In an instant, Yun lingxuan felt as if she had been hit head-on by something. Her stomach convulsed and aroused a strong sense of vomiting.

"Dad!" Yun lingxuan whispered with tears all over her face.

you 're right!

The man killed by the evil thing is Yun lingxuan's biological father.

These pictures are the real scenes when Yun lingxuan was destroyed.

Over the years, Yun lingxuan has kept it deep in her heart and never disclosed it to anyone.

Even she won't take the initiative to touch these memories.

Because every touch is a cruel punishment for her.

But I didn't expect that in today's ladder passage, these pictures would suddenly appear, and appear naked in front of Yun lingxuan.

At the moment, Yun lingxuan felt cold all over. She stood still and even forgot to cry.

At this time, the evil thing with a scorpion tail raised his eyes and looked at Yun lingxuan.

"Jie Jie, there are still fish missing?"

Then he threw away the body of Yun lingxuan's father and walked towards Yun lingxuan.

Yun lingxuan was frightened and wanted to fight back and do something.

But at this time, she was firmly nailed to the ground by an invisible force, and she couldn't do anything at all.

Just when she was in despair, she suddenly saw a wisp of sword light flying in the oblique thorn, directly penetrating the head of the evil thing.


The evil thing turned into fog without even humming.

Then I saw the sword whirling around the whole audience at a very fast speed. After a few sounds, these evil things in the field were broken and dispersed into fog.

At the same time, the temple, which has collapsed more than half, disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, the Milky fog reappeared, and Xue an stood in front of the fog and quietly looked at Yun lingxuan.

After the dreamland dissipated, Yun lingxuan soon woke up.

When she saw xue'an, she immediately understood what had just happened and couldn't help but bow her head to xue'an with gratitude.

"Thank you, childe!"

Xue an was noncommittal, but said faintly, "can you go next?"

Yun lingxuan nodded immediately, "of course!"

"Well, the top of Kuixing mountain is ahead. Come with me!"

After that, xue'an turned and walked to the top of the mountain.

Yun lingxuan was stunned. Even if she quickly followed up, she secretly watched Xue an's back as she walked, feeling only gratitude and happiness in her heart.

I just fell into a terrible illusion without knowing it. If Xue an hadn't helped me, I would be dead now.

But the key is that Xue an did not show any compassion and compassion even when he saw his past experience.

This is what Yun lingxuan is most grateful for.

She is a very calm woman, and even a calm woman is not like a woman.

What she hated and resisted most in her life was to sell misery with her wounds.

Because those sympathetic or compassionate eyes will suffocate her.

Xue an's attitude is better.

It's a matter of fact, nothing else.

At the same time, Yun lingxuan is also very clear that what she will face next is likely to be a very powerful existence.

It could even be the guy who killed his parents.

But this did not make Yun lingxuan feel the slightest fear!


At the moment, her heart was full of expectations.

Finally... Until the day of liberation!

Xue an's mood was quite different from her. The more he went to the top of the mountain, the more serious and dignified his expression was.

But this did not make his pace rhythm a bit disordered, but walked more and more calmly.

In the end, each step will stir up layers of ripples and shake the surrounding fog away.

After feeling the sound of footsteps like war drums, Yun lingxuan's expression became more and more serious, and then quietly took out the fragment of the ancient mirror from her arms.

At this time, the fog in front of me suddenly disappeared and everything suddenly opened up.

However, the surrounding mountains are like gathering, and the stone slabs at the foot are paved, which is the top of Kuixing mountain.

Yun lingxuan is very familiar with this place. As the leader of the building outside the building, she has been here more than once.

When the cultural conference was held, I came as a participant and usually as a tourist.

But today, the top of Kuixing mountain makes her feel a little strange.

The first and most obvious change is that the top of the mountain has become very cold.

You should know that Kuixing mountain faces south and there is a smooth road ahead. The light is excellent. At this time, it is sunny. It is reasonable to say that it should not feel cold anyway.

But the fact is that as soon as Yun lingxuan stepped into the top of the mountain, she shivered.

It's a cold that seeps into the bone marrow.

But soon Yun lingxuan left this change behind.

Because she saw a more incredible change.

In front of the Juxian Pavilion in the middle of the top of the mountain, a man stood impressively,

He turned his back to Xue an and Yun lingxuan. At least from the perspective of Yun lingxuan, he could only see his thin back.

But this is not the most frightening thing. The most frightening thing is that Yun lingxuan was shocked to find that this figure was also dressed in white, and was as similar as Xue an around him in both temperament and feeling.

So Yu lingxuan turned her head several times to confirm whether the man standing in the pavilion was Xue an.

All she saw was Xue an's more serious look.

"Childe..." Yun lingxuan gave a trembling cry.

Xue an waved her hand to stop Yun lingxuan from going on, and then strode towards Juxian Pavilion.

This gathering pavilion was originally built for the gathering of students at the time of the general cultural conference, so it is extremely generous.

Xue an walked closer, but he was not in a hurry to enter it. He just stood outside the pavilion and looked at the figure coldly.

"You came later than I expected!" Back slowly.

Hearing this sound, Yun lingxuan's eyes widened.

Because this voice is as like as two peas.


We should not use two words, but the same voice at all.

Xue an's face sank like water. "Are you waiting for me?"

"Hehe, of course I'm waiting for you. I'm not only waiting for you, but I also know that the reason why you came late is to save the woman beside you, right?" The back tone was indifferent.

"Oh, so you know me well?"

"Hehe, if anyone in the world knows you best, it must be me!"

Yun lingxuan was a little insane.

Because these conversations sounded in her ears like Xue an talking to herself.

Finally, she couldn't help shouting at the back in the pavilion: "who are you? Why don't you dare to show people your true face?"

"Who am I?" The figure smiled, and then slowly turned around, "of course I am Xue an!"

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