Liao Zhiji followed behind the guide, walked through the layers of temples and went to the depths of the mansion.

Along the way, Liao Zhiji didn't even dare to lift his head, because this huge mansion can be described as killing opportunities step by step, and there are dense Rune traps everywhere.

One wrong step will risk your life.

Liao Zhiji is a man who cherishes his life. For his small life, he naturally dare not go beyond the rules at all.

Soon, he smelled a wisp of flowers.

This flower fragrance is very unique. Although it doesn't smell impressive at first, when you taste it carefully, you will find that it is mixed with many kinds of rare exotic fragrance, which makes people feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it.

Liao Zhiji's heart shook slightly, but his head was buried lower.


The leader in front stopped and spoke respectfully.

"My Lord, people are here!"

After a silence, a lazy voice came, "well, you go down!"


The leader bowed down and calmed down when the field was neutral. Although Liao Zhiji didn't even dare to lift his head, he could still see flowers in the corner of his eyes.

Coupled with the lingering aroma on his nose, Liao Zhiji couldn't help but have a trace of doubt in his heart.

Are you in the garden?

But he didn't dare to ask, so he could only stand in place like a wood carving and clay sculpture.

After a long time, the person who heard the voice before said faintly, "raise your head!"

Liao Zhiji dared to look up and saw a boundless sea of flowers.

Countless exotic flowers and plants that can be called but can not be called are crowded together, competing for beauty and blooming, forming a magnificent beauty that is difficult to describe in words.

Even Liao Zhiji's eyes can't help but look shocked.

But what shocked him most was not this, but the figure who was carefully serving the flowers and plants not far ahead.

Although only one side face can be seen from Liao Zhiji's perspective, Liao Zhiji recognized him at a glance.

He is his immediate boss, zongduo Ke Jinyun, who plays an important role in the whole palace of light.

Looking at him carefully fiddling with flowers and plants, Liao Zhiji couldn't help feeling an absurd confusion in his heart.

Who doesn't know that zongduo Ke Jinyun is a ruthless person. Even this time, he gave himself an order to kill duanmuguang.

But such a chilling big man is actually serving flowers and plants very gently at the moment.

Such a strong contrast naturally makes Liao Zhiji feel absurd.

However, this strange look flashed away. Soon Liao Zhiji hid it, and then stood respectfully in place, waiting for Ke Jinyun's questions.

It took a quarter of an hour to wait until Ke Jinyun transplanted a blooming flower in place.

"How's it going? Does it look good?"

Liao Zhiji nodded like pounding garlic and sighed: "it's beautiful! It's very beautiful! My subordinates have never seen such a shocking sea of flowers!"

Ke Jinyun smiled, then turned to Liao Zhiji, "then tell me where the sea of flowers is shocked!"

"Er... This... Please forgive me for my clumsy words. I just feel that it is a miracle that so many strange flowers and plants with different habits can grow together."

Ke Jinyun shook his head. "The layman is really a layman. He will always be covered by the prosperity in front of him. He can't see the truth behind things!"

Liao Zhiji smiled awkwardly, "what adults teach is that my subordinates are really vulgar!"

Ke Jinyun obviously lost his interest in talking with Liao Zhiji. He threw away his flower shovel and said faintly, "is it done?"

Liao Zhiji's heart trembled slightly. Knowing that the important play was coming, he quickly nodded and said, "Lord Hui, everything was handled according to your instructions. Now those two people have been killed. This is the blood dug out of them!"

With that, Liao Zhiji raised his hands over his head. In the palm of his hands, there were two blood colored light beads.

To tell the truth, Liao Zhiji was very nervous after all this.

Because the blood of the two light beads he held in his hand was just something Xue an made to scare people.

But just then, he saw Ke Jinyun just glancing at the two light beads. Obviously, he didn't care about this.

"Did the two men say anything before they died?"

"My Lord, I just scolded my subordinates for their unfairness. I haven't mentioned anything else!"

Seeing that Ke Jinyun didn't doubt it, Liao Zhiji was secretly relieved, and his tone of voice became a lot more natural.

But just then, he saw Ke Jinyun waving his hand violently, and the two light beads flew into his hands.

For a moment, Liao Zhiji felt his heart in his throat.

After all, fake is always fake and can never become true.

Sure enough.

As soon as Guangzhu started, Ke Jinyun gave a slight sigh.

Although the voice was slight, it sounded like thunder to Liao Zhiji. He felt his hair set up and wanted to run back.

But just then, the flowers and plants at his feet wrapped around Liao Zhiji's ankle like a rope, making him unable to move at all.

Liao Zhiji's eyes were filled with horror and looked at Ke Jinyun with his mouth open.

Ke Jinyun grinned and crushed the two light beads in his hand.

"As soon as you came in, I felt something wrong with you. Sure enough, something was hiding from me. Tell me! Who ordered you to come!"

Liao Zhiji wants to cry without tears.

I must have offended the evil god in charge of luck these two days, otherwise how could I be so unlucky?

In just two days, two people have asked themselves if they were instructed!

And every time you ask yourself, you'll have bad luck.

This estimate is no exception!

"No... no! Sir, you misunderstood!"

Although he knew that cheating Ke Jinyun would die, Liao Zhiji decided to take a risk for the spell that would explode at any time in his mind.

Sure enough.

As soon as his voice fell, Ke Jinyun's face showed an evil smile.

"It seems that the man behind the scenes is very skillful. You won't betray him at this time. Do you think I dare not kill you?"

As he spoke, Ke Jinyun's eyes flashed cold, and a flower at his feet broke off, and then the flowers and leaves cut Liao Zhiji like an arrow.

Liao Zhiji wanted to dodge, but only then did he find in despair that his legs had been firmly bound by flowers and leaves and could not move at all

"Ah, help me!" Liao Zhiji cried loudly.

This is a real cry.

Because Liao Zhiji was scared to tears, he almost peed in his pants.

Maybe his cry played a role, or maybe the time was ripe. Anyway, just as his voice fell, Liao Zhiji suddenly caught a glimmer of sword light from the corner of his eye.

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