Ren Ning has never seen Tang Xiao, so naturally she doesn't know who the girl in black night clothes is in front of her.

In the face of Ren Ning's question, Tang Xiao ignored it. He turned angrily and walked out directly from Ren Ning's side.

This scene was just seen by Niu Dali and others who came later.

They watched a well built woman in black come out of xue'an's room and walk away. They couldn't help looking at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

A moment later, Niu vigorously patted his thigh, "otherwise, it must be said that adults are powerful. They seduced a good family sister after eating a meal. They really envy people."

Zhang Xiaoqiang was even about to flow out of his mouth. He scratched his ears and cheeks and said, "no, I have to ask adults later to see how he did it!"

Sheng Hongxi, who was on the other side, said softly, "come on, is that because of technology? Don't you see what you look like, young master?"

This sentence is to the point and directly hits the key of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

After he was tongue tied for a long time, he finally said with a bitter smile: "three younger sisters, although everyone knows the truth, can you not be so straightforward?"

"Hum, can you change the facts without being so straightforward?" Sheng Hongxi snorted angrily, and then walked to Xue an's room.

"Third sister, what are you doing?" The old five asked without interest.

"Use your tube!" Sheng Hongqian spoke fiercely, and the old five looked confused and forced.

Third sister, what's the matter? Mingming was fine just now. Why are you so grumpy all of a sudden?

Old five wants to break his head and doesn't understand.

In fact, Sheng Hongxi is really angry at the moment.

Her teeth were rattling and her heart was cruel.

Just now, the woman has to go before, before and after. What's there except being younger and having a beautiful face?

Why are you interested in such a flirtatious bitch?

And let her appear in her room.

On this big night, it's also lonely men and women. It's self-evident what will happen.

And this is the most fundamental reason why Sheng Hongqian is angry.

Young master, don't you see what I mean?

As long as you say a word or even a look, I promise to clean it and take the initiative to deliver it to the door.

Why bother these little girls again?

Do you think I'm old?

Once the idea came out, Sheng Hongxi felt more aggrieved and angry.

But on the surface, she didn't reveal anything. Qiao smiled and walked into the room with Ren Ning.

In fact, not only did she feel angry, tuan'er also felt sad at this time.

She whispered to Yun lingxuan, "Miss, why did Tang Xiao suddenly appear in the childe's room?"

Tuan'er naturally recognized Tang Xiao. Although she was wearing a night suit today, tuan'er recognized her at a glance.

Yun lingxuan took back her sight from the direction Tang Xiao left, then shook her head, "I don't know, but it seems that Tang Xiao should sneak in!"

"Sneak in? That is to say, this is not what the childe means?" Tuan'er seemed to see hope.

Yun lingxuan looked at tuan'er and couldn't help saying, "silly tuan'er, don't you just want to ask if there is any other relationship between Tang Xiao and the childe?"

Tuan'er was a little embarrassed and smiled, "I... I'm just curious!"

"Don't worry. At this critical moment, the childe will never make trouble. I still believe him!" Yun lingxuan was very determined.

Tuan'er was overjoyed, but suddenly hesitated, and then said calmly: "but... Childe is a man after all. Didn't you say before that it's difficult for men to control their desires? Especially Miss Tang is so beautiful, in case she takes the initiative to throw herself into arms..."

Tuan'er began to worry again.

Yun lingxuan was speechless. Why didn't she think the little servant girl was stupid before?

Do women really become stupid after falling in love?

She came to tuan'er's ear and said in a low voice: "it's really difficult for ordinary men to control their desires, but childe Xue is not an ordinary person. Don't forget that he hasn't even moved you, a beautiful girl who can be picked at any time. How can he provoke Tang Xiao?"

Hearing the young lady's persuasion, tuan'er's face turned red to the root of his ears.

"Oh, miss, what are you talking about?"

Yun lingxuan smiled, "what am I talking about? Don't you understand?"

Although he was ashamed, his words did have an effect. At least tuan'er was relieved, and then walked into xue'an's room with Yun lingxuan.

In this way, four women came into the small room.

Among them, Yun lingxuan is cold and gorgeous, Ren Ning is soft and beautiful, Sheng Hongxi is enchanting, and tuan'er is beautiful.

The beauty of the four styles competed with each other. Even Xue an was a little distracted, and then couldn't help laughing.

"Tang Xiao just sneaked in!"

This explanation is optional, but Xue an said it because he didn't want to cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

Tuan'er breathed out secretly, only feeling that a big stone in his heart fell to the ground.

Sheng Hongxi smiled even more brightly.

"The childe is joking. What if the woman takes the initiative to send it to the door? It's not surprising that a woman takes the initiative to throw herself into her arms with the childe's talent and appearance!"

Xue an just smiled faintly and didn't respond to her words. Instead, she picked up the piece of ancient mirror on the table and handed it to Yun lingxuan.

"Fortunately, I didn't lose my life!"

Yun lingxuan was very surprised. "Is that it?"

"Hmm? Don't you believe it?"

"No, no, no, I don't mean that. I just think... For such a difficult task, don't you need to prepare something in advance?"

Xue an smiled, "is this task difficult? I don't think it's actually impossible to spend half a day if it's not to stimulate your spiritual consciousness!"

So far, Yun lingxuan had a deep understanding of Xue an's means and strength.

You know, she is ready to wait for a few days or even fail.

After all, as the owner of the ancient mirror fragments, she knows more about these sacred objects handed down from ancient times. She knows that they all have incomparable divine abilities, which can not be explained or changed by the power of mortals.

But this kind of difficulty came into Xue an's hands, but he didn't even stir up the waves, and finished it easily.

How can this not shock Yun lingxuan.

Yun lingxuan fell into silence holding the fragments of the ancient mirror, but the tuan'er on one side opened his mouth to speak.

But at this time, Xue an said faintly, "it's late now. Please come back!"

The expulsion order blocked everything the group wanted to say behind her, so that she was still in a muddle until she left the room.

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