Hearing this, Lu Hui's eyes lit up quickly.

"I see!"

After that, Lu Hui waved his hand, "gather the injured and unconscious people!"

"But if they are not treated in this state..."

Lu Hui shook his head. "Their current situation is not that they can be cured by ordinary means. For today's plan, they can only wait for the results inside!"

"The results inside come out?" The questioner looked confused.

Lu Hui took a deep breath without much explanation, but said in a deep voice, "you wait here, I'll go in!"


Lu Hui's proposal was immediately opposed by the whole Kai Si poetry society.

"You are the elder martial brother of Kai Si poetry club. Everyone depends on you. How can you easily get into danger? So I'd better go!" A great Confucian speaks Taoism.

"Come on, with your ability, you can't solve the problem. Let me go!" Someone nearby retorted.

These great Confucians spoke enthusiastically and all wanted to go in and find out.

Just then, I heard a deep drink from the distant sky.

"Wait a moment, I'm coming!"

With the voice, I saw a figure falling on the ancient stone platform of Qisi poetry society. It was Tang Zheng who should have thought about it behind closed doors in Siguo cliff.

Seeing his arrival, these great Confucians were stunned.

"Why are you here?"

"Yes, shouldn't you be at Siguo cliff now?"

Tang Zheng's face was very ugly, because he had noticed the wounded everywhere, so he said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I'm really at Siguo cliff, but just now I suddenly found that the blood connection with my sister was broken, and the spiritual connection of many disciples in the poetry club was also broken. I knew something big had happened, so I rushed over immediately!"

With that, Tang Zheng looked at Lu Hui.

"Elder martial brother, what's going on?"

Without Lu Hui's explanation, someone nearby has told the story again.

After hearing this, Tang Zheng turned pale and immediately said, "so, my sister is still in there. Her life and death are uncertain?"

Lu Hui nodded.

"No, I'm going to find him inside!" Tang Zheng was about to leave.

Lu Hui reached out and stopped him, "you can't go!"

"Why?" Tang Zheng said anxiously, and a red light appeared in his eyes.

Tang Xiao is the only sister he has. He has been dependent on each other since he was a little brother and sister. Now Tang Xiao is trapped in a strange fog. His life and death are uncertain. As a brother, how can he not worry.

"Not only you can't go, but also they can't. don't worry. It's not that you don't believe your strength, but that you can't be as gentle and sincere as I am!"

Wen Xin is sincere.

Hearing these four words, these great Confucians all looked thoughtful.

Those who can appear here are not ordinary people. Naturally, they understand the meaning of these four words.

So soon someone hesitated and said, "do you mean... This strange fog has something to do with state of mind cultivation?"

Lu Hui nodded, "yes, these injured human bodies have no scars, but their performance is the same as being seriously injured. There is only one explanation, that is, they are all trapped in a fantasy, which finally led to this result!"

A word awakened the dreamer. Both Tang Zheng and the great scholars present turned pale.

"What fantasy can have such terrible lethality?"

"Yes, I haven't heard of a dreamland that can control so many elite disciples of the Academy at the same time!"

In the cognition of these great Confucians, even if the dreamland is powerful, it is only a dreamland. As long as it is explored and broken, it has no lethality.

But now the college disciples who are all unconscious have broken their inherent impression of the dreamland.

"Of course you won't have heard of it, because this fantasy is by no means ordinary!" Lu Hui raised his head and muttered.

Immediately he looked down at Tang Zheng, "I'll give it to you here after I leave. Remember, you must not act rashly!"

Tang Yuan wanted to say something more, but when he saw Lu Hui's very serious look, he couldn't help but shut his mouth and nodded again.

"Well, you must be careful, elder martial brother!"

Lu Hui smiled and didn't answer. He stamped his feet and flew straight up. In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the mysterious fog.

At the same time, Tang Xiao is experiencing the biggest crisis in her life.

Tang Xiao was one of the first to enter the stairway.

But as soon as she stepped into it, she noticed something was wrong.

First of all, around the body, those who rushed into the passage suddenly disappeared.

Instead, its color is milky white, and the fog is too thick to melt.

Tang Xiao immediately became alert.

There is obviously something wrong with the fog, otherwise the surrounding area that was just noisy would not suddenly become silent.

Although I don't understand how a good ladder can suddenly become like this.

But the danger was at hand, and she couldn't help thinking more, so she took a deep breath and was ready to resist the enemy.

At this time, a figure slowly appeared in the fog in front, and at the same time, there was a woman's cry, which was extraordinarily penetrating in the silent fog.

The sound of crying came to his ears, and Tang xiaolue was in a trance. Even if he heard a kind voice with infinite sadness ringing in his ears.

"My son, where are you..."

This is.

Tang Xiao's eyes widened gradually, and then he saw that the fog in front gradually dispersed, showing the figure of a woman.

When he saw the woman, Tang Xiao couldn't stop shivering, and then shouted a word in disbelief.


With her cry, the image of the woman in front of her quickly appeared.

From the beginning of the ethereal into a living person.

This was a middle-aged woman in her forties and fifties, with beautiful clothes and bright and clean face. It was obvious that she was a lady who was used to living in dignity.

When he saw the lady's face, Tang Xiao's eyes turned red and shouted again.


There was no doubt in this tone, only infinite sadness and grievance.

After hearing her cry, the noble woman's face also showed a thick color of sadness.

"My son, it's hard for you to find for your mother! Where have you been for so many years!"

With that, the noble woman walked forward quickly.

Tang Xiao burst into tears. "I've been living with my brother for years. I thought you and my father were dead! Mom, why did you suddenly appear here?"

"Silly boy, your father and I were indeed dead, but Wei Niang's spiritual knowledge is immortal and has been secretly protecting you. This time you have suffered a great disaster. I'm really worried about Wei Niang, so I tried to show it!"

As she spoke, the noble woman had come to Tang Xiao.

Her face was full of a kind smile, and she reached out to hug Tang Xiao.

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