As the central city of the whole continent, Xihua city gathers the world's top academies. In addition, it is also the place where previous general cultural conferences are held, so the infrastructure is extremely perfect.

There are dozens of construction facilities that can be used to hold top events alone.

However, the previous general cultural conferences will only be held in one place, that is, Kuixing mountain, ten miles north of Xihua city.

This Kuixing mountain has nothing unusual from its appearance, and even its height is inferior to that of an ordinary mountain.

But it is such a beautiful mountain, but it is the sacred mountain in the eyes of countless students in Xihua city.

There was even a great power who was good at watching public opinion and Qi and asserted that this mountain was the source of the world's cultural luck.

This is certainly an exaggeration, but this Kuixing mountain does have many miracles.

Apart from anything else, it can be seen that Kuixing mountain can independently gather the fortune of the world when the general cultural conference is held, and even its light goes straight to the bullfight.

But if that's all, Kuixing mountain is at most transformed into a huge candle.

The key is that whenever the general cultural conference is held, Kuixing mountain, which usually has no surprises, will become very mysterious.

As long as you are a student of literature into Taoism, you will automatically trigger a test after stepping into this Kuixing mountain.

Only by passing many tests can you step on the top of the mountain and enter the finals of the general cultural conference.

Speaking of this, do you feel a little familiar?

you 're right!

Kuixing mountain was really like Wenshan when the general cultural conference was held, so some people call it the general Wenshan in the world.

Today is the official day of the general cultural conference. In fact, Kuixing mountain began to radiate tens of billions of bright lights as early as a few days ago, and when it was officially held.

The peak of Kuixing mountain gathers the air from all over the world and condenses into an extremely strong light column, heading straight for the world.

Its light illuminates the territory of thousands of kilometers around, making the whole Xihua city bathed in the light of Kuixing mountain.

However, at the beginning of the rising sun, countless spectators have gathered at the foot of the mountain.

People talk about it one after another, but the topics are all related to today's general cultural conference.

"This general cultural conference is really an unprecedented event. I've heard that major academies all over the world have sent the most elite disciples to attend the conference. Today we will have a feast for our eyes!" Someone sighed.

"Who said no, didn't you notice that even this Kuixing mountain is different from the past!"

"Oh, I didn't notice. What's the difference?"

"Although Kuixing mountain in the past will gather the world's Qi and fortune and run through the world, it has never been as powerful as it is now, and even seize the sun and the moon!"

"I agree with that. Don't you see that today's glory has completely illuminated Xihua city!"

People exclaimed.

At this time, students from all major academies began to appear one after another.

I saw them driving all kinds of streamers, directly across the busy crowd and flew to the foot of the mountain.

Many ancient stone platforms were built at the foot of Kuixing mountain. These students stood on one side according to their respective camps.

Although so many people came, all the students looked solemn, and none of them talked nonsense.

This solemn atmosphere also infected these spectators.

The originally noisy crowd gradually quieted down. People all looked up as if they were waiting for something.

With the passage of time, the Chinese day in the sky climbed up a little bit, and soon it was time for the sun to rise three poles.

The sun gradually blazing, hit everyone's face.

Tang Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, but the remaining light from the corners of his eyes wandered among the crowd.

But she didn't see the white figure in the crowd, and she couldn't help feeling a little surprised.

What's going on?

This is the time. Why hasn't that guy come yet?

It seemed that Lu Hui, who was standing in front of her, suddenly didn't look back.

"Don't worry, he will come. It's just a matter of early or late!"

Today's Qisi poetry society has also come up with the most elite strength. Many great Confucians who usually refuse to show up have now put on the most formal clothes and stood on the high platform at the foot of the mountain looking around.

Tang Xiao is very clear that a large part of the reason why these great Confucianism came came came from Xue an.

After all, many great Confucians of the Qisi poetry society are very interested in this young man who inspired Qisi Wenshan.

As for the plagiarism stigma he was involved in.

After carefully studying the eleven poems at the Ling'an literary conference, you Qisi Confucianism put forward a new conjecture.

Although these poems have different styles, one thing is certain, that is, they all have a common inner.

This internal is likely to come from a mature literary system.

So someone gave a bold explanation.

These poems may have been made by Xue an alone, but they were not achieved overnight, but gradually accumulated in the process of growth.

This explains why the styles of these poems are so different.

After all, a person's growth is often accompanied by transformation again and again.

It is not uncommon that every transformation will lead to a great change in style.

Although this explanation sounds far fetched, many great scholars in the Kai Si poetry society really believe it.

Tang Xiao scoffed at this.

She knew very well that the reason why these great Confucians were so interested was not that they expected to bring this Xue an into the door.

But she knew it was impossible.

Just by these simple contacts with Xue an, she deeply understood a little.

The young man in white is very proud. Although his strength seems to be only a five-level cavalry captain, his strength is unfathomable and will never devote himself to anyone's door.

Of course, she only kept these words in her heart and never mentioned them to these great scholars.

There is a trace of girl's evil taste in it.

Aren't you eager to take xue'an as an apprentice?

Then I won't tell you this, let you try your best and finally have an empty joy.

Tang Xiao was thinking, and dozens of lights flew to him. When they landed on one of the ancient stone platforms, they were a group of women.

There was a commotion on the ancient stone platform.

"It's people outside the building!"

"Miss Yun from the building outside has arrived!"

Tang Xiao took a deep look at Yun lingxuan standing in the head.

Before, after her brother closed his door and thought about it, she once killed Yun lingxuan in the building outside the building to ask her teacher for punishment.

After Yun lingxuan's explanation, she knew that she could not blame others for her brother. He was responsible for it.

At that time, she was full of guilt for Yun lingxuan and thought she had wronged her.

Unexpectedly, when sneaking into Xiyue Inn a few days ago, she saw Yun lingxuan standing in front of Xue an's bedroom, as if waiting for something.

This made Tang Xiao furious.

Because this obviously represents the relationship between Yun lingxuan and Xue an.

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