Xue Ancai doesn't care what others think. Anyway, he won't climb the so-called ladder like these students, or even be proud of it.

In Xue an's view, these bullshit rules are actually a kind of restraint and exploitation of the strong against the weak.

The reason is that he bullies you and is unable to resist.

But when your strength reaches a certain level, you can ignore these rules.

That's why Xue an broke the so-called ladder with a sword.

Looking at the broken passage of the ladder, Xue an smiled faintly.

"Is it pleasant to look at like this!"

With that, xue'an stepped into it and left.

The remaining elite disciples from various academies stood and looked at each other.

But the next second, these people rushed up and rushed into the channel.

Although the ladder is gone, it's good to enter it earlier. Maybe you can win some opportunities.

What's more, now a quarter of an hour is about to pass. If you can't enter the channel before the time limit, it's over.

Driven by these interests, these ordinary college children who are above the top also don't care about their appearance and posture, and rush into the channel crazily.

Tan Xinxin, from Leiming college, is no exception.

But he is not a fool, especially after seeing Xue Anjian cut the whip, his heart is like a mirror.

In this rumor, the boy who cheated the world by plagiarizing poetry is by no means so simple.

At least it's not something you or Leiming academy can afford to provoke.

Therefore, Tan Xinxin can't help thinking about Xue an's killing the Kou Zhengfeng of Jinhan Academy in the street.

No wonder after the event, Jinhan academy not only did not retaliate, but tried to get rid of the relationship.

I knew that Xue an was not easy.

Thinking of this, Tan Xinxin's heart can't help being filled with regret.

But now is not the time to regret. Although there are many twists and turns, it will matter below. Therefore, Tan credible followed the crowd and mixed into the channel.

Tan Xinxin attended a cultural conference before, so this is not the first time he came to the ladder passage.

But at that time, the ladder was still there. If you want to climb to the top of the mountain, you need to accept some tests to do it.

Although after so many years of training, this ladder test has become a mere formality, and almost no one will fail, it is also a test at least.

And as long as it is a test, it takes physical strength.

It's not as good as it is now. After entering the channel, it's a magnanimous way.

Tan Xinxin was secretly happy and walked deep into the channel.

But just after walking a few steps, he suddenly found that the noisy crowd in front suddenly disappeared.

You know, in order not to expose, Tan credible has always been at the back of the team.

But the distance is not far away, so tan credible can see the back of these people and even hear their conversation.

But at this moment, the original noise suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a thick fog.

Tan Xinxin was surprised.

What's going on?

Is it that Xue an who did it?

As soon as the idea came out, Tan credible immediately turned his head and looked at it. The result was still the same, and the way behind him had been shrouded in thick fog.

Not only that, the fog is still rapidly approaching Tan Xinxin.

Tan Xinxin couldn't help trembling.

Because the fog is so weird.

Obviously, the surroundings were still good for a second. As a result, the fog blocked everything in the blink of an eye.

Nevertheless, Tan Xinxin was at least the elite cultivated by a large academy, so he soon calmed down, and then took a deep breath to stimulate his own Qi and blood.


A light curtain appeared around him.

This is composed of his literary spirit, which has been cultivated for many years. Although it is thin, it is quite powerful.

It's useless to block the fog.

At least that's what Tan Xinxin thinks.

But unexpectedly, the milky white fog passed through without any barrier after touching the light curtain.

Tan's pupils are constricted.

He also did not feel the slightest difference, as if the fog was just ordinary air, which did not arouse any warning.

Is it true that the fog is all right?

As soon as the idea emerged in Tan Xinxin's mind, the Milky fog had come to tan Xinxin, and then completely shrouded it.

Tan Xinxin immediately held his breath for fear that he would inhale the mist again and cause poisoning.

But just then, there was a sound of footsteps in the fog ahead.

Tan Xinxin immediately raised his vigilance and looked up.

With the sound of footsteps, a figure appeared in the fog ahead.

After seeing the figure, Tan Xinxin was shocked and couldn't help blurting out,

"Xue an!"

Sure enough.

Seeing the fog gradually dispersed, Xue an walked slowly to tan Xinxin's near, and then smiled and said.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come in!"

Tan Xinxin was flustered and couldn't help stepping back a few steps, but he felt that it seemed too timid, so he insisted on speaking with courage.

"I... why can't I come in?"

Xue an shook her head. "Of course you can come in, but you have to be ready after you come in!"

"What are you ready for?"

Xue an sneered: "be ready to die!"

When the words fell, Xue an's figure disappeared in place.

Tan Xinxin was shocked and knew it was bad.

Although he didn't know why Xue an didn't attend the important general meeting, he turned around to deal with himself.

But now that it's over, he can only deal with it.

I saw him burst out, "Xue, don't think I'm afraid of you!"

With that, Tan Xinxin madly urged his Qi and blood and launched indiscriminate attacks around the body.

He didn't know where Xue an had gone, so he had to take this stupid way to attack and defend.

But when he attacked like crazy, a cool wind suddenly blew behind his ears.

In an instant, Tan credible felt that his body was stiff and was about to fight back.

But listen to a cold voice without any human feelings.

"Go to hell!"


Tan Xinxin felt as if something was inserted in his back, and then came out of his chest.

When he looked down, he saw a dark part with a slight arc, like something of an insect claw coming out of his chest.

Blood gushed down the claws.

Until then, he still didn't feel pain, but felt that his chest was extremely cold, and all his strength seemed to be absorbed by this claw limb.

He slowly closed his eyes. His last thought before falling into the darkness was how could Xue an have such a weapon?

But what he didn't know was that when he completely closed his eyes and fell into the dark.

The outside world also set off a uproar.

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