"Spare your life!"

Kou Zhengfeng shouted these two words in an almost groaning tone, which is the only thing he can do at this moment.

"Spare your life..." The corners of Xue an's mouth rose, and his eyes were joking.

"Don't you think it's too late to say these two words now?"

After talking, a magnificent momentum came.

With a click, Kou Zhengfeng was pressed and knelt on the ground, his knees powdered.

"From the moment you plan to step on my fame, you should expect this day. If you know how to stop as soon as possible, it won't happen now, but you don't!"

Xue an leaned down and stared at Kou Zhengfeng's panicked eyes with a playful tone.

"You were blinded by interests. You just wanted to make a name for it, but you never thought about the price you would pay for it. You didn't feel fear and learn to beg for mercy until death came. But do you think... Is this useful?"

Kou Zhengfeng was shaking like chaff, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat, "I... I was wrong!"

Xue an smiled. "You're not wrong. I believe that even at this moment, you still don't think you're wrong in your heart. You just think the information you collected is wrong, which leads you to this situation, right?"

Kou Zhengfeng's face gradually turned from Tieqing to a deathly pale and stared at Xue an.

Xue an stood up slowly and said calmly, "in fact, you are right to think so. Everything depends on strength. If my strength is poor, the person kneeling on the ground will be me at the moment!"

"So... What else do you want to say?"

Kou Zhengfeng felt that his muscles were tense because of the last question.

Although Xue an's tone was understated, Kou Zhengfeng still felt a strong killing intention.

He knew very well that if he didn't take measures, he would fall on his head in the next moment.

Therefore, he shouted in a hoarse voice: "you can't kill me. I'm from Jinhan academy and the representative of countless students in Xihua city. Killing me means offending the whole students in Xihua city!"

But I didn't expect Xue an to be unmoved, "Oh, then?"


"In addition to this, do you have any reason why I don't kill you?" Xue an said faintly.

Kou Zhengfeng's pupil contracted to the size of the tip of a needle.

Because he knew that what he had just said was invalid.

The young man in white didn't care what he said.

This is a terrible existence that looks like a young boy, but actually has a calm heart.

Worldly interests could not move him at all.

At this moment, Kou Zhengfeng was really flustered.

He turned his head and shouted at Shang Haihong of Xingshi hall and other people who formed an alliance with him.

"This matter has something to do with you, too. You can't stand by and plead for me. I don't want to die!" Kou Zhengfeng was hysterical and incoherent.

Led by Shang Haihong of xingshiguan, the elite disciples of these academies were in a commotion.

Then he saw Shang Haihong, who was respected as the elder martial sister by the majority of College disciples, step forward with fear and give a deep salute.

"Big... Sir, this matter is dominated by Kou Zhengfeng. What he told us is that he will give us many benefits when it is completed. We were blinded by profits for a moment, so we agreed. Please punish me!"

Shang Haihong simply told everything without any concealment.

Because she is a very smart person, she naturally knows the level of existence of the white boy in front of her.

Not to mention anything else, he can suppress the whole audience with his own prestige. We can see how terrible his strength is.

In this case, any concealment is looking for death.

Only by confessing everything can we strive for a glimmer of life.

Sure enough.

After hearing Shang Haihong's words, Xue an smiled calmly and pointed out: "you are very smart!"

Shang Haihong's heart instantly mentioned her throat, but the next second Xue an's words put her heart back.

"But I like dealing with smart people!"

Shang Haihong breathed out, and then saluted Xue an with gratitude.

"Thank you for your mercy!"

Xue an ignored her, but turned to Kou Zhengfeng, who was numb.

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

Kou Zhengfeng opened his mouth to speak, but Xue an shook his head at this time.

"Forget it, I'm a little bored!"

After that, Xue an stretched out her hand and pressed Kou Zhengfeng's head, and smiled at Shang Haihong.

"How tall do you think he is?"

Shang Haihong was stunned. She didn't understand what Xue an asked, but she didn't dare to be silent and spoke immediately.

"About... About eight feet!"

"No, he has only one foot!"

When the words fell, xue'an's palm made a fierce effort. Kou Zhengfeng didn't even hum, and his head was pressed into his chest.

But this was not over, and the pressure of Xue an's palm did not stop at all.

Kou Zhengfeng's body heard a crackling sound of bones bursting, and then his chest was crushed. Below him were his abdominal cavity, pelvic cavity and legs.

Finally, Kou Zhengfeng, who was eight feet tall, was forcibly compressed into a meat pie more than feet high by Xue an with one hand.

The blood was flowing and winding, and the whole audience was as quiet as death.

These college students were stunned by the terrible scene in front of them. Many people's faces were as white as paper and their bodies were shaky. It was obvious that they were about to faint.

Shang Haihong thinks she is a cruel man, otherwise she can't make a reputation in the crouching tiger, Hidden Dragon Xihua city with a woman's body.

But today, she knew she was wrong.

And it's outrageous.

Compared with the young man who pressed people into meat patties in front of him, his so-called ruthlessness is as ridiculous as a child's family.

Shang Haihong trembled uncontrollably. At the same time, she felt the cool wind in the back of her head, and her face was pale to almost transparent.

Even Niu Dali and Zhang Xiaoqiang were startled.

They have already seen Xue an's means, but when they see Xue an's indifferent face pressing a big living man into a meat pie, they can't help but be shocked.

At the same time, Xue an stood up slowly. At the moment, his white clothes were still spotless except that his hands were covered with blood.

Sheng Hongxi took a few steps and handed a white towel to her hands.

Xue an took it and wiped the blood on his hands slowly.

The whole audience was still quiet and terrible. You could even hear many people's scattered gasps because they were too frightened.

No one dares to speak.

Everyone is waiting for Xue an to speak.

At this moment, an idea flashed through Sheng Hongxi's mind.

Is it the power of a really strong man to press the whole audience with one person?

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