However, when she saw that Sheng Hongxi, who wanted to stay in bed, was also blown out, her disappointment and unhappiness immediately dissipated.

The childe didn't just drive me out!

"Young lady, it seems that he is really not an ordinary man!" The regiment whispered.

Yun lingxuan gripped the fragments of the ancient mirror in her hand, felt the familiar and powerful breath, and then whispered, "yes, indeed... It's very unusual!"

After driving the four women out of the room, Xue an took a deep breath and untied the seal in her body.

The next moment, an Yan appeared in the room.

After seeing her, a bright smile finally appeared on Xue an's face.

"Wife, why do you want to come out suddenly?"

Just now, the reason why he suddenly ordered to leave was because he felt the message from an Yan who had been living in the body space.

An Yan's eyes moved, took a deep breath, seemed to sniff the fat and powder in the air, and then underestimated his words.

"There's no way. If I don't appear again, it's estimated that others will forget that I'm the hostess!"

Xue an's expression became a little embarrassed, "how could it!"

"Why not? I can see it very well. After all, the look in the eyes of the little servant girl who just looked at you was very obvious!"

"Yes? Why don't I know?" Xue an continues to play silly.

Even if you know at this time, you have to pretend not to know. After all, if women are jealous, they won't pay attention to the basic law.

"Hum!" An Yan snorted coldly and put on a pair of clothes. I see how long you can wear them.

Xue an smiled, "well, wife, if I have a ghost in my heart, can you supervise what I see and think all the time?"

"Who knows, maybe you're lying to me!" An Yan pretended to be angry and said, but the look on his face was obviously cloudy and turned sunny, so he had to write the big words of coaxing me quickly.

Xue an didn't understand this, so he came forward with a smile and grabbed an Yan's small waist.

"Well, wife, don't be angry. How can I lie to you!"

An Yan struggled a few times, and then gave up resistance.

After a while, Xue an whispered, "wife, what's the matter with you coming out suddenly?"

Xue an knows that an Yan's message should also come out of the body space, not because of this little thing.

Sure enough.

An Yan's expression became serious, "husband, when I just meditated in the divine consciousness space, I suddenly saw a very terrible picture!"

"Oh? What picture?" Xue an said gently, because he felt an Yan's shudder.

It seemed that she felt Xue an's comfort. An Yan forced a smile and said in a strong self calm tone.

"I saw a vast void, and you were seriously injured and floating alone!"

A simple word from an Yan's mouth took her great courage, so that her face became paler than paper after she finished.

Xue an was stunned and smiled, "well, fool, you must have been holding it in the divine knowledge space for too long and under too much pressure!"

An Yan forced to smile, "I think so, but I always think the picture is very realistic and terrible, as if there was something warning me, so I want to tell you!"

Speaking of this, an Yan carefully glanced at Xue an, "husband, you... Don't think I'm in trouble!"

"How could it be! You're worried about me. It's too late for me to be moved. How can you be angry!" Xue an rubbed Anyan's hair with a smile.

Xue an's composure obviously gave an Yan Mo great courage. At least her face became ruddy, and then she gently hugged Xue an.

"Husband, I was really scared and distressed. You swear that the picture is not true and will never happen!"

"Well, I swear that the picture is your illusion. It won't happen, will it?" Xue an said helplessly.

An Yan smiled, "uh huh!"

"I can't help you. Remember not to think about it in the future. Don't you know what your husband and I exist? The person who can seriously hurt me hasn't been born yet!" Xue an smiled.

An Yan smiled, "I'm worried about you. It's okay, it's okay!"

Then the two of them said a lot of gentle words. Finally, an Yan reluctantly returned to the divine knowledge space.

But as soon as an Yan returned, the smile on Xue an's face quickly converged, and the brilliance in his eyes became very dignified.

He knew very well that the picture Ann Yan saw was not aimless, let alone the illusion caused by too much pressure.

That's probably some kind of warning.

And Xue an is convinced that the enemy he will face next will be the strongest existence he has encountered since he stepped into the path of cultivation.

No one!

The former Eastern Emperor Taiyi and all kinds of evil things, at least there are traces to follow.

But the phantom existence he met with tuan'er outside the city yesterday told Xue an a terrible fact.

That is, you can't see through the enemy you're going to face.

It's a feeling I've never felt before.

As if there was a bottomless abyss of fate ahead, Xue an couldn't see where he was going next.

He didn't talk about this feeling to anyone, even Anyan didn't know, because he kept these thoughts in the deepest part of his heart in order not to worry Anyan.

But now an Yan also had a premonition of danger.

This shows at least two points.

First, I feel right. This general meeting is by no means easy.

Second, there seems to be something in the dark to warn yourself.

But what about warning?

Xue an looked up out of the window. The stars on the dark night sky were like diamonds, which also stimulated all kinds of feelings in Xue an's heart.

After the first time he learned about it on the tortoise shell in the air transportation secret place, Xue an has gone through wind and rain all the way to the present, and the battles he has experienced are countless.

Countless powerful people were finally trampled under Xue an's feet, paying a price for what they did that year.

Now, after coming to this high-dimensional space, Xue an understands that the behind the scenes culprits are now towering.

This can be seen from the great danger he is about to face.

Those who lurk behind layers of fog can't help but fight themselves at last.

Thinking of this, a sneer appeared at the corners of Xue an's mouth.

He was never afraid.

Even when I was alone in the face of the vast sky and countless gods and demons, I didn't have the slightest fear.

Not to mention now!

"Since a big war is inevitable, let the storm come more fiercely!" Xue an murmured.

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