At this point, Sheng Hongxi's head could not help burying lower, but her body trembled slightly because of excitement and excitement.

Xue an wiped the blood off his hands, threw away the towel and scanned the audience.

People bow their heads where their eyes pass.

"I believe you all know what you came here for. Now the person who urged you to come is dead. I just want to ask... Are there any people who disagree?"

There was silence.

"Very good. It seems that there are no people who disagree!" Xue an nodded and said indifferently, "let's go!"

At the first order, these people present were stunned, and immediately moved, scrambling to run away.

In an instant, the whole street was surrounded just now, and the crowded crowd dispersed without a trace.

And these domineering words made tuan'er, who was watching from a distance, colorful, excitedly grabbed Yun lingxuan's arm and whispered.

"Miss, miss, do you see that the childe is really handsome!"

Of course, Yun lingxuan was not as crazy as tuan'er, but she was deeply shocked by Xue Angang's move.

For his disciples, he dared to kill an elite disciple of the Academy in the street.

This Xue an... Can really be called lawless!

But it was this lawlessness that made Yun lingxuan feel an inexplicable peace of mind.

Because over the years, she has seen too many so-called smart people who are usually full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but talk only about interests when something happens.

When dealing with such people, you must always make yourself valuable, otherwise you will be abandoned without hesitation.

Like today.

For other "smart people", the probability is to make their disciples endure it.

After all, what face is not face, is it important to have interests?

This is also the reason why Kou Zhengfeng dared to be so arrogant before.

In his opinion, he was just an insignificant little girl. He hit her as soon as he hit her. At most, he took the situation and apologized afterwards. That's all. What's the big deal.

But unexpectedly, Xue an didn't eat it at all.

Not only did he not eat this set, he also lifted the table.

But it was this behavior that made Yun lingxuan feel at ease.

Because she knows that when dealing with such people, she never has to worry about being abandoned because of changes in interests.

While Yun lingxuan was thinking secretly, Xue an turned and said something to Ren Ning. Without hesitation, Ren Ning immediately took out a piece of ancient mirror.

It's the fragment Xue an got from the back mountain of Longhu stronghold.

After getting the fragment of the ancient mirror, Xue an stepped up to Yun lingxuan.

"Miss Yun, this is the fragment of the ancient mirror I said!"

Yun lingxuan was very excited when she heard the speech. "Can I have a look?"

"Of course!"

Then Xue an handed over the fragments in his hand.

Yun lingxuan carefully took it in her hand.

Sure enough.

This piece of ancient mirror is much larger than the one in your hand.

But when Yun lingxuan looked around for a long time, she found a problem.

"It's strange that this fragment of ancient mirror has no spirit?"

For this ancient mirror fragment, spirituality is the most important.

For example, although Yun lingxuan can't speak and communicate, she can understand Yun lingxuan's orders, which has become the most important weapon in her hand.

But the surface of the ancient mirror fragment Xue an gave her was empty and could not feel the slightest spirit.

"Oh, that's because I sealed its spirit!"

"Hmm? Why do you want to seal its spirit?" Yun lingxuan said strangely.

Xue an's face became a little strange, "this... You'll know soon!"

With that, Xue an stretched out his hand and gently brushed the fragment of the ancient mirror.

For a moment, it was as if a layer of film had been torn off, and the fragment of the ancient mirror immediately glowed.

Then it jumped out of Yun lingxuan's hand and turned around Yun lingxuan twice.

"The smell of fragments, that's right! It's really the smell of fragments. Woman, you have the smell of fragments. Don't give it up quickly!" The fragment of the ancient mirror spoke fiercely.

"Can you... Speak?" Yun lingxuan woke up from the shock and said unbelievably.

"Nonsense, how can I not speak? Don't talk nonsense. Hurry and present the fragments on you. In this way, I can give you face. Otherwise, I'll be careful to strip all your clothes!"

The fragments of the ancient mirror speak very fast. They speak very well, just like a firecracker.

At least Yun lingxuan was dizzy.

"You... What did you say? I didn't hear you clearly!"

"Women are really troublesome. Forget it, I'll go in and find it myself!"

Then the fragment of the ancient mirror was going to drill into Yun lingxuan's cuff.

But just then, xue'an reached out and patted it.


The slap made it stumble and rolled in the air for several times before it stopped.

Then Xue an said faintly, "this is my friend!"

As soon as this piece of Ancient Mirror saw Xue an, its arrogance immediately went out, and then changed into a very flattering tone.

"Oh, it's your friend, young man. I really have no eyes. Please don't blame me. And I just did this kind of thing just because I felt that there were other fragments..."

This piece of ancient mirror tells a mess of words at a very fast speed, especially in the back, I can't even hear clearly.

Yun lingxuan was at a loss.

In her imagination, shouldn't this ancient relic fragment be cold and mysterious?

Why is there such a wonderful flower?

It seems that she felt her doubts. Xue an said helplessly: "now you know why I want to seal it. This guy is really too talkative. If you don't stop it, he can speak at this speed in your ear all day!"

"Trust me, it's definitely a bad taste!"

When it comes to this, Xue an's face is a little ugly, and obviously recalls some unpleasant pictures.

Yun lingxuan suddenly realized why Xue an said she was in trouble with it.

She looked at the fragments of the ancient mirror that were still chattering and talking. She imagined that such things were bombing in her ears every day, and she couldn't help shivering.

"What now? Let them merge?" Yun lingxuan asked carefully.

Now she suddenly doesn't want to integrate.

After all, it would be troublesome to let the fragments of ancient mirrors in your hands become like this.

Xue an stretched out his hand and laid a shielding array around the fragments of the ancient mirror, shielding all its sounds invisible, and then spoke.

"Integration is definitely necessary, but we have to find a way to change this guy's character, or we'll be bored to death!"

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