the power of coercion, but more like your inability to stand in front of the endless ocean.

For other ordinary strong people, just this look at each other has collapsed and sunk.

But what kind of person is Xue an? Under the two generations of reconstruction, his heart has long been as hard as iron and steel.

So after the initial pressure, Xue an quickly calmed down and snorted coldly.

"This trick is better to deal with others. I won't be frightened by you!"

Then Xue an stepped down one step, and the huge force made the whole space sink. Then Xue an was bounced up by the huge anti earthquake force and rushed towards the huge evil thing.

In this instant, the fire of red lotus was burning on Xue an's body. At the same time, the sword idea surged out, forming an invincible sword in front of him.

Not only that, the violent spirit condensed rapidly between Xue an's eyebrows, waiting for a fatal blow to the other party.

At this time, xue'an didn't leave any hands, because he knew that evil things of this level could not be killed easily.

He had only one chance, so he spared no effort to release all his strength.

But just then, a sneer came from the fog.

Then, the huge evil thing in front of him exploded.

Xue an went straight through and threw himself into the air.

Before he could react, the fog around him dissipated quickly.

Breathing, everything will return to the original.

The wilderness is still the wilderness before, and the sky is still the sky before.

Only tuan'er stood in the air, his eyes closed, as if in peace.

Xue an stopped and looked back with a dignified face.

At this moment, his mind had spread to a very long distance.

But in this case, he still didn't find any clue.

It's like what just happened is just an illusion.

But Xue an knows that it's not an illusion.

That huge evil thing was real, but why did it suddenly disappear?

And what about the sneer from the fog?

These questions surged in Xue an's heart, but soon Xue an pressed them to the bottom of his heart.

Because he knows that even if he speculates, he can't find the truth behind it.

There is too little information!

So he took a deep breath, stabilized the boiling blood, and then returned to tuan'er.

At the moment, the regiment girl is still closing her mind according to his instructions.

Xue an separated a wisp of divine thoughts into her sea of knowledge, which awakened it.

Tuan'er slowly opened his eyes and saw Xue an with a solemn face.

"Young master, how's it going? Are we dead?"

This sentence made Xue an laugh and cry, and the Su Sha on his face disappeared.

"Of course not!"

"What about the evil thing just now?"

"He disappeared!"

"Disappeared? Was it defeated by you? I knew you could do it!" Tuan'er rejoiced.

Xue an didn't explain. After all, these things are of no use to her.

"Come on, let's go back and see your lady first!"

"Oh, I forgot if you didn't say it. Miss, she must have been in a hurry!"

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