In the cry of surprise, Kou Zhengfeng felt his eyelids beating wildly.

What he was most worried about happened.

It was Yun lingxuan, the leader of the building outside the building.

This is a big deal.

He knew the power of this woman and that she could not be fooled by ordinary people.

But it was no use saying anything else. He had to be calm, and then changed his face into a harmless smiling face of people and animals and walked up quickly.

"Oh, isn't this cloud everyone? Why are you here? Kou Zhengfeng of Jinhan academy is polite!"

But his words didn't stir up any waves at all, because Yun lingxuan didn't even look at him. After landing, she stood aside respectfully.

"Young master, here comes the inn!" Yun lingxuan said in a deep voice.

It was this move that made the whole audience quiet, and many people's faces showed a look of horror.

What an identity Yun lingxuan!

That's the head of the house outside the building!

Even in Xihua city with crouching tiger, hidden dragon, he is a top figure.

This kind of existence is not what the disciples of these ordinary colleges can look up to. Only the true children of top academies such as green hill outside the mountain are qualified to be on an equal footing with her.

But it is such an existence. After getting off the carriage, they should stand respectfully and hold the younger generation's ceremony. How high should the identity of the people in the carriage be?

Kou Zhengfeng even stopped and looked frightened.

Just then, I saw a figure stooping out of the carriage and standing on the shaft.

This is a young man in white, standing on the shaft with a jade body. The white clothes flutter like flying, just like heaven and man coming.

Not to mention anything else, the momentum of this appearance directly outweighed all the people present.

Many people have only one thought in their mind.

Who is this man?

Why so outstanding?

Tuan'er's eyes habitually showed intoxication, and even Yun lingxuan had to admit it at the moment.

This young master Xue's selling is really capable of beating the crowd to the top.

At this time, Ren Ning rushed forward, bowed and saluted, "master!"

This sound shocked Kou Zhengfeng to death!


This young man is her master. Isn't he Xue an from Lingan?

Xue an lowered her eyes and looked at Ren Ning. At first glance, she noticed the palm print on her cheek. Her eyes were cold.

"Stand up!"


Ren Ning stood up and calmly faced Xue an's eyes.

Xue an said faintly, "does your face still hurt?"

Ren Ning shook his head.

"Did you fight back?"


"Why not fight back!"

Ren Ning was silent.

Sheng Hongqian was a little worried. She stepped forward and just wanted to explain. Xue an waved her hand to step back, and then smiled coldly.

"Because I want to attend the general cultural conference, you are afraid of delaying my plan, so you dare not fight back, right?"

Ren Ning was silent for a moment, then nodded.


A loud drink shook the whole audience, but also made the originally agitated crowd quiet for an instant.

Xue an's face was full of a look of awe. "Your master, I don't need to look at other people's faces for what I want to do, nor do I need my disciples to bear humiliation for the so-called grand plan."

"My apprentice always only needs to follow one principle, that is, tooth for tooth and blood for blood. No matter how extravagant the other person is, this principle will not change at all! So..."

Xue an said slowly, "do you know what to do now?"

Ren Ning's tears loomed in his eyes, and then nodded heavily, "I see!"

"If you know, why don't you do it? I never believe in the bullshit that it's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, because I always take revenge on the spot! So will my apprentice!" Xue an said quietly.

Ren Ning didn't talk nonsense this time. She directly turned around and walked towards Kou Zhengfeng who was stunned in situ.

Kou Zhengfeng was not a fool. Seeing Ren Ning coming towards him, he knew that things were bad. He couldn't help but say in a panic: "what do you... What do you want to do? I can tell you, I..."


Before the words fell, Ren Ning impulsively approached, and then slapped him back.

"Woo woo... You bitch, I won't let you go!"

The palm fan of BA was very cruel, and the blood flowed down Kou Zhengfeng's mouth, making his voice blurred.

But this was not over. Ren Ning raised his other hand and slapped it fiercely.


This slap was even louder. Kou Zhengfeng was stunned. He looked at Ren Ning with frightened eyes and seemed to ask why he slapped me twice.

Ren Ning said faintly, "this slap is interest!"

After that, Ren Ning turned and came to the carriage.

"Master, revenge!"

Xue an smiled, "how are you feeling?"

"Great!" Ren Ning said.

"Do you know what to do in the future?"

"I see. If anyone dares to hit me again, I'll double back on the spot!"

"Wrong, not double, but return it ten times! Understand?"

"Understand, the Revenge of humiliation is returned ten times!"

Xue an laughed, "well said, if you want to be my apprentice, you have to be so domineering!"

Laughter shook the field, and no one dared to speak.

Even Kou Zhengfeng, who was slapped twice, did not dare to show any dissatisfaction under the oppression of Xue an.

Although his heart has been scolded, but on the surface, he still stood there obediently, and even dared not lift his head.

Because now he has seen the situation in the field.

The information he got was obviously wrong. Xue an was by no means an ordinary person. Apart from anything else, his violent power was not possessed by ordinary strong men.

But even so, he still couldn't stop the anger in his heart.

Boy, what can you do with your personal strength?

Don't forget where this is!

When I get out of here, I must redouble my revenge.

In particular, you are suspected of plagiarizing poems. At that time, under the influence of the public, you may have to be eliminated if you can't even get in the door of the general Literary Association.

Kou Zhengfeng secretly planned.

Just then, Xue an walked out of thin air, stepped out of the carriage, and then came to him.

"Are you not convinced?"

Kou Zhengfeng was stiff all over. He immediately raised his head and said with a strong smile: "of course not!"

Xue'an ignored his denial and said faintly, "are you trying to plan revenge after you go out from here?"

Kou Zhengfeng's smile also froze.

"In fact, I know all the thoughts in your heart, including your plan to secretly incite right and wrong and summon these people to make trouble here so as to establish your authority!" Xue an said quietly.

The flesh on Kou Zhengfeng's cheeks began to beat wildly, and his eyes showed a look of panic.

Xue an shook his head, "but you shouldn't use me as your ladder!"

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