Tang Xiao's face was full of tears and stood still, as if stunned by the sudden happiness.

You know, she grew up with her brother Tang Zheng when her parents died.

In Tang Xiao's memory, there are only a few vague pictures about his mother.

How could she be unhappy when she suddenly saw her yearning mother standing in front of her and reaching out to hug herself.

It seemed that she felt the idea in her heart, and a color of heartache appeared on the expensive woman's face.

"What a poor child! Let me give you a hug!"

As she spoke, her arm had crossed Tang Xiao's shoulder and was about to close up and hold it.

Just then, a nib penetrated from the noble woman's back.

The lady gave a shrill howl, but she didn't give up. Instead, she closed her hands fiercely, trying to trap Tang Xiao in it.

But Tang Xiao had expected this move. She was short and ran away directly from the expensive woman's hands.

At the same time, I saw the black gas escaping from the noble woman's wound, and the noble woman's original bright appearance withered, showing her ferocious and terrible true face.

It turned out that it was a wolf demon with a long wolf tail and iron gray all over.

Seeing this, Tang Xiao frowned and said coldly, "it's a nightmare wolf!"

There is a demon in the dream, which is called nightmare wolf. It is a monster that feeds on greed and fear in people's hearts.

The nightmare wolf opened his mouth and roared angrily, "Damn, how did you notice?"

"It's very simple. Although I was young when my mother died, I still remember her appearance!"

"But I'm based on your inner image. How can you see it?" The nightmare wolf roared reluctantly.

Tang laughed, "I'm sorry, the face you're using now is a random idea. My mother's real face has already been sealed in my literary heart by me. How can you peep through it!"

It turned out that Tang Xiao knew from the beginning that this was a fairyland, but she didn't explore it at that time. Instead, she planned to see how the fairyland developed.

That's why she would deliberately shout out her mother when the figure had just emerged and had not yet appeared.

In order to give the nightmare wolf an illusion.

"Damn woman, do you really think you can kill me like this? I'm the demon of dreamland appointed by adults. Even if you find out, what can you do? You still have to die here today!"

The nightmare wolf roared and rushed to Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao didn't even hide. He just stood in place and looked coldly, murmuring.


The nightmare wolf didn't know, so, "what are you shouting?"


"Jie Jie, are you counting down how long you can survive?" The nightmare wolf smiled grimly.

Tang Xiao ignored his ridicule. Instead, he stretched out a finger and said slowly, "one!"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a dull sound, and the body of the nightmare wolf burst into pieces.

The trunk and limbs disintegrated into fog in the air, and only the head turned into a gray light and went straight to the depths of the fog.

At the same time, there was a roar of surprise and anger in the void.

"What did you hurt me with?"

Tang smiled coldly and said, "nothing, just a pen to describe the memorial tablets for the literary saints of Qisi poetry society!"

As soon as he said this, everything returned to silence, and even the disturbed fog calmed down.

Tang Xiao stood where he was. When he was sure that the nightmare wolf had been scared away, he breathed a sigh. Then he came forward and bent over to pick up the Wensheng memorial tablet pen from the air.

At the moment, there are subtle cracks on the pen body of this pen. It is obvious that the battle just made it wear out a lot.

Tang Xiao looked distressed, caressed the pen carefully, and muttered, "thanks to you this time!"

Then she looked up at the fog ahead.

At this time, although the fog was still strong, it had dispersed a lot after the just battle, and a road appeared faintly.

Looking at this road, Tang Xiao's face showed a very complex look.

From the moment she saw the fog, there was a question in her heart.

Why did this general meeting become like this.

This nightmare wolf was originally the genus of evil things, and it was a relatively high-level existence among evil things. Why did they suddenly appear here?

Where are the others?

These questions hovered in her mind.

Finally she took a deep breath.

No matter what is ahead, you should take a look at it yourself.

After all, this is about the fate of students all over the world.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao stepped forward and quietly disappeared into the fog.

And that is when she successfully got rid of the illusion and continued to move towards the top of the mountain.

Yun lingxuan is facing a desperate situation of life and death.

A sharpened dagger will make a pleasant friction sound when it stabs into the throat.

Then the dagger will cut across with an irresistible trend. First, the vocal cord will be cut off, which will turn people's scream into an ugly hiss, and then the trachea will be cut off.

After the trachea is cut, the air in the lungs will be sprayed out uncontrollably, bringing out countless blood droplets.

Then you will see that a person's chest is slowly deflated, which is a symbol that his lungs have been completely deflated.

At the same time, there is the man's eyes.

It was an impossible look, mixed with despair and anger.

Just one glance will burn your nerves.

But this is still not over. The dagger continues to cut across uncontrollably. The skin, blood and flesh are pushed to both sides, and then the main artery near the neck is cut off.

The blood spewed out at a height of two or three meters under the pump pressure of the heart to complete the most gorgeous curtain call of its life.

Then you can see the man's eyes go out.

The whole process is only described in words, which is extremely cruel.

But Yun lingxuan is witnessing it with her own eyes, and she is not the one who has witnessed it.

In front of her was a temple that had collapsed due to fire. When the fire burst into the sky, countless ferocious and terrible evil things roamed in it, harvesting life wantonly with their daggers.

Screams mixed with the sweet sound of a dagger cutting into the skin constitute a symphony of hell.

Yun lingxuan's body could not stop shaking, because the scene in front of her was the picture sealed in her memory.

The collapsed house was her former home.

The person who is being slaughtered by evil things like pigs and dogs is her family.

Just then, an evil object with a scorpion tail reached out and grabbed a man's hair, and then the dagger in his hand stabbed down.


Blood splashed, but the man didn't howl miserably. He just looked at Yun lingxuan with calm eyes and moved his lips at the same time.

Although she could not hear the voice, Yun lingxuan still knew that the man said the word "run".

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