As tuan'er said, Yun lingxuan is really worried at the moment!

Why hasn't tuan'er come back after so long?

Did he refuse?

Or did something happen on the way?

These thoughts churned in Yun lingxuan's mind, making her a little uneasy.

In fact, after tuan'er had just left, Yun lingxuan had some regrets.

I shouldn't let tuan'er go alone, but I should go there myself.

After all, he has something to ask each other, and tuan'er is only a servant girl no matter how close he is to himself. It's really rude to let a servant girl invite him.

But now it's too late to regret. Yun lingxuan just hopes that tuan'er can come back as soon as possible, and then she will invite her in person.

But it was at this time that Xue an and tuan'er returned to the outer building.

Yun lingxuan was surprised when she saw Xue An'ang coming in with a big stride.

Because she really didn't expect Xue an to really come.

But her reaction was not bad. She immediately stepped up and saluted.


Xue an just smiled, "Miss Yun, I didn't expect to see you for a while. Your style is better than in the past!"


At the moment, Yun lingxuan is wearing a simple and elegant dress, which sets off the whole person as quiet and virtuous as a valley orchid.

After hearing Xue an's praise, Yun lingxuan's cheeks were slightly red. "Young master, this is not a place to talk. Please talk upstairs!"

With that, Yun lingxuan turned around and led the way in front of her.

Xue an didn't refuse either. He followed her straight to the second floor.

After sitting down, tuan'er busily brought tea and snacks for the two, and then skillfully stepped aside.

Xue an sipped the tea and said nothing.

He didn't speak, and Yun lingxuan kept silent.

It was not until a long time later that Yun lingxuan sighed, "it's really beyond my expectation that you can come in person this time."

Xue an smiled, "miss tuan'er came to the door in person. Why don't I come?"

Then Xue an put down the teacup in his hand and said in a calm voice: "the bright people don't talk secretly, but I don't know why Miss Yun insisted on inviting me to come to talk about the place?"

For a moment, Yun lingxuan didn't know how to talk about it. After brewing some words, she said slowly.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't come to the general cultural conference? Why did you suddenly come again?"

Xue an smiled. "It's very simple. At that time, I had other things to do, so I didn't plan to come to Xihua city to attend the so-called general cultural meeting, but my later things were finished. At the same time, it was also rumored that I was plagiarizing, so I came!"

Yun lingxuan's eyes lit up, "aren't you really plagiarizing?"

Xue an took a deep look at Yun lingxuan, "what do you think?"

"I also think I can't believe it, but at the Ling'an literature meeting, you told me yourself that you copied from a collection of 300 poems called Tang poems, but after I came back, I found that there was no such book!"

"Of course you can't find this book, because I made it up!" Xue an said faintly.

"That is to say, what you said to me before is false. In fact, you didn't plagiarize at all?" Yun lingxuan asked immediately.

"You can say so!" Xue an Dao then raised his eyes and looked at Yun lingxuan. "Did you invite me here to confirm the truth of this matter?"

Yun lingxuan shook her head, "of course not!"

With that, Yun lingxuan got up and left her seat. She solemnly saluted Xue an.

Xue an's eyes flashed, and she leaned slightly to avoid Yun lingxuan's gift. "Miss Yun, what do you mean?"

At the same time, when Yun lingxuan raised her head again, tears were already hanging on her beautiful cheek.

"Childe, I have a heartless request to ask you for help!"

"Oh? What kind of invitation? Tell me first?" Xue an said faintly, not moved by the tears of the beauty.

Yun lingxuan wiped the tears from her cheeks and said softly, "I want you to avenge me!"


"That's right! And it's my revenge!"

Speaking of this, Yun lingxuan's face was full of deep hatred.

"Let's talk about what's going on!" Xue an didn't say his position immediately, but said it noncommittally.

"Yes! In fact, before I joined the building outside the building, I was the legitimate daughter of the cloud family, and the cloud family was the top rich family in the central region in the past, and the territory I controlled was no worse than Xihua city!"

"At that time, my father was in charge of the cloud family, and his power was booming. Moreover, he was easy-going and never bullied good people, so he was respected by ordinary people! My mother was also a virtuous and virtuous woman, and I also had a brother who loved me very much."

"That was the best time of my life!"

Speaking of this, Yun lingxuan's face showed a leisurely look.

Xue an listened quietly because he knew there would be a turning point behind him.

Sure enough.

After describing this happy time, Yun lingxuan's words turned and her eyes showed extreme hatred.

"But my father died suddenly in the back, and the big cloud family fell apart in just a few days. Even I did everything to escape from death!"

"Oh? Who did it?" Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked.

If you can occupy a place like Zhongyu, you can see that the strength of the cloud family is not weak.

However, such an existence overturned in just a few days, and the strength of the hands-on man should not be underestimated.

"It's evil!" Yun lingxuan jumped out three words from her teeth.

These three words shocked Xue an and showed a bright brilliance in her eyes.

"Evil thing?"

"That's right! And it's the king of evil things. That's why our cloud family lost so miserably!" Yun lingxuan gritted her teeth.

Xue an is interested now. Anything related to evil things will attract his attention.

"What's the matter? How can your cloud family provoke the king of evil things?"

Yun lingxuan shook her head, "it's not that our cloud family took the initiative to provoke, but because something was noticed by the evil king. For this existence that is free from the shackles of the secular world, an insignificant reason can evolve into a great disaster, not to mention that our cloud family had entered its sight at that time!"

"With the heart moving and thinking, our cloud family has become the egg of covering the nest!"

"According to you, this evil king is very strong?" Xue an raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Very strong, strong enough to have gone beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding!" Yun lingxuan spoke solemnly and peeped at Xue an's expression.

In fact, she had talked about it to others before, but these people, no matter how powerful and arrogant, were afraid when they heard that their opponent was a powerful evil king.

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