Now Xue an takes it as his own. How can he not be angry about it.

But he is not a fool. Through what just happened, he has clearly realized the gap between himself and Xue an.

With a fan, he is not his opponent, let alone bare handed.

The reason why he roared was entirely for others to see.

Sure enough.

Just before his roar stopped, a light scold came from behind.

"It's not that easy to take away the things of our thunder academy!"

With the voice, I heard a sharp roar from the air.

A long whip cut through the air and pumped Xue an's back.

The speed is so fast that there is a phantom of Tao Tao.

But before the whip shadow and body, Xue an's body suddenly flashed and disappeared in place. When it reappeared, it had come tens of feet away from the ladder.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

After a cold drink, the defeated whip was like a strange python, circling and turning over, and caged to Xue an again.

Moreover, the whip covered a large area, which directly blocked Xue an's way.

At the same time, the whip bearer finally appeared.

He was dressed in red and had a mature and beautiful face. He was a beautiful young woman over 30.

"It's Meng Dan, the chief punishment elder of Leiming academy!"

"Hiss, this crazy woman is here, too. There's a good-looking Xue an today!"

Many people recognize this Meng Dan.

Because she is a first-class expert of leiming Academy.

If Tan Xinxin represents the strength of the younger generation of Leiming college.

Then Meng Dan is the strength ceiling of the older generation of women in Leiming college and even the whole Xihua city.

Although she looks beautiful and slim, she is actually very cruel.

In particular, the whip in his hand, known as the first whip in Xihua City, has mysterious power.

Xue an provoked her today. It's estimated that there will be no good fruit to eat.

Even Yun lingxuan, who has always looked calm, now has a worried look in her eyes.

When Xue an was dealing with Tan credible just now, she didn't worry at all.

Because she was convinced that just a folding fan scholar could not stop Xue an's footsteps.

But this is different from Meng Dan.

This is an existence that many people are afraid of.

Although she believes Xue an can still win, what if she delays the event for a long time?

While she was secretly worried, Xue an, surrounded by long whip layers, suddenly smiled.

In the laughter, Meng Dan sounded the alarm in his heart.

It was like being stared at by a God, which was frightening.

Although Meng Dan was a woman, she was very determined, so she was just surprised and immediately urged the whip.

The whip tightened rapidly, trying to trap Xue an in the middle.

At the same time, she also said to tan Xinxin: "what are you doing? Don't hurry up the ladder!"

This sentence reminded Tan Xinxin that he immediately rushed towards the ladder.

Others rushed forward.

Because the time when the ladder appeared was only a quarter of an hour. If you missed it, there was no place to cry.

Meng Dan calculated very well.

Obviously, this young man in white will be a strong enemy of his Academy. In that case, it's better to let himself trap him here. As long as he drags him to the sky ladder and disappears, he will have no chance even if he is strong.

But ideal is ideal and reality is reality.

As Tan Xin Ran frantically to the ladder, Xue an's smile suddenly converged and stamped her foot.


One foot fell and the sword awned everywhere.

The idea of red lotus sword, which has not been used for a long time, emerged like a tide, and instantly cut the whip that trapped him into pieces.

Meng Dan snorted stiffly, and then a mouthful of blood gushed out. At the same time, his face showed infinite amazement.

In any case, she did not expect that the young man in white could use a sword, and the sword intention was so strong.

Not only did she not expect, everyone in the field looked silly.

Shang Haihong trembled all over, and his eyes showed the color of panic and happiness.

Panicking that day, I was bewitched by Kou Zhengfeng and went to the Xiyue inn to make trouble. If I hadn't seen the opportunity quickly, I might have become the soul under the sword.

You know, Shang Haihong just thought that Xue an was strong, otherwise he couldn't press Kou Zhengfeng into meat pie with one hand, but he never thought he had such a powerful sword.

That's why she felt lucky after the panic.

Okay, okay!

I was self-conscious and took the initiative to cancel the registration.

Otherwise, I will die if I go with my little strength!

As shocked as her, even more incredible is Tang Xiao.

She stared at Xue an's countless swords hovering around her, as if she had seen visitors from outside.

How... How possible!

How could this guy have such a terrible sword idea?

Immediately she felt a deep powerlessness.

I'm not as talented as him. As soon as he entered the headquarters of Kai Si, he inspired Kai Si Wenshan. Now even his strength is so rebellious.

How do you play?

And when Tang Xiao was frustrated,

Xue an smiled at Meng Dan, who was still bloodstained at the corner of his mouth, and then folded the fan in his hand.

"You said that the things in your academy are not so easy to take, but I take them now. What do you do?"

Meng Danmu was humiliated, but when she saw Tan Xinxin in the distance taking the lead and seeing that she was going to take the lead in climbing the ladder, she couldn't help looking happy.

No matter how important the fan is, it is also an external thing.

As long as their own disciples can be the first to climb the ladder and get a good place in the general meeting, it's better than anything.

But her wishful thinking soon failed.

Because just before Tan Xinxin rushed to the ladder, when he was ready to step up, a sword ran obliquely in front of him, which scared Tan Xinxin to shiver, and his body involuntarily retreated.

The people who followed him did not know what had happened. Seeing that he suddenly stopped, they couldn't help but rejoice and strode forward to try to win the first place.

But the result of this person is no exception. A sword also glanced obliquely and drove this person back.

At the same time, countless swords gathered at Xue an's feet, condensed into a giant dragon, lifted it up, and then flew over everyone's head.

The scene caused a commotion among the crowd watching from a distance.

But this was not over. Just before and after Xue an crossed the crowd to the ladder, he did not step up as people thought.

Instead, I just heard him sneer.

"Ladder...... ha ha! You deserve it!"

As he spoke, he saw the dragon under xue'an's feet burst out, turned into a huge sword in the air and cut down.


After a loud noise, the ladder broke into pieces, leaving only one channel extending to the top of the mountain.

This scene stunned everyone.

No one has ever cut the ladder to pieces when attending the general cultural conference.

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