Once as beautiful and beautiful as a flower, now it has become withered and shriveled.

The bright eyes like autumn water have been pecked off by vultures, leaving only two dark eyes.

The cheek dried by the wind was covered with deep visible bone scars.

Obviously, this is the mark left by some creature after biting.

And it is very likely to happen before the girl's life, so we can imagine how much pain the girl has suffered.

Lu Hui stretched out his hand and gently stroked the face, which had become extremely ferocious, with tears in his eyes.

"Li Niang!"

With the words, tears fell into the empty eyes and splashed a little water light.

That is, when Lu Hui knelt down and cried bitterly, behind him, wisps of fog gathered quietly and condensed into a sharp long thorn, and then stabbed down according to Lu Hui's back.

The whole process did not stir up any waves, but at this critical moment, Lu Hui seemed to have expected. He suddenly extended his hand back and just grasped the sharp thorn stabbing himself.

In an instant, the wind stopped and the clouds stopped, and everything stopped, including vultures flying over the deserted city and all kinds of scavengers.

I saw them stagnate in the high altitude, and there was no change in the angle of their feathers blown by the wind.

This feeling is like a giant beast pressing the pause button.

Only Lu Hui was not affected by these stagnation. He slowly turned his head to look at the sharp thorn formed out of thin air, and said calmly.

"Take people's deep concern as an incentive to build a very realistic fantasy to surround and kill them. If I guess correctly, this should be the means of nightmare wolf!"

After that, he saw that the sharp thorn in Lu Hui's hand was broken, and the whole city was broken together.

Then the wisps of fog condensed into a huge wolf.

It is the nightmare wolf that Tang Xiao met before.

But this nightmare wolf is much bigger than the one Tang Xiao met.

The strength of this creature is often directly proportional to their body shape, that is to say, this nightmare wolf is much stronger than the one Tang Xiao met.

Lu Hui didn't care about it. He just looked at it coldly. He didn't say anything until the nightmare wolf was completely formed.

"I should have guessed that if so many elite disciples could be trapped in the dreamland, who else could be there except you who are the evil things that professionally play with people's dreamland!"

The nightmare wolf sneered at Yan Yin's pity, "Lu Hui, I have to say that you are really cruel enough. Such a dreamland can't break through your mind defense! It seems that the emotions buried in your heart can't be true!"

Lu Hui smiled coldly, "why should he be penetrated into the mind defense?"

"Shouldn't you? You should know that your literary heart is perfect, but I saw these from the deepest crack in your heart. That kind of strong emotion should be true! But why didn't you collapse?" The nightmare wolf said strangely.

"My failure does not mean that my feelings for Li Niang and the city are false. On the contrary, it is precisely because my feelings for them are so sincere that you can't deceive me!" Lu Hui whispered.

"Don't talk about these scenes, I don't believe you are really impeccable!" The nightmare wolf began to get angry.

"Of course I'm not impeccable. You know, I even want to thank you!"

"Thank me for what?"

"Because you gave me this opportunity to face Li Niang and say my regret!"

"Just one sentence can make up for your regret? Don't be funny. You know that the women you think about and your hometown have disappeared! You can't go back again! Ha ha!" The nightmare wolf began to laugh.

For these evil things that are very accurate to the human heart, they naturally know how to provoke a person.

But this time it was miscalculated, because Lu Hui's face showed a sarcastic color and his tone was cold.

"Of course, it's not so easy to make up for the regret. I also know that Li Niang and my hometown of birth have disappeared, and it's you evil creatures who started the figurines, but what's the matter? After all, I've avenged them myself!"

"Revenge?" The nightmare wolf's laughter stopped suddenly, and then looked at Lu Hui in surprise.

"Yes, I have repaid their pain thousands of times!"

When he said this, Lu Hui's tone was very calm, so calm that there was no wave.

But it was this extremely calm tone that made the nightmare wolf shudder.

A very ominous premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

The nightmare wolf's reaction was not unpleasant. He didn't even hesitate. He immediately turned and fled here.

But it's too late.

At the moment when it could turn around, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the Milky fog retreated again and replaced by a battlefield.

In fact, it is not appropriate to describe the battlefield. To be exact, it should be a slaughterhouse.

Because on this vast land, there are countless corpses of evil objects lying horizontally and vertically.

These corpses have different death forms, but there is infinite fear and pain on the face of each evil object. It can be seen that they have suffered extremely cruel torture before they die.

Under these bodies, green, blue, pink... All kinds of blood infiltrated the land to the point of almost saturation.

The smell of blood in the air was so strong that it was disgusting.

The nightmare wolf began to tremble uncontrollably.

Because as an expert in playing with the dreamland, it knows that at the moment it has been forcibly dragged into the dreamland by Lu Hui by some unknown means.

The key is that the illusion is so realistic that all the methods it tries to find out in an instant fail.

At this time, Lu Hui's voice came from behind.

"Welcome to my dreamland, next will be your exclusive moment!"

Hearing Lu Hui's words, the nightmare wolf was scared crazy.

Just as it controls other people's life and death in its own fantasy, in other people's fantasy, no matter how powerful it is, it is just a lamb to be slaughtered.

It could not be clearer, so it wanted to escape.

But just now all the attempts have failed. Helpless, it had to turn around and look at Lu Hui fiercely.

For today's plan, only by killing Lu Hui, the master of the dreamland, can he escape from heaven.

Thinking of this, his ugly eyes couldn't help showing a strong sense of killing.

Lu Hui knew this, but he just smiled faintly.

"Because you just let me make up for my shortcomings, I decided to give you a happy way to die. Next... Please enjoy it!"

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