Because not long after he had just stepped into the ladder passage, layers of fog completely blocked the passage.

At first, people didn't care much. They thought it was time to limit the time.

But when the fog was completely formed, many people's faces changed.

Because they found that their contact with the disciples who entered the stairway had been interrupted.

This is by no means normal.

Because such a thing never happened when climbing the ladder in the past.

"Eldest martial brother, what should I do now? I just interrupted my contact with younger martial sister Tang and many poetry club disciples!" Someone asked Lu Hui anxiously.

Lu Hui did not show too much panic, but looked at the fog in the distance calmly.

Is the picture you see in your determination finally coming true?

At this point, Lu Hui's heart could not help but be heavy.

As the actual director of Kai Si poetry society, Lu Hui's strength may not be the strongest, but a literary heart is definitely the purest.

There has always been a saying in Wen Dao that the sincere heart can be known before.

of course.

This has always been just a legend.

After all, few people can reach the realm of sincerity.

But Lu Hui reached it.

And you can really see some vague pictures of the future.

However, these pictures are generally chaotic and unsystematic, and it is impossible to predict the future.

Only when things really happen, will you suddenly see that the pictures you saw turned out to be like this!

Therefore, although we can see some vague future, Lu Hui has never mentioned it to anyone.

Until this time.

When Lu Hui meditated as usual, he saw a terrible picture.

Unimaginable monsters are devouring the world. Countless students and creatures, including themselves, are buried in the mouth of this monster.

The picture was so realistic and terrible that Lu Hui was directly awakened from the determination.

After waking up, Lu Hui's forehead showed a cold sweat, and his eyes were full of fear.

Because this is something that has never happened.

The future I saw before was vague, but this time it was so clear and terrible.

Moreover, it can be inferred from the various details on the picture that the site of the disaster was in Kuixing mountain.

Is it a harbinger of this general meeting?

In this case, Lu Hui is worried, and does not hesitate to fight for the price of being frightened again and damaging the literary heart. He is ready to look more carefully.

The result remains the same. As soon as he gets settled, he will see the terrible picture.

At this point, Lu Hui can finally conclude that the general meeting of literature and art will change greatly.

This is also the reason why he was so worried after talking to Tang Xiao.

The picture he saw was so terrible. If it did happen, let alone Kai Si poetry society, even Xihua city and even the whole world would collapse.

That's why he didn't stop Xue an.

In response to this disaster, it's always good to have more help.

In particular, Xue an is still very mysterious. Even the memorial tablet of Wensheng has taken the initiative to choose him. Maybe this great disaster may be broken on him.

Of course, these ideas are only his inner activities, and have never been mentioned to outsiders.

Until now, the strange fog obscured the ladder passage and blocked all information.

How can this not make Lu Hui feel stunned and dignified.

"Don't worry, and wait and see!" Lu Hui ordered in a deep voice.

But as soon as his voice fell, a figure fell out of the fog.

The figure was like a corpse. Without any consciousness, it fell straight down.

Some people exclaimed, but others moved very fast. A Zongyue came to the falling figure and caught it.

And after seeing the face of the figure, the people who rushed over couldn't help but be surprised.


The voice was full of anxiety and consternation.

you 're right!

The person who rushed there was Meng Dan of leiming Academy.

After her whip was chopped by Xue an's sword, she didn't leave, but stayed in place unconvinced.

She wants to see what rank this arrogant Xue an can win at the general cultural conference.

But I didn't expect that the people had just entered, and there was a sudden change. First, the stairway was blocked by fog, and then a figure fell out of it.

At that time, Meng Dan was nearest, so he rushed over immediately.

But I never thought that after receiving the hand, I found that it was Tan Xinxin of my own Academy.

Look at his eyes closed and his breath is gone. It seems that he has been seriously injured.

Meng Dan couldn't help being a little anxious.

"What's going on? Trust me, what's the matter with you?"

But no matter how she called, Tan credible didn't respond.

At this time, other people from Leiming academy, including those from other academies, also rushed over.

Seeing Tan Xinxin in a coma, they all changed their faces.

Some people who are good at medicine immediately came forward to check, but after a long time of inspection, they all shook their heads in doubt.

"It's strange that he can't see any scars from his appearance, but both pulse and Qi show that he is seriously injured and dying!"

"Yes, I just checked his chest and abdomen and found that his heart beat very weak, and the surrounding organs moved aside, as if..."

"Like what?" Meng Dan asked immediately.

"It's like an invisible blade pierced his chest and abdomen!"

Everyone was silent, and some frowned.

"What happened inside? What could have caused such strange injuries to the elite of the Academy in such a short time?"

When people were wondering, someone suddenly said in a trembling voice, "look!"

Everyone looked up, and then they saw a more terrible scene.

There were countless small black spots in the fog in the sky. These black spots expanded rapidly and could not be seen until they fell out of the fog.

What little black spots are there? They are obviously human shadows!

For a moment, both the Academies on the ancient stone platform and the crowds watching the excitement in the distance were stunned by the strange and terrible scene in front of them.

But soon someone woke up and shouted, "catch them!"

A word awakens the dreamer.

Then the people of each academy flew together to intercept these figures falling in the air.


These fallen figures were caught, and the sound of exclamation continued.

"Elder martial brother Zheng Tian, what's the matter with you?"

"God, disciple, why are you hurt?"

The Kai Si Poetry Society was no exception, and almost all the people sent to the general literary conference were destroyed.

Looking at these closed eyed members of the poetry society, Lu Hui's face was as heavy as water, and there seemed to be a fire burning in his eyes.

"Eldest martial brother, I just checked. Except for younger martial sister Tang, everyone else sent has fallen out!"

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