
With a loud slap in the face, Ren Ning's left face was forcibly fanned out a red palm print.

But even so, Ren Ning still didn't flinch. Instead, she raised her head and stared at Kou Zhengfeng with cold eyes.

Kou Zhengfeng was so cold at the bottom of his heart by this look, but now so many people are looking at themselves behind their backs. He must not be counselled, so he forced himself to calm down.

"What are you looking at? If you don't get away, I'll break your leg!"

Such arrogant remarks and actions made many people frown secretly.

How can a student treat a weak woman like this?

But no matter how Kou Zhengfeng shouted, Ren Ning didn't have any idea of moving his position, but looked at him coldly.

Kou Zhengfeng became more and more flustered. In a hurry, he raised his hand and wanted to start again.

Just then, I heard a cold drink, "stop!"

Then Sheng Hongxi and Niu Dali hurried to the scene.

Before, they all rested in their respective guest rooms. Only Ren Ning sat in the hall on the first floor waiting for Xue an's return. Therefore, when Kou Zhengfeng and others appeared, she would stop them at the first time.

Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others were not slow. They rushed to the door almost the first time after hearing the sound outside.

When she got here, she just saw Kou Zhengfeng going to fight Ren Ning again. In a hurry, Sheng Hongxi gave a cold drink.

When she arrived near, Sheng Hongxi saw the palm print on Ren Ning's face. She looked cold and immediately raised her eyes to Kou Zhengfeng opposite.

"Did you call?"

When Kou Zhengfeng saw so many people coming, Sheng Hongxi, Niu Dali and others were not easy to provoke at first sight. He couldn't help but feel sluggish, but then he thought he was the elite leading dozens of academies this time, so he looked up.

"So what if I beat her? Who told her to block the door!"

"Good boy, I dare to beat Miss Ren. Grandpa, I'll teach you a lesson today!" Cried the cow.

"Brother, can you still use this embroidered pillow? Just give it to my second brother! I promise he can't survive or die!" Zhang Xiaoqiang's pitiful words.

After this period of time, Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang all love Ren Ning, who is quiet by nature.

This is not only because Ren ningnai is Xue an's apprentice, but more importantly, this girl has no struggle with the world, but can be kind to others.

Even for Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang, a reckless person who wandered in the Jianghu, Ren Ning never showed any prejudice.

Therefore, these people have regarded Ren Ning as their sister.

Seeing her beaten at the moment, of course I won't let her go.

The shouting of Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang also made the Kou Zhengfeng pale. He subconsciously stepped back a few steps, and then said bravely: "what do you... What do you want? This is Xihua City, not a place for you to fool around!"

"Yo, you can't talk nonsense at this time. Why didn't you say that when you just beat our girl Ren?" Sheng Hongqian also smiled coldly.

Born in fengyuechang, she is used to seeing Kou Zhengfeng's faces, so she speaks impolitely.


"What are you? You're still a man. You bully a weak woman wantonly. Do you deserve the two liang meat under you! Big brother and second brother, don't be polite to him today and teach him a lesson!"

"OK, three younger sisters, please!" The cow smiled grimly and was about to start.

At this time, Ren Ning suddenly reached out to stop them.

"Don't do it!"

"Hmm? Miss Ren, what does that mean?" Niu Dali looks at Ren Ning with a puzzled face.

Sheng Hongqian was also quite puzzled.

Ren Ning looked calm and said slowly, "don't forget, master, he's here to attend the general cultural meeting!"

This sentence awakened Sheng Hongqian, Niu Dali and others.

As Ren Ning said, Xue an's behavior is to participate in the general cultural conference, while Kou Zhengfeng and others represent the majority of students in Xihua city.

If you offend these people led by Kou Zhengfeng before the general cultural conference begins, it will add many variables to Xue an's trip to the general cultural conference.

All the people present were old Jianghu people. Naturally, they could see through it. Therefore, they were silent.

Kou Zhengfeng was certainly not stupid. He just understood what was going on when he saw the look on the faces of Sheng Hongxi and others. He couldn't help laughing proudly.

"Tut Tut, it seems that you are not really stupid. Since you know you can't offend us now, don't let Xue an get out quickly!"

"My master is not here!" Ren Ning Leng said.

"No? Hehe, do you think I'll believe it?"

"Really not here! Shifu, he just went out!"

"Stop talking nonsense and get out of the way. Let's go in and check it, or we won't end today!" Kou Zhengfeng's aggressive words.

But just then, a cold and indifferent voice came from the distant street.

"You're right. Today's matter... Can't be settled so easily!"

With the sound of a horse's hoof, the crowd separated a passage, and a carriage passed through it and came to the people.

After seeing the carriage, many people whispered.

"Who is this?"

"Looking at the carriage, it seems to be upstairs!"

"Outside the building? Isn't that a Taoist temple for women's practice? What are you doing here?"

In the voice of discussion, Kou Zhengfeng's expression was also one of Lin, and his heart could not help getting nervous.

He could have heard the words just now. The key is that the carriage is still outside the building.

Do people outside the building also want to intervene in this matter?

In that case, it would be a bit tricky.

After all, no matter the influence or the comprehensive strength of the college, Jinhan college can not be compared with the building outside the building.

While he was nervous, Sheng Hongxi and Niu Dali were relieved, and then looked at the Kou Zhengfeng with the eyes of a dead man.

They all heard that sentence just now. Obviously, it was said by Xue an.

So they took a half step back without saying a word and looked at it with their arms in their arms.

At the same time, the curtain of the carriage was raised, and then tuan'er took the lead to come down.

Seeing a woman dressed as a servant girl, Kou Zhengfeng subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

If you were just a little servant girl, it wouldn't be too bad.

But before he could be happy, he saw that after tuan'er landed, he stood respectfully aside, as if waiting for someone to come.

Then, a slender hand stretched out, and then a beautiful face appeared in front of the people.

The crowd was quiet at first, even a violent commotion.

"It's Miss Yun!"

"Oh, my God, why did miss Hua kuiyun come in person?"

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