"Change... Change your character? How?" Yun lingxuan looked confused.

Xue an smiled calmly, "you'll know then. Go back first!"

With that, Xue an reached out to take down the fragment of the ancient mirror suspended in the air and turned back to the inn.

At this time, there was no one in this huge Inn, and the shopkeeper and the waiter had been scared away.

But it was not difficult for Sheng Hongxi. She immediately made a division of labor and let the old four, old five and old six of Longhu stronghold act as the waiter temporarily.

Although the boss of the three people is not happy, they can't help it. If they want to follow the big army with their own strength, they must play some other role.

Therefore, the three began their career as waiters.

Xue an naturally ignored this. He took another piece of ancient mirror from Yun lingxuan, then shut himself in the house and began to think about the integration.

If it's just tuberculosis, it's OK to say that the key is that Xue an has always regarded himself as orthodox. If this character can't be changed, the future integration will be more difficult.

This is the reason why Xue an is trying to change his character for the fragments of ancient mirrors.

When he was busy in the Xiyue Inn, what happened in front of the door spread at a terrible speed and quickly caused a sensation in the whole Xihua city.

Kill in the street!

Moreover, the elite disciples of the college were killed, which is enough to attract attention.

The key person is Xue an from Lingan region, a man of the hour some time ago.

This makes this matter more intriguing.

At least many people were filled with amazement after hearing the news. They didn't know why Xue an was so bold.

Doesn't he know that offending the students in Xihua city will do him harm without benefit?

But there are also many people secretly awe inspiring.

Because Xue an's strong strength and ruthless character in this matter are shocking.

Before that, people thought that the guy who "plagiarized" poems at the Ling'an literary conference was a wretched scoundrel.

I didn't expect to be such a strong man.

For a time, the academies, large and small, in Xihua city became agitated because of this matter.

The so-called strong dragon does not press the local snake, but if the river crossing dragon is strong enough, it is not something that ordinary local snakes can fight.

In particular, the general cultural conference is about to be held, and the sudden emergence of such a powerful figure has added many variables to the general cultural conference.

Kai Si headquarters.

Lu Hui was sitting quietly in the room. Suddenly, there was a messy sound of footsteps in the hospital. Then Tang Xiao rushed in.

"Elder martial brother!"

Lu Hui slowly opened his eyes and saw Tang Xiao with an anxious face.

"What's the matter?"

"Do you know what just happened in front of the Xiyue Inn?" Tang Xiao asked anxiously.

Lu Hui shook his head. "I've been sitting quietly in the room. How do I know what's happening outside? What's the matter?"

As he spoke, Lu Hui got up and put on his shoes.

Tang Xiao took a deep breath, then said in a deep voice: "Kou Zhengfeng of Jinhan academy just called the students of major academies to Xiyue inn to surround Xue an!"

"Encircle Xue an?" Lu Hui shook his head and smiled. He tied his shoelaces slowly. "This Kou Zhengfeng wants to step on Xue an. He really doesn't know how to live or die!"

"You're right. Kou Zhengfeng is really dead!" Tang Xiao said in a cold voice.

Lu Hui was not surprised at this. "It's not surprising that he would never let others use him with that young man's temperament!"

Tang Xiao was suddenly discouraged. After receiving the news, she rushed over to tell Lu Hui that she wanted to see the color of surprise on his face.

But who could have thought that although the eldest martial brother and Xue an had only met once, they knew him so well.

"Don't you want to know how Xue an killed Kou Zhengfeng?"

At this time, Lu Hui had put on his shoes, stood up, shook his head and said with a smile, "people are dead. Is everything else important?"

Tang Xiao couldn't help saying, "elder martial brother, it seems that you appreciate Xue an's practice!"

"It's not appreciation, it's just a matter of fact! This Kou Zhengfeng, I know, although he is talented and famous, he is narrow-minded and good at calculation, so this matter has been doomed from the beginning!"

Tang Xiao deflated his mouth. "I don't understand how Xue an has such courage to kill an elite student in the street. Although it is said that Jinhan academy is just a plaything raised by a group of rich people and has little influence, it is too arrogant to press it to death in the street like pressing a bug!"

Lu Hui shook his head in disapproval. "What you don't understand is that Xue an is not an ordinary person. What you think is bold and reckless is just a daily operation for him!"

Tang Xiao was more and more unhappy. "Elder martial brother, why do you admire him so much? According to your meaning, am I an ordinary person?"

Lu Hui smiled but said nothing.

This attitude made Tang Xiao more angry. He hummed and turned away.

Lu Hui looked at her back and said calmly, "under the coming tide, don't say you, I am not an ordinary person?"

Speaking of this, Lu Hui's eyes flashed a worried look, as if he had seen something ominous.

Tang Xiaoqi hummed and ran out of the Kai Si headquarters. When she came to the street, she woke up a little, and then gnashed her teeth.

"It's really irritating. How can senior brother change his old-fashioned attitude and praise Xue an so much?"

As she spoke, she walked forward aimlessly.

Unknowingly, she came to the gate of Xing poetry hall.

When he saw the three big characters on the plaque, Tang Xiao couldn't help laughing at himself.

How did you get here.

This Xingshi hall can be called a quasi first-class Academy in Xihua City, but more importantly, it is inextricably linked with Qisi poetry society.

Although it can't be said to be a subordinate, many daily things are initiated by Qisi Poetry Society for this xingshiguan.

When recruiting new students, Xingshi hall will also be known as Qisi poetry society.

As usual, Tang Xiao often comes here to hang out when he is free, but today Tang Xiao is obviously not in the mood to hang out. He just turned around and was about to leave.

Just then, Shang Haihong, the elder martial sister of Xingshi hall, returned from outside. She happened to meet Tang Xiao and immediately got off the bus to salute.

"Miss Tang, you're here!"

Of course Tang Xiao knows Shang Haihong, but it's hard for Tang Xiao to talk about his favor for this arrogant and domineering woman on weekdays.

But today is different. When she saw Shang Haihong, she suddenly remembered something and immediately asked, "can there be you before today's Xiyue Inn?"

Shang Haihong nodded with a bitter smile, "I was there!"

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