When she saw the real face of the back, Yun lingxuan was so frightened that she almost didn't bite off her tongue.

Because she saw a face just like Xue an.

As like as two peas, even the face, even the figure, the clothing, and even the temperament are the same.

These are not the most terrible.

What made Yun lingxuan feel cold on her back was the look in Xue an's eyes.

As like as two peas in the world, people who are the same are rare but can not say no.

At the same time, there are people who are good at changing their appearance, which can imitate a person's appearance to a vivid degree.

Only the eyes can't imitate.

Because the eyes are the most intuitive display and expression of a person's inner thoughts.

This is absolutely impossible to imitate.

It is as like as two peas.

But today, Yun lingxuan's cognition has been subverted.

Because Xue An as like as two peas in front of him is exactly alike in appearance.

There is also three points of arrogance, three points of laziness and four points of silence.

"This... This..." Yun lingxuan is going crazy.

She thought that after climbing the top of Kuixing mountain, she would face powerful evil things, and then she could fight with real knives and guns.

But I didn't expect to encounter such an existence.

But it was this existence that made Yun lingxuan feel infinite fear.

Even when she bit the tip of her tongue secretly, she was afraid that she would fall into a dreamland again.

Soon, the sharp pain from her tongue made her understand that everything was true.

In this regard, the xue'an standing opposite smiled.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Yun. I won't hurt you!"

Yun lingxuan subconsciously approached Xue an, but the next second what Xue an said made her fall into the ice.

"You are so sure that I am false. Is this beside you true? Have you ever thought that he is false?"

Hearing this, Yun lingxuan felt that her hair stood up, and the footsteps that were closing up also stopped.

"Childe..." Yun lingxuan looked at Xue an beside her.

Now there is a paste in her head. She can't tell which is true and which is false.

The Xue an beside him didn't look at her, but said coldly, "stay away from here!"

Yun lingxuan hesitated for a moment and finally retreated to a corner of Juxian Pavilion.

It's not far from these two xue'an. She can see and hear what happened and respond quickly. It's a good position.

However, she thought carefully, and the two opposing xue'an ignored it at all.

They looked at each other for a moment, and then Xue an, who came up with Yun lingxuan, said slowly.

"It seems that I really underestimate you evil creatures. I can think of such a means to deal with me. It's really sinister enough!"

"Hehe, you are the same as each other, aren't you?" The opposite Xue an looked sarcastic.

Xue an shook his head. "I'm different. My memory is real and my experience is real. It's by no means a fake like you can replace it!"

"Ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha The Xue an opposite sneered.

"Yes or no, you can tell after playing!"

With the words, Xue an, who climbed the Kuixing mountain with Yun lingxuan, appeared around him.

The sword pointed at Xue an opposite.

Seeing this scene, Yun lingxuan was relieved.

Now you can be sure that the Xue an who saved himself is obviously true.

Because only the real xue'an can use such a terrible sword!

But unexpectedly, Xue an smiled coldly in the face of his move.

"It seems that only you can do it!"

After that, he stamped his feet and shouted, "sword up!"


The sword like snow hovered in front of him.

There is no difference between two phases.

Even the momentum on the sword is the same.

Yun lingxuan is the boss with her mouth open.

How is this possible?

One of the two must be fake.

But the question is, how can this fake xue'an also have sword intention?

And as like as two peas.

We should know that everyone's momentum is different because of their different cultivation methods and even habits.

Even if you practice the same school and the same skill, there are subtle differences.

Never as like as two peas.

That is, when Yun lingxuan was surprised and inexplicable, the swords of both sides roared together.

Under the roar, Kuixing mountain began to tremble violently.

Yun lingxuan hurriedly held the corridor pillar beside her and looked at the battlefield with a frightened face.

In fact, the fight between the sword and the mind lasted less than a few seconds. When the sword disappeared, the two sides retreated one step together. Obviously, it was equally divided, and no one took advantage of it.

But this is just the beginning.

The next moment, the two xue'an rushed to each other without hesitation and began to fight.

Yun lingxuan was dazzled. Just a moment later, she couldn't tell who saved her and led her up the mountain.

It made her heart beat.

It's broken!

Now I can't even distinguish at the beginning. What can I do?

Just when she was upset, Tang Xiao came to the top of the mountain through the fog.

After successfully conquering the illusion, she rushed to the top of the mountain without delay.

But I have no choice, because the Milky fog is really weird.

Once you get stuck in it, even if you have a good sense of direction, you will soon get lost.

It happened that Tang Xiao's sense of direction was not so good, so he took many wronged roads and finally reached the top of the mountain.

Then she noticed the two men fighting in the air.

At the beginning, she didn't care too much. Did she always have a literature meeting! It's normal to fight.

Although these students are usually polite, it is because of the restrictions of the academy and xihuacheng rules.

At the general meeting, these restrictions were temporarily lifted.

In this case, everyone will burst out of deep desire.

Those who have revenge take revenge, those who have grievances hold grievances.

This has led to the excitement of every general cultural conference.

But when Tang Xiao looked more carefully, he saw something wrong.

These two people come and go. They fight so fast that Tang Xiao can't see their faces clearly, but their temperament and behavior are too obvious.

Obviously, Tang Xiao couldn't help opening his eyes.

"These... These are two xue'an?"

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