The lines and breath on the fragments of the ancient mirror were the same as before, and even made Tang Xiao doubt whether he had just read it wrong.

Obviously, it is melted into two masses of liquid in the flame. How can it recover in the blink of an eye?

She didn't know that Xue an didn't really melt the two pieces of ancient mirror just now. He just refined the divine consciousness in the pieces with a special flame.

To put it bluntly, what has just melted is not the fragment noumenon, but the divine consciousness inside.

Now everything is silent.

Xue an took the huge fragment of the ancient mirror and looked at it calmly.

Integration is going well.

After all, the nature of ancient gods determines that they all have the instinct to integrate with each other.

So even if Xue an doesn't help, the two fragments will integrate into everything.

What he cares about now is whether the chattering spiritual consciousness still exists or not.

After looking at it for a long time, he found that the fragment was very quiet, and there was a hint of taming. It should be a success.

Thinking of this, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, then slowly put down the fragments of the ancient mirror in his hand, and said calmly.

"Have you seen enough?"

The four simple words fell into Tang Xiao's ears, but they were no less than five thunders.

What's going on?

Did he really find himself, or was he cheating me?

It must be deceiving me!


It must be!

Tang Xiao tried to convince himself, and stood still.

She wanted to bet that Xue an didn't find herself at all.

But her faint hope was soon dashed.

Because the next second, Xue an said calmly, "I've known it since the moment you entered the Xiyue Inn, so how long do you think you can hide?"

With that, xue'an raised her eyes and looked at Tang Xiao.

This indifferent and slightly ironic look made Tang Xiao's scalp numb.

"Are you right, Miss Tang?"

Have been directly named by Xue an. Tang Xiao knows that he has been completely exposed. It's funny that he was just secretly proud that Xue an didn't find himself.

As a result, people already knew, but they didn't say anything.

Up to now, there is no point in hiding again.

She had to show her figure silently.

When he saw Tang Xiao wearing a black night suit, Xue an smiled.

"Is it quite professional!"

Tang Xiao only felt that this sentence was particularly harsh, but at this moment she couldn't even say a retort.

After all, I was caught.

This is equivalent to that the thief was stealing and was caught with stolen goods. How else to explain?

So she can only be silent.

Xue an naturally saw her embarrassment, but he was not in the mood to push away the woman who had sneaked into his room. He leaned back in his chair and spoke calmly.

"Come on, why did you sneak in so hard?"

Tang Xiao hesitated for a moment and finally became angry, "I'm looking for evidence of your plagiarism!"

"Oh? Plagiarism evidence?" Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Yes, you killed Kou Zhengfeng in the street. Although you temporarily suppressed the doubts of the outside world, I always believe that what is wrong is wrong, and no one can change it!"

Xue an looked at the serious Tang smile on his face. After a moment of silence, he said, "so you sneak in?"

"Yes, seeing that the general meeting is about to be held, if you think of the time to plagiarize, you will be prepared in advance, so I came here to look for these evidences!"

"Did you find it?" Xue an smiled.

Tang Xiao shook his head, "no!"

"Of course you can't find it, because the poems I copied come from here!"

Then Xue an ordered his temple.

Tang Xiao was speechless, but the dissatisfaction in his eyes already explained everything.

Xue an smiled. "It seems that you are not convinced! Do you think I can't help you even if I find you sneaking in?"

Tang Xiao snorted coldly, "I admit that my means are despicable, but my starting point is good, so..."

"So the starting point is good and you can act at will?"

Xue an interrupted Tang Xiao with a cold question.

Tang Xiao was stunned, and Xue an went on.

"If you mean, does that mean that anyone can do it wantonly under the guise that the starting point is good? Huh?"

Tang Xiao was hurt and speechless, but after a moment, she still said unconvinced.


Before the words fell, xue'an got up and came directly to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao was overwhelmed by the sudden approach, "what do you... What do you want to do?"

Then she unconsciously stepped back, but she forgot that she had been standing in the corner, so she just stepped back and leaned against the wall.

Xue an's face was as heavy as water, blocking Tang Xiao's face, and Tang Xiao could even see his reflection from Xue an's pupil.

At such a close distance, Tang Xiao's heart was inexplicably flustered.

"What do you want to do? I tell you, I'm a quasi Confucian of the Kai Si poetry society. If you dare to make a trip, be careful that you can't even participate in the general literature meeting."

In a hurry, Tang Xiao gave this reason.

But Xue an was not moved at all. He just looked at Tang Xiao coldly.

Until Tang Xiao looked more and more flustered and stopped talking, he said faintly.

"Scared? What would you think if I said I was close to you just because I was worried about you?"

Tang Xiao opened his eyes wide.

"Do you think my starting point is good, so you don't get angry at all?"

Tang Xiao was speechless and could only lower his head deeply.

The room was quiet until a moment later.

"Let's go!"


Tang Xiao thought he had heard wrong and looked up at Xue an.

Xue an turned back to his desk and said, "well, what, well, do you think I would really leave you here? Don't be funny, just because of your strength, you're not qualified for me to treat you as an opponent or enemy!"

Tang Xiao was stunned at first, and immediately became completely angry.

Because it's more annoying than beating her.

This is equivalent to naked disregard!

But she didn't have the courage to continue to refute Xue an's words.

Therefore, Tang Xiao could only glare at Xue an.

"I hope you won't regret what you said today!"

Xue an didn't even lift his head.

For him now, the existence of such a level as Tang Xiao is not necessary for him to pay attention at all.

Just give a little punishment, and the rest will go with her. Anyway, it can't stir up any big waves.

And this kind of disregard without even a simple response was so angry that Tang Xiao's teeth were almost broken.

He turned and walked out.

With a squeak, the door was opened.

Just at this time, Ren Ning came to the door and looked in because she was really worried.

The two girls hit each other in the face.

Ren Ning was stunned.


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