Before that, the credibility of what she said will be compromised.

And even if what she said is true, she has failed to live up to her brother's deep feelings.

In this case, Tang Xiao's perception of Yun lingxuan became very poor.

After seeing her coming to the field today, her eyes became very poor.

Yun lingxuan was so smart that she naturally felt her eyes.

But Yun lingxuan couldn't care about those at the moment.

She looked up at the Kuixing mountain with a dignified look, then took a deep breath and began to close her eyes.

By contrast, the ball on her side is much more active.

She kept looking around and looking for Xue an.

But after working hard for a long time, I finally got nothing.

This did not stop her from feeling a little surprised.

Young master, why haven't you arrived yet?

In fact, she is not the only one who has this question.

Some of the spectators also looked puzzled.

Even among the spectators, there is still a clear division.

At the front are academies and universities that are not qualified to participate in the cultural conference.

Although these people are not qualified to participate in the general cultural conference, it does not mean that their strength is weak.

There are many academies and universities that failed the list for various reasons.

This is especially true for this general Literary Association, because many academies have given up on their own initiative.

Of course, these academies are basically dominated by those in Xihua city. In particular, nine out of ten people who saw Xue an kill Kou Zhengfeng in the street that day quit.

These are the same people who have doubts at the moment.

"Strange, why doesn't Xue an come?"

"Yes, it's going to be the middle of the day. If you don't come again, you won't catch up!"

"Are you afraid?"

As soon as he said this, all the people around him looked at the speaker with the same eyes as they looked at the mentally retarded.

The man also felt that he was wrong and his face became very embarrassed.

"I... I just said it casually!"

The reason for this is that all these people present understand that it is possible to say that the young man in white is delayed because of other things, and it is absolutely impossible to say that he is afraid to come because of fear.

After all, in the face of the fierce crowd on the long street that day, the young man in white never showed more than half his timidity, and even killed the Kou Zhengfeng of Jinhan Academy.

How can such a character be afraid?

At the same time, in the corner of the crowd, several big bellied rich businessmen were whispering together.

"Is Xue an afraid to come?"

"Probably not!"

"Hum, today I want to see what kind of person dares to kill my adopted son in the street!" One of the fat men suddenly shouted.

"What can you do if you see it? Do you want to avenge your adopted son?" Behind him came a woman's sneer.

The rich businessmen turned their heads and saw that the people of Xingshi hall had come near. Shang Haihong, the eldest martial sister of Xingshi hall, was walking in the front.

That sentence just came from her.

The fat man's face turned red and said in a sad voice, "Shang Haihong, what do you mean?"

"It means literally!" Shang Haihong said impolitely, "Mao Cong, you don't have to shout here. You have the ability. When your adopted son Kou Zhengfeng was pressed into meat patties by Xue an in the street a few days ago, you went directly to him to settle accounts?"

The man called Mao Cong is one of the backstage sponsors of Jinhan academy, and he is also the adoptive father of Kou Zhengfeng.

So when Kou Zhengfeng was killed this time, his reaction was the most intense.

Shang Haihong's words hit the point. He saw Mao Cong's face green and red, and finally said with a grim smile.

"Shang Haihong, you don't have to ridicule me. You're not much better. You're so scared that you don't even participate in the general literature meeting just after witnessing that scene. You..."

"Yes, I'm just afraid of Xue an. How about it?" Before Mao finished speaking, Shang Haihong admitted directly.

And this also greatly exceeded Mao Cong's expectation, "you..."

Shang Haihong said calmly, "I'm afraid of xue'an. I've never denied it! It's you!"

"What's the matter with me?" Mao's words are fierce and cowardly.

Shang Haihong sneered, "it's clear that his adopted son has been dead for a long time, but you have to wait until now to dare to shout. What's this, you're not playing a swollen face and filling a fat man?"

"Do you think Xue an is not here now? Even if he is, he doesn't have time to pay attention to you. You dare to shout like this?"

This sentence is to the point. At least Mao Cong's face turned white in an instant.

"You... You..."

"What are you? What I don't like most is you, a guy who doesn't have the courage to revenge but has to put on a facade and shout twice!"

Speaking of this, Shang Haihong looked disgusted.

Mao was about to vomit blood, but as Shang Haihong said, he really didn't dare to do anything in front of so many people.

Just clamoring just to make their face less ugly.

Looking at Shang Haihong who had raised his head to look at the sky, Mao gritted his teeth secretly.

Smelly girl, don't you just want to hold Xue an's thigh?

But I can see that the ladder will be opened soon. Xue an hasn't arrived yet. It's estimated that she can't come this time. I'll see what you say then!

Sure enough.

Just then, the Chinese sun in the sky had come to the center.

In an instant, the column of light from the top of Kuixing mountain was directly above Huari.


Heaven and earth shake.

Then he saw countless lights on Kuixing mountain, bright to the point of blinding.

"Open the ladder!" Someone in the crowd exclaimed.

More people looked up with dignified faces.

With the tremor of heaven and earth, the disordered lights on Kuixing mountain gradually straightened up and turned into steps extending towards the top of the mountain.

The mountain top, which could be seen through before, is now shrouded in fog.

In this way, the ladder disappeared into the fog. I don't know where it leads.

For a moment, the whole audience shook.

The elite of the Academy on the ancient stone platform almost didn't hesitate, and they rushed to the ladder that day.

Since ancient times, there have been rumors that the first person who can climb the ladder can occupy an advantage in the next cultural conference.

Although this may be just an illusory rumor, even for a good lottery, the dragons and phoenixes among these people don't want to fall behind.

Tang Xiao was no exception, and when she rushed to the ladder, she didn't forget to look around to find Xue an.

The result is still nothing.

Tang Xiao frowned.

You should know that the time to climb the ladder is only a quarter of an hour. If you miss it, it means you have voluntarily given up the general meeting.

Xue an hasn't arrived yet. He's too calm!

And just as the idea came to her mind, she heard a chuckle coming from the distant sky.

"Very lively!"

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