At this moment, Yun lingxuan felt that her breathing was a little difficult.

You know, in order to find the rest of the ancient mirror fragments, she racked her brains and tried all kinds of methods over the years, but she still got nothing.

Even in the later stage, she was completely desperate and thought that the fragments of the ancient mirror did not exist except in her own hands.

I never thought that I could learn the news of other fragments from Xue an today, and it was bigger than this one in my hand.

"Really... Really?" Yun lingxuan held back her excitement and said in a trembling voice.

Xue an smiled faintly, "can I cheat you about such a thing?"

"Then... Can I have a look?"

"Of course, but I thought it was troublesome, so I gave it to my apprentice. Now I'm in the inn!"

"Let's go back to the inn now!"

Yun lingxuan couldn't wait for a moment. After all, she had planned to endure humiliation for so long in order to revenge.

But only today did she really see the dawn of revenge.

So far, she finally believed the teacher who taught her piano skills.

Once you meet someone who breaks your string, that's when you're about to get what you want.

At this point, Yun lingxuan was so excited that she was burning all over.

Xue an naturally saw her excitement and couldn't help smiling.

"Well, let's go back now!"

From the outer building to Xue an's Inn, you need to pass through more than half of Xihua city.

Although Yun lingxuan was very anxious, she could only sit on the carriage and pass through the city.

She knew very well that tuan'er took off with xue'an when she came.

But when you go back, you can't take off with Xue an's hand like tuan'er.

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Xue an sitting in front of the window.

At this time, the light from the window came in and shone on Xue an's face, which painted a shallow silver glow on his side face.

It's not important. What's important is that you can see Xue an's deep eyes from the perspective of Yun lingxuan.

Although he had been staring out of the window, the breathtaking brilliance still made Yun lingxuan's heart stop for half a beat.

Over the years, she has also seen countless young Junyan, many of whom are pure and beautiful.

But no one can catch the chance of the white boy in front of the window.

This young man... Is really where Zhong lingyuxiu is.

Yun lingxuan is thinking, while the group next to her is already fascinated by Xue an.

After Yun lingxuan calmed down a little, she couldn't help crying and laughing at tuan'er's restless appearance, and then quietly stretched out her hand and pinched her waist.

"Oh!" Tuan'er screamed and looked at Xiang Yun lingxuan.

"Miss, why are you pinching me?"

The sound made Xue an look sideways in front of the window.

Yun lingxuan's face turned red, "ah, it's all right. A bug just landed on your clothes. I've strangled it for you!"

"Bugs?" Tuan'er looked at the luxurious carriage and wondered, "there is a Dharma array isolated here. How can there be insects?"

Yun lingxuan even had the heart to beat tuan'er with fat. She gritted her teeth and said, "I say there is, where is so much nonsense?"

Looking at the shy and angry Yun lingxuan, tuan'er suddenly understood something and quickly nodded.

"Yes, a bug did climb on me just now. I was strangled by you just when I wanted to drive away. Thank you, miss. You're very good!"

Yun lingxuan: "..."

This dead group, don't explain at this time! Isn't it revealing? Her heart was filled with hatred.

Sure enough.

Listen to Xue an's slight smile, "just now there was a bug flying over!"

Yun lingxuan's embarrassed face was numb. She just wanted to say something.

At this time, the carriage turned into a prosperous neighborhood, where dozens of colleges and universities, large and small, are located, which is the most concentrated area of xihuacheng college.

The sound of reading from the Academy diluted the embarrassment in the carriage.

Xue an also turned and looked out of the window.

Yun lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief and then glared at tuan'er.

Tuan'er shrunk his neck and smiled.

Of course, Yun lingxuan would not really scold the little servant girl who was in love with her sister.

She was just a little annoyed at the group's recent flower mania.

No matter how much you like him, you can't be so obvious. It's almost drooling!

Just as Yun lingxuan was considering her words and intended to teach the group well, a chaotic voice came out of the window, and someone shouted.

"Come on, let's go to the Xiyue inn. There's a lot of excitement!"

"What's the excitement?" Someone nearby asked.

"Haven't you all heard? Xue an, who cheated the world and stole poems at the Ling'an literary conference, has come to Xihua city and lives in Xiyue inn! Now Mr. Kou of Jinhan academy and elder martial sister Shang of Xingshi hall have passed by with all the students!"

"What? It's a great courage for that rogue to live in our neighborhood!" Someone said coldly.

"Yes, we must teach this boy from the countryside a lesson!"

For a moment, the crowd was angry outside, and then heard the sound of footsteps. Obviously, these people had rushed to the Xiyue inn.

The silence in the carriage was terrible, and Yun lingxuan felt that her heart was tight.

She had seen Xue an's means with her own eyes, and knew that under the beautiful appearance of the young man in white, there was a soul that refused to give in at all.

If you haven't provoked him, just go back. If you have provoked him, wait for incomparable fierce revenge.

The key is that these people not only speak ugly, but also dare to come to the door to provoke. What's the difference between this and dying?

Sure enough.

Just then, Xue an's mouth was raised slightly, and a cold smile appeared on his face.

"It's interesting. I dare to come to my door to find my trouble. I'd like to see the means of these people!"

"That's right! These guys are so hateful that they dare to slander you, young master. You are a liar. You must teach them a lesson!" Tuan'er's face flushed with anger for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

Xue an didn't say anything, but the next moment, the carriage under her seat began to speed up madly and ran away in the direction of Xiyue inn.

At the same time, the street in front of Xiyue inn is really lively.

Students from dozens of academies gathered in front of the door and surrounded the street.

And in the center of the crowd stood several people.

These men and women are all well-dressed and have extraordinary temperament.

The leader was a man in a moon white childe's shirt.

He stood calmly with a folding fan in his hand. His handsome face was full of pride. He was looking at the inn in front of him.

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