Liao Zhiji immediately froze in his chair and dared not move.

Not only did he not move, he also shouted with great cooperation: "OK, OK, OK! I promise I will never move, but adult, you must grasp the sword intention in your hand!"

At last, Liao Zhiji's voice trembled and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. It was obvious that he had personally experienced the cold murderous spirit of the sword on his throat.

Xue an showed her figure and a sarcastic smile appeared on her face.

"Whether I can grasp the meaning of the sword in my hand depends entirely on whether you deserve it or not!"

"Cooperate, sir. Just tell me. I have nothing to say!"

The appearance of such servility made Wu Jun despise.

"Bah, shameless dog!"

After that, he looked at xue'an in great surprise. He didn't understand when he came in.

In fact, as early as they had just entered the ship, Xue an had noticed the difference.

Although there is a Dharma array on the surface of the ship to shield the detection of divine thoughts, there is still nothing to hide in front of Xue Ann's powerful divine thoughts.

He easily sensed that there were many guards with sharp blades in the ship, obviously trying to do something wrong.

Therefore, Xue an just became invisible and quietly sneaked into the spaceship.

Sure enough, Liao Zhiji soon showed his ferocious face and ordered duanmuguang to be killed.

But duanmuguang and his wife were not vegetarians, and they were still not defeated by the crowd.

So Xue an didn't show up, but hid beside him and watched quietly.

Until these strange cannon barrels appeared, Xue an just went out to save Mu Guang.

Duan muguang and Wu Jun are not fools. Naturally, they know that Xue an is here to save them, so they hug him with infinite gratitude.

This is the third time Xue an has saved them both.

Xue an just smiled faintly, and then rushed to Liao Zhiji, who was sweating in his chair.

"Who ordered you to come!"


Liao Zhiji didn't expect Xue an's first question to hit the point, so he hesitated.

Seeing this, Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, and the sword immediately pierced her skin and pierced deep into her throat.

Under the severe pain, Liao Zhiji shouted in horror, "I said, I said, adults don't do it, adults don't do it!"

When the sword stopped, Liao Zhiji breathed a sigh of relief, and then trembled and shouted, "yes... Ke zongduo ordered me to come!"

"Ke zongduo? You mean Ke Jinyun, who is second only to several Cardinals?" Duanmu Guang asked immediately.

"No... that's right! Can I stop bleeding first, or I'll bleed and die later!" Liao Zhiji whispered.

Xue an smiled, "as an evil thing, will you bleed and die?"

Liao Zhiji smiled bitterly, "although I am an evil thing, my blood is thin. I can't even compare with them. Naturally, I will bleed and die!"

Xue an was noncommittal, but the sword that pierced Liao Zhiji's throat suddenly pulled out and brought out a trail of blood.

Liao Zhiji coughed a few times, hurriedly covered his throat and looked frightened.

The crisis has not been lifted, because the bloody sword still hovers in front of him and can cut off his head at any time. Therefore, Liao Zhiji still dare not make any changes except covering the wound on his neck.

"Who is Ke Jinyun?" Xue an asked.

Duanmu Guang said in a deep voice, "this man is ranked as a priest second only to the cardinal. He is in charge of the big and small affairs of the church. He is a real power figure in the palace of light!"

"Oh? Why do such people target you and even secretly instigate others to kill you?"

Duanmu Guang hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

"I don't know! After we came to the Guangming palace, we only saw this man's figure from a distance when we first met. There was no intersection, so we don't know why this man wanted to kill us!"

Xue an looked at Liao Zhiji, "can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Liao Zhiji shook his head in a hurry, "I don't know why. Ke zongduo is my immediate boss. I naturally dare not disobey what he asked me to do, so I'm just acting under orders!"

The sincerity of words is almost clear with tears.

"What did he tell you before he came out this time?"

"He asked me to come here to collect what I asked for, and then find fault with it. Be sure to kill them both, and then..."

"Then what?"

"Then dig out the blood of their evil things and take them back to him!"

Hearing this, Wu Jun was furious.

"Good and evil heart, where did we provoke you to do this to us? If we were not welcome to take refuge, it would be good to refuse directly at the beginning. Why did we welcome us into the headquarters and intend to get rid of us?"

"Well... I really don't know! I'm just acting under orders. I don't know anything else. Please let me go!"

Liao Zhiji looked at the excited Wu Jun and was very afraid. He was afraid that he would kill himself, so he begged for mercy.

"Don't know anything? Why didn't you say anything and don't know anything when you were fucking domineering in front of our brothers?" Wu Jun shouted angrily, and then bullied him forward.

"Forget it, it's no use talking so much. Just kill you!"

Seeing Wu Jun rush to the front, Liao Zhiji screamed like a pig, "ah, no, this adult, please help me. I don't want to die!"

Xue an smiled faintly, and then reached out to stop the excited Wu Jun.

"Don't kill him yet!"

"Hmm? Sir, what's the use of keeping such goods?" Wu Jun doesn't understand.

"It's no use keeping it, but you just killed him. What's your next step?"

"The next step is to turn out this bullshit Guangming palace!" Wu Jun said.

"What about the real behind the scenes agent Ke Jinyun? He's the culprit who wants to kill you. Don't you plan to retaliate?"

Xue an's question stunned Wu Jun.

He really didn't think so much.

After all, zongduo is a first-class real power position for the Guangming palace. Although Wu Jun has a short temper, he also knows that his brothers alone can never kill such a character, so he selectively ignores it.

Now hearing what Xue an said, he couldn't help wondering.

"Can he kill Ke Jinyun if he stays?"

"Although I'm not quite sure, at least I hope I don't?" Xue an said faintly.

Wu Jun turns to look at Liao Zhiji. Liao Zhiji immediately points his head like mashing garlic.

"Yes, yes, this adult is right. I will fully cooperate with you!"

Of course, Wu Jun will not believe the commitment of such people.

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