Xue an looks at Qin Yu calmly and doesn't speak.

This silence made Qin Yu's face look ugly.


She couldn't help but turn around and say, "you two, pack up your things and get out of here! In the future, we are not allowed to step into Longtai group. "

This decision made Sun Bo and Zhao Feng look desperate.

In Beijiang, it is an enviable thing to enter Longtai group.

Sun Bo, in particular, has managed to get to the position of director of Security Department of Longtai group, and his annual income is considerable.

Now, because of this man, he was expelled by the first lady.

Sun Bo Ru lost his life and knelt on the ground to beg for mercy.

"Miss, I beg you to give me a chance. I'll never dare again! All this is because of the instigation of that woman. I was confused and offended Mr. Xue. Please give me a chance. "

As Sun Bo spoke, he banged his head.

Soon, there was blood on his forehead.

As for Cao Qian.

At the moment, she was so scared that she could not even get out of the atmosphere.

Qin Yu had no expression.

She hated the two guys who had done little but failed.

If it was not for fear of trouble, she would be too lazy to plead for them.

At this time, Xue an stood up and said faintly, "face is earned by people, and it is used once less, so I hope that in the future, it is better not to let me see your face again."

Then Xue an picked up Xue Xiang and Xue Nian and left first.

Qin Yu glared at Sun Bo fiercely, "get out of here

Sun Bo trembled all over, and his face showed a look of despair.

Qin Yu said to the sales girl who had already been frightened: "pack all the clothes that you just looked after."


Waiting for the silver long commercial building, Xue Xiangcai quietly gathered together to Xue an's ear and said, "Baba, is our new clothes beautiful?"

At the moment, Xue Xiang and Xue Nian are wearing a pink princess skirt. They are so cute.

Xue an only in the face of his two daughters when the face of doting, "beautiful ah, just like two little princesses."

At this time, Qin Yu came out and was very sorry to say something.

Xue an said lightly: "drive!"

The auction was not in the city, but in a villa on the top of the mountain in the suburb of Beijiang.

When Qin Yu arrived here in his car, there were already many luxury cars outside the villa.

However, when Qin Yu arrived, it still attracted many people's eyes.

"Isn't this Qin's car?"

"Yes! It looks like it's still miss Qin's car! "

"Why, how can Qin Yu drive by himself?"

After Qin Yu got off the bus, he did not enter the meeting hall, but opened the door respectfully.

Many people's eyes widened.

What's the origin of this person?

The first one to get off the bus was fan Mengxue.

Many people recognized her and let out a low exclamation.

"Fan Mengxue!"

"Did she come to Beijiang, too?"

But after fan Mengxue got off the bus, he did not go, but stood on the other side.

It seems that she is also waiting for an important guest.

A lot of people's eyes are attracted.

Who the hell is this car?

How could you be so enthusiastic?

But at the next moment, two little girls came out of the car.

as like as two peas in the two girls, they wore a princess dress and wore a bun. They looked exactly alike.

Finally, Xue an just slowly walked down.

As soon as he appeared, many people began to whisper.

"Who is this man?"

"No! But it looks like it's a big deal! "

"Well, looking at Qin Yu's appearance, he also has great respect for this man."

Xue an's eyes were in the field of vision, and then walked forward calmly.

At this time, Qin yuan ran out of the house with great strides. Then, in the eyes of all the people, he rushed to Xue an and bowed his head respectfully.

"Here you are, Mr. Xue!"

Xue an nods.

But he didn't know that Qin yuan's move made a huge wave in the hearts of many people.

What is the original identity of Qin?

The actual controller of Longtai group can be said to be a big figure in Beijiang.

Although for more than a year, he has been neglected by Qin Tian. Can still not be underestimated.

This is the kind of person who should be so respectful to this man.What did he come from?

But just when people were shocked, there was a voice of sarcasm.

"I think I'm a great man, but I'm just a wet boy!"

With this sound, an old man in Tang costume, holding two big iron balls, walked slowly into the meeting hall.

The appearance of this man made many people stand up one after another.

"I've met master Tan!"

"I've met Director Tan!"

The old man nodded without expression, and then went to Qin yuan, with a smile.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, old Qin. I'm in good spirits."

When Qin yuan saw that it was him, he held his fist with great respect, "curator Tan, you are here!"

"Of course. After all, we have been in a relationship for so many years. I know you have something to do now. Can I not help you?" The old man said faintly.

This old man is Tan Dong, the old head of Zhenbei martial arts school, the biggest martial arts school in Beijiang.

He is also a good friend of Qin yuan.

He also heard about Qin yuan's recent situation, so he came to help.

But as soon as he got off the car, he saw that Qin yuan had great respect for a young man.

This makes Tan Dong quite dissatisfied.

In his opinion, Qin Tian is not worth mentioning at all.

As long as you get out of it, you can definitely solve it.

However, Qin yuan had such respect for a man of unknown origin, which was obviously not convinced of his own strength.

So he looked at Xue an with some provocation. After looking up and down for half a day, he found that Xue an was too thin to be a martial arts practitioner. He couldn't help but disdain him even more.

"Where is this little brother from?" Tan Dong asked.

Xue an did not pay attention to him at all, just holding a daughter in one hand, walked slowly from Tan Dong.

Now, Tan Dong's face is a little bit off.

What a crazy boy!

Hum, but I'll let you know later that ginger must be old and spicy.

In Qin yuan's identity, there is naturally a separate box.

Xue an and others entered the box, drinking tea and waiting for the opening.

However, while waiting, there was a commotion outside. It turned out that Qin Tian came in with a thin old man.

Seeing the old man, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

This man smells of ghost repair.

Ghost cultivation is one of the major schools in the world of cultivation, among which the experts are endless. For example, the ten halls of the nether world, Yanluo, are all the leaders.

But the cultivation of this man is too shallow.

However, Xue an can be sure now that the female ghost on Qin yuan was definitely under him.

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