Lu Hui turned his head and saw a young girl standing under the colored lights on the street.

The girl is twenty-eight years old. It is the time when she is full of youth. Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes and has not been powdered, it is only the beauty naturally revealed that is enough to make people intoxicated.

Seeing the girl, Lu Hui was so shocked that he blurted out: "Li Niang?"

Hearing this address, the girl's face turned red to her ears, stamped her foot gently and said shyly, "brother Lu... If you make fun of others like this, they will ignore you!"

Then the girl turned and left.

Lu Hui hardly hesitated and immediately followed up.

And this scene happened to be seen by the street vendors. They laughed and said with a smile.

"What are you doing with Li'er running so fast? Brother Lu is right behind you!"

"Young Master Lu, if you want me to tell you about your marriage with Li'er, you'd better make a decision quickly. Old man, I'm still waiting to drink your wedding wine!"

Looking at the villagers smiling and talking to themselves, Lu Hui's panic became more and more intense.

They... Aren't they already dead?

But the idea just flashed away. Soon Lu Hui forced a smile at these people, then squeezed away the crowd and walked away quickly, leaving only the sound of laughter behind him.

Miss Li'er ran very fast ahead. Lu Hui chased her and quickly left the main street. After turning a few corners, he came to a place full of water and gas.

This is a pear forest. At the moment, the pear flowers are blooming at a good time. Under the starlight, they look like snow mountains.

Lu Hui slowed down and walked through the pear trees. Then a small pond appeared in front of him. It may have been used by the owner of the pear garden to water these pear trees at first, but with the abandonment of the pear garden, the small pond was also abandoned.

Li'er was standing by the pond with his back to Lu Hui, as if in a daze.

Lu Hui walked up slowly and stood side by side with Li'er.

Neither of them spoke, but stood so quietly.

The pond in front reflects the stars in the sky and the pear flowers by the pond, forming a beautiful picture.

"How beautiful!" After a long time, Li'er sighed softly.

Lu Hui didn't say anything, because in his opinion, all the beauty was not as good as the girl next to him.

He just wanted to stand with Li'er quietly.

But he didn't speak, and Li'er didn't mean to be silent.

"It's all your fault. Calling me Li Niang in front of so many people makes me sneer at by so many people! Hum!"

Speaking of the end, Li'er stamped his feet very coyly and angrily, then turned his head and ignored Lu Hui.

She wanted to wait for Lu Hui to comfort herself, but she didn't expect to hear any sound after waiting for a long time, so she couldn't help looking sideways.

But at this time, Lu Hui was looking at himself.

Li'er looked a little flustered, but a trace of happiness poured into her heart.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Li'er lowered his head and asked with some embarrassed quality.

Lu Hui still didn't say a word.

Li'er raised her head again in anger, but looking at Lu Hui's silly appearance, she could not help but be happy.

"Speak, are you dumb?"

Lu Hui opened his mouth, hesitated for a moment, and finally whispered, "Li'er, you are so beautiful!"

Li'er's face became more red, and there was no place to put her hands and feet. She stood in place and ate. Ai Ai said, "just... Will make fun of me!"

"What I said is true!" Lu Hui spoke very seriously.

"Oh, I suddenly remembered that he asked me to sell the paper-cut at home! I'm going back!"

With that, Li'er was a little flustered and wanted to leave.

Because she felt that there was something wrong with Lu Hui today.

In particular, her eyes were so bright and frightening that she was a little afraid.

But just as she was about to turn and leave, Lu Hui suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

"Oh!" Li'er exclaimed, "Master Lu, let go and let others see it!"

Li'er shouted in panic, but soon she stopped her action because she saw the painful color in Lu Hui's eyes.

"Brother Lu, you..."

"Li'er, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been obsessed with Wen Dao, but I failed to live up to your feelings for me! I'm sorry!" Lu Hui murmured.

With his whisper, the pear trees around him gradually distorted and dissipated.

Li'er also left in front of him.

Her face gradually blurred and her body became transparent.

Nevertheless, Lu Hui still didn't let go, but held it tightly, as if he could retain the girl in front of him for a while.

But this is just a futile struggle. Everything is not transferred by Lu Hui's will at all.

Soon, Li'er's body scattered, and the whole city scattered together.

Lu Hui closed his eyes painfully.

Although he knew it would be like this, he still didn't want to see it.

And that is, at the moment of closing your eyes, a strong bloody gas rushed into your nostrils.

At the same time, it is mixed with pungent smoke and meat aroma.

This strange smell made Lu Hui tremble, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Sure enough.

In front of us was a scene of hell.

The bustling city in the past has become a broken wall. The fire burning for many days finally stopped, but the strong smoke still lingers over the whole ruins for a long time.

Vultures and unknown scavengers stopped on the collapsed city wall and looked at Lu Hui with red eyes.

Although he had experienced it once, this time Lu Hui couldn't help staggering, and then rushed into the city with his feet out of control.

The once bustling streets have disappeared, leaving only collapsed houses.

Long poles were erected on both sides of the street, on which bodies were hung.

Although it has been eaten by vultures beyond recognition, Lu Hui can still distinguish the identity of these people.

Uncle liang of steamed stuffed bun shop, Uncle Zhang of blacksmith shop, shopkeeper fan of silk and satin shop.

Once a fresh life ended on the long pole.

Lu Hui felt his hands trembling, and then involuntarily continued to run to the depths of the ruins.

Soon he came to a shop that had been razed to the ground.

He used to be so familiar here that he could even close his eyes to describe the scene here.

A front door facing the street is hung with green curtains all year round, which sells Rouge of various colors that girls like.

This is mother Li'er's shop and the place Lu Hui often visits.

But at the moment, the green bead curtain was gone and the shop was gone.

The only thing left was the two bodies hanging from the long pole.

When he saw the green skirt on the petite body, Lu Hui fell to his knees and burst into tears.

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