"Childe, such people are capricious. If we get out of control after going out of here, aren't we more dangerous?"

Xue an smiled, "don't worry, he can't lift any waves in my hands!"

Then Xue an waved.

A ray of light immediately penetrated into Liao Zhiji's eyebrows.

Liao Zhiji was shocked and his eyes showed fear.

Because he felt that there were more things in his knowledge of the sea, but he couldn't tell what it was.

But one thing is certain that it is by no means a good thing.

So his lips began to tremble and his face became very pale.

Xue an smiled, "don't be so afraid. I just planted a spell in your sea of knowledge. Next, if you cooperate honestly, I'll untie it for you!"

"But if you refuse to cooperate and even intend to tell others about these things... Then this spell will automatically explode and blow your soul to pieces! Do you understand?"

Liao Zhiji nodded madly, "listen... I understand. Don't worry, sir. I will honestly cooperate with you for this little life. I dare not have any different ideas!"

Xue an smiled meaningfully, "very good. It seems that you are a smart man!"

Liao Zhiji's heart was happy and his face was immediately filled with a smile, "smart, dare not say, but the situation can still be distinguished!"

Xue an ignored Liao Zhiji's flattery and said faintly, "what did Ke Jinyun tell you? How should you reply to him when it's done?"

"Ke Jinyun didn't say that. He just asked me to eradicate the two as soon as possible. When it's done, he will have a rich reward!"

Liao Zhiji didn't hide anything about this and replied honestly.

Xue an nodded. "Then you write back to Ke Jinyun and say that the matter has been done. Now you have to return with the blood dug out from them and ask him what to do!"


Under the threat of death, Liao Zhiji had a very high degree of cooperation. He didn't even hesitate. He immediately sent a reply to Ke Jinyun according to Xue an's instructions.

For Liao Zhiji, a middle-level disciple of Guangming palace, there is a special way for them to communicate with the upper level.

Therefore, he quickly fed back the information to Ke Jinyun.

Then Liao Zhiji began to wait nervously for a reply.

For him, nothing is more important than his own life, so he is more anxious than anyone.

The reply came faster than expected, but as soon as it was fragrant, the reply returned to Liao Zhiji.

"What did he say?" Xue an asked.

"He said to let me take their blood to his side to report!"

"Well, do as he tells you!" Xue an immediately said.


The spacecraft then flew up, and then flew in the given direction to the depths of the star domain.

On the way, Liao Zhiji introduced to Xue an the location where Ke Jinyun lived.

"The palace of light is a large number of people. Its strong people are like clouds, but being a priest has already ranked among the top levels of the palace of light, and all the top levels of the palace of light have their own planet. Ke Jinyun is no exception!"

"His planet is not far from the northwest of the holy land. He usually lives there. If he is not summoned, ordinary people can't enter!"

"Holy land?" However, Xue an keenly grasped the key in Liao Zhiji's words.

Liao Zhiji immediately explained, "the holy land is the place where the palace of light is used to worship the saints of light and sacrifice to the Lord of light! It can also be said to be the source of strength of the whole palace of light!"

"Saint of light..." Xue an became more and more interested.

Seeing this, Liao Zhiji naturally did not dare to hesitate at all, and immediately told everything he knew.

After hearing that the Lord of light is invisible and can not be observed by any method, only the saint selected by it can communicate with him.

Xue an's heart moved slightly and seemed to have caught something, but this feeling was fleeting and soon returned to nothingness.

So Xue an finally buried this question in his heart.

"So the status of the bright saint should be the highest in your palace of light?"

"It's natural, but..."

"But what?"

Liao Zhiji hesitated and finally gritted his teeth and said, "although I'm just a small priest, I'm smart and smart, so I'm highly valued by the top, so I've heard a rumor!"

"What rumors?"

"Although the only saint of light who can communicate with the Lord of light is the highest status existence, in fact, there is another person who manipulates all this behind his back!"

"Oh? Who is this man?"

Liao Zhiji shook his head. "I don't know that. I just heard people talk about it. And I don't dare to inquire about it, so I kept it in my heart until I dared to mention it in front of you!"

Xue an nodded noncommittally.

Power struggle?

This is not surprising. Xue an has no intention to involve this kind of thing. His main thing now is to find the fragment of the ancient mirror hidden here.

This is why Xue an went to see Ke Jinyun through Liao Zhiji.

After all, if you want to know the secret of Guangming palace, you can only know it through these high-level leaders in power.

Although the zongduo Ke Jinyun of Guangming palace must have great strength, it is worth taking the risk for the fragment of the ancient mirror.

At the same time, Xue an felt a heat in her eyebrows, and then realized that the active mind in the sea seemed to be suppressed by some kind of existence and became dull.

However, Duanmu Guang and Liao Zhiji are no different. Xue an knows that he should have crossed the invisible barrier just now.

Behind this invisible barrier is the place where God's mind is forbidden, and even himself is affected.

Xue an didn't change his voice or expression, but sneered at himself, and then closed his mind to prevent leakage.

At the same time, the ship shook slightly.

"Here we are, my Lord!" Liao Zhiji said.

"Don't be nervous, let alone have any unnatural look. Go out as usual! Do you understand?" Xue an gave a final instruction.

Liao Zhiji felt that his tongue was dry and nodded, "I know!"

Then he turned around and asked again. As a result, he found that the boy in white who had just stood behind him had disappeared.

Duanmuguang and Wujun disappeared together.

The ghost like disappearance made Liao Zhiji even more frightened, because he really didn't know where the other party was now.

Maybe he's hiding by his side and observing himself in all directions now!

With this in mind, Liao Zhiji no longer dared to take the slightest chance. He took a deep breath and then strode off the spacecraft.

Someone had been waiting here for a long time. When they saw Liao Zhiji, they didn't speak. They just nodded. Then they led him to see the priest Ke Jinyun on his head.

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