After all, at the same level, it is a well-known consensus that the strong of Terran can not be compared with evil things.

In this case, who is willing to die?

So now after saying that, Yun lingxuan looked at Xue an nervously.

She was afraid that the young man, like others, looked frightened.

But she was wrong.

At the moment, Xue an is not a bit difficult, but his face is full of excitement.

you 're right!

Just excited!

This strange look made Yun lingxuan a little confused, so.

"And then? What do you want me to do?" Xue Anxing asked excitedly.

Yun lingxuan pressed down her doubts and said in a deep voice, "I want you to help me deal with this evil powerful person!"

"OK! I promised!"

Almost as soon as Yun lingxuan's voice fell, Xue an nodded and agreed.

Such a crisp promise surprised Yun lingxuan again. She couldn't help saying.

"Childe, this time we are dealing with an unimaginable evil king!"

"I know. I won't promise you if it doesn't exist like this!" Xue an said faintly.

Yun lingxuan: "..."

"But why are you looking for me? After all, my strength is not top in this middle region!" Xue Anyan said.

Yun lingxuan smiled bitterly, "because you are the one who broke my string!"

"The one who broke your string?" Xue an didn't understand.

Yun lingxuan nodded, "after escaping from Yun's house, I finally went to the outside building after several twists and turns, and then worshipped under a teacher. My piano skills were learned from this teacher."

"After teaching me piano skills, the teacher gave me an ancient Qin. When he gave it to me, he said to me that if someone could break his string in the future, it would be the time to achieve what he thought in his heart!"

At this point, Xue an just remembered that he overheard Yun lingxuan playing the piano in general Ling'an's house that day. When he marveled at her piano skills, he also lamented the complex feelings carried by her piano sound. He sighed, but he didn't expect that it was this sentence that broke Yun lingxuan's piano string.

"I see. Is that why you took the initiative to invite me to Zhongyu to attend this general meeting?"

"Yes! When I learned that you were the one who broke my string, I wanted to invite you to the central region, but you refused!" There was a bitter color on Yun lingxuan's face.

"I was even desperate at that time and thought that the teacher's prediction could not be accurate! As a result, I didn't expect the twists and turns. You finally came!"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly. "I still don't understand. Why do you have to do it at this general meeting?"

"It's very simple. The king of evil things will also attend this general cultural meeting. This will be the best time for us to start, otherwise it will be more difficult for us to get close after it returns to our territory!" Yun lingxuan said.

So far, all the questions in Xue an's heart have been solved.

He nodded and said, "OK, I'll help you once!"

Yun lingxuan was so excited that she leaned over and said, "thank you, childe. Lingxuan will never forget your kindness!"

"However, I know nothing about the origin of this evil king. If you want to do it, you'd better know something!"

"Don't worry about this. I'm ready!"

With that, Yun lingxuan took out a light ball from her sleeve and gently projected it into the void in front of her, showing scenes.

Some of these scenes are blurred, some are unsteady, and they can't see the contents clearly.

But some of them are very clear. For example, when one of the pictures is frozen, it shows a huge octopus monster.

This is also tuan'er. In contrast, Xue an's performance is perfect.

In this regard, Xue an just smiled calmly, "the word Shenyong is not enough, but according to my observation, the projection of this evil object is so powerful, then its noumenon will be more powerful. Therefore, if we start at the general meeting, we must make preparations in advance!"

Yun lingxuan nodded. "What the childe said is very true. In fact, I haven't stopped all these years. I've been collecting information about this evil king through various means, and finally let me find a flaw!"

"Oh? What flaw?" Xue an's eyes lit up.

"This evil king is indeed invincible. If you want to revenge by relying on my strength alone, it is tantamount to a fool's dream, but the more powerful it is, the more its hidden weakness exists!"

"And this is the biggest flaw and weakness of this evil king!"

With that, Yun lingxuan slowly spread her hand, and in the palm of her hand was the fragment of the ancient mirror.

Xue an's heart moved, "fragments of ancient mirror?"

"That's right! This is a treasure I got inadvertently. It was found that this evil king has been searching for this kind of thing, but the purpose of its search is not to collect it, but to destroy it!"

"Through other information collected, I finally infer that these unknown ancient mirror fragments obviously have a strong restraint against this evil king, so that it spared no effort to search and destroy it!"

Hearing Yun lingxuan's story, Xue an looked thoughtful.

At this time, Yun lingxuan said sadly, "it's a pity that I've worked hard for so many years to find this piece of ancient mirror! If there are a few more pieces, we will have a better chance of winning!"

"I have a fragment like you!" Xue an suddenly said.

Yun lingxuan was surprised and looked up at Xue an.

Xue an smiled and said, "and it should be bigger than the one in your hand!"

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