The salesgirl looked at Xue an in some embarrassment, but found that Xue an was drooping her eyes and didn't know what she was thinking.

Xue an's silence makes this woman more and more arrogant.

"Do you hear me? We like it, and this dress is ours. Let him take it off

"Miss, there is no such precedent..."

The beer bellied man suddenly sneered: "go and ask your manager to come over. I'll see if there is such a precedent!"

The salesgirl has some helplessness, but as a shop assistant in a high-end shopping club, everything is to meet the requirements of customers as their bounden duty.

At this time, Xue an still said nothing.

The salesgirl's heart can't help but also some contemptuous.

He looks good, but he is so cowardly.

After a few minutes, responsible for men's clothing department Zhao Feng arrived.

After seeing this beer belly man, Zhao Feng's face was almost rotten with laughter, and he rushed to meet him.

"It's Mr. Sun, long time no see, long time no see!"

The beer bellied man, known as Mr. Sun, snorted coldly from his nostrils, "Xiao Zhao, the waiter under your hand is not good!"

"Mr. Sun, what's the matter?"

"My woman takes a fancy to a suit of clothes, but there is only one left. If this man wears it, we ask him to take it off. Can't we ask him to take it off?" Sun said with high air.

"Not too much, not too much!"

"Then the people under your hand say that there is no such precedent!"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Sun. Maybe I didn't discipline them and bumped into you! I'll teach them now

The Zhao Feng turned to several salesgirls and said angrily, "you guys with no brains, do you know who this is? This is the security manager of Longtai group. Are you blind one by one? How dare you contradict Mr. Sun! "

All the salesgirls were silent, their heads bowed and they did not dare to speak.

"Mr. Sun, I will teach them a good lesson in the future. What do you think?" Zhao manager flattered said.

Sun Bo nodded without expression.

Relying on his identity, he felt that it was a shame to talk to manager Zhao more.

After all, Yinlong commercial building is just one of the many industries of Longtai group. Compared with a small lobby manager here, his security manager is much more valuable.

"And that dress! We want it too. Let him take it off This young and pretty woman is more arrogant.

"Yes, yes! Don't worry, I will do it for you! "

Manager Zhao turned and said to Xue an, who bowed his head and said, "Sir, you can see that Mr. Sun likes this suit of clothes on you very much. You can take it off and give it to him. Anyway, you haven't paid for it, which is nothing!"

Although the manager of Zhao was patient and persuasive, he didn't take Xue an seriously.

But as soon as he finished, Xue an slowly raised her head and raised her eyebrows slightly. "What did you just say?"

Zhao Feng originally wanted to explain it again, but when he saw Xue an's eyes, the words behind him could not be said.

The woman with Sun Bo is a female college student who has just graduated. Her name is Cao Qian.

She tried her best to climb up to Sun Bo's big tree. She was already arrogant, so she saw Zhao Feng was stunned. She stepped forward and sneered, "Hey, tell me what about you. If you are wise, take off your clothes as soon as possible."

"Undress?" There is a faint smile in Xue an's mouth.

Don't you hear me? My husband is also interested in this suit. If you don't take off anything, otherwise... "

"Otherwise what?" Xue an said lightly.

"Or you won't even be able to get out today." Cao Qian said very arrogantly.

"So you are the security manager of Longtai group?" Xue an looks at Sun Bo and says thoughtfully.

"That's right. Get out of here, or you'll know the power of Longtai group!" Cao Qian said triumphantly.

Xue an can't help but sigh, "what a pity."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that someone has to die today."

Xue an doesn't intend to cause trouble, but if someone offends him, then killing people in the street is just a little more troublesome.

"Dead? Hehe, it's really funny. I don't believe it... " Cao Qian still wanted to say something, but there was no chance to say it, because she was all slapped by Xue an, and then hit the clothes rack directly.


The clothes rack was knocked down a large area, and when she got up again, her pretty face was swollen like a watermelon. At the same time, her mouth was full of blood, and even her teeth were smashed by Xue an's slap.

Xue an light said: "forget to say, I hate the woman who talks a lot!"

This stone like blow, so that all people were stunned.

Including the salesgirl who despised Xue an's advice just now, her heart was full of shock.This man How amazing!

Sun Bo's eyelids twitched with anger, "OK! How dare you make trouble here, boy. You're finished. Wait for me

Sun Bo said and took out the mobile phone, Xue an just playfully looked at, did not stop.

Soon, Sun Bo hung up the phone, staring at Xue an in cold eyes.

It was like looking at a dead man.

Not five minutes later, a series of disorderly footsteps came, and then dozens of security guards came.

"Mr. Sun, what's the matter?" Asked the leading guard.

Sun Bo pointed to Xue an, "this man beat my woman! Kill him


This group of security guards surrounded Xue an.

Many people are far away, afraid to approach.

But Xue an has not even stood up, still sitting on the sofa, looking at Sun Bo.

"You are so arrogant, do your parents know?" Xue an suddenly asked.

"Fart, my parents died early!"

"No wonder!" Xue an nodded. "When you go down to see your parents, tell them that you died because of your stupid arrogance!"

Sun Bo was furious, "go on, give it to me, kill him!"

But at this time, a woman voice full of anger came.

"What are you going to do?"

The voice made Sun Bo tremble. Looking back, he found that Qin Yu was standing in the distance.

Sun Bo looks shocked. How can Qin Yu be here? But still quickly put on a smile, "Miss, this man is in our shopping mall, I'm going to clean him up!"

Qin Yu didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he went straight to Xue an and said respectfully, "Mr. Xue, please look at my face. Don't argue with these people!"

This scene made Sun Bo, who was the winner, and Zhao Feng, the onlooker, all froze.

As for those salesgirls, they were even dumbfounded.

This woman is Qin Yu, the first lady of Longtai group!

So Who is this man?

Why can miss Qin be so respectful? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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