The sword light was like a peerless practice. It was cut from outside the garden. Where it passed, the flowers and plants bowed their heads and showed a deep gully, which was very frightening.

But Ke Jinyun just snorted coldly, "do you dare to do it in front of me?"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his hand, holding half a flower branch in his hand and pointing obliquely to the fierce sword.

No sound!

The sword light collided with the flower branch in Ke Jinyun's hand silently.

After a brief stagnation, the sword light disappeared together with the flower branches.

Ke Jinyun ignored these, but looked away like water.

Because just then, I saw a figure slowly stepping on the flowers.

Where he passed, the breath was stirring, and the wind swayed the flowers and plants, but the man's expression was so light.

Seeing him, Liao Zhiji was like seeing a life-saving straw and shouted out, "Sir, help me!"

Hearing this, Ke Jinyun frowned slightly, and then the flowers and plants around Liao Zhiji's legs extended two long spikes in an instant, directly stabbing Liao Zhiji's chest and abdomen, obviously to kill him.

But at this time, the two swords came first and cut off the two sharp spikes in a short time.

Then he listened to Xue an's light way: "although it's a dog, it depends on the owner to beat a dog. You should understand this ideal!"

Hearing these words, Ke Jinyun sneered, "it depends on the master to beat a dog... Well said, but he is from my Guangming palace. What kind of master are you?"

"Not before, but now!"

"What a arrogant tone!"

Xue an shook his head. "It's not arrogance, it's just self-confidence in his own strength!"

Ke Jinyun looked at Xue an coldly. After a long time, he said, "you dare to come here alone. I really don't know what gives you courage!"

Xue an ignored his words, but looked down at the sea of flowers under his feet and sighed softly.

"It's so beautiful! Unfortunately, the more beautiful the flowers and plants, the more likely they are to hide dirt! Am I right?"

Ke Jinyun's face changed, "looking for death!"

In all directions, countless flowers and plants grew and spread like crazy, besieging Xue an.

Even so, Xue an was still calm, but looked at Ke Jinyun opposite with a smile.

But it was this wordless contempt that made Ke Jinyun more angry.


When the word fell, these seemingly weak flowers and plants immediately turned into a sharp weapon to kill, and began to attack Xue an in the middle.

Liao Zhiji's eyelids jumped wildly. Of course, he was not worried about Xue an's safety.

The key is that there is a spell planted by Xue an in his head!

If he died, wouldn't he have to be buried with him?

So Liao Zhiji watched the scene with horror.

Fortunately, this worry lasted only a few seconds, and then I saw that these flowers and plants were smashed as if they had been violently rubbed by some great force.

Xue an walked out slowly, her eyes as cold as ice.

"You seem to be angry, but what is buried under such a beautiful sea of flowers? I believe you should know better than me! Do you need me to say it clearly?"

Ke Jinyun's face turned white, and immediately he didn't even say a word. He directly attacked and killed Xue an.

Ke Jinyun was dismissive of the young man in white who suddenly appeared in front of him.

After all, he is now in his absolute home, although he doesn't know how the teenager in front of him sneaks in from under his own eyes.

But since he did not dare to enter this sea of flowers before, it shows that he also knows that this is his absolute field.

In his own absolute field, even if his strength is far stronger than his own existence, he is not immune, let alone just an ordinary five grade master.

But Xue an's performance in the back was greatly beyond Ke Jinyun's expectation.

It can not only ignore the attack of flowers and plants, but also break the secret of this flower sea.

Surprised and angry, Ke Jinyun didn't dare to keep his hand. He just wanted to kill the young man in white in front of him.

Ke Jinyun's attack method is very strange.

Different from other evil things, Ke Jinyun's attack style is open and close.

So he launched a collision between force and force with Xue an.

Dong Dong!

The strong wind aroused by the loud noise shook the flowers and plants on the ground, showing the red land below.

Liao Zhiji was stunned.

He had never seen such a battle.

Fist to flesh, and both sides are like fierce soldiers who are not afraid of death. They don't even know how to avoid, just want to kill each other as soon as possible.

The young man in white looks beautiful and delicate. Is he so brave?

And my immediate boss. I haven't seen him do it for so many years, but this time it was so fierce.

Liao Zhiji couldn't see more.

But he didn't know how shocked Ke Jinyun was.

Although for some reason, his ability can't be used.

But Ke Jinyun is confident that even with his fists, he is not weaker than anyone.

The result is that in this case, the guy in front of him who is only a fifth grade school captain can fight back and forth with himself.

Sometimes they can even suppress themselves in turn.

This is incredible.

But no matter what price you pay today, the guy in front of you will die.

With this idea in mind, Ke Jinyun suddenly clenched his teeth and accelerated his attack again.

If someone looks at the flower sea from a bird's-eye view at this time, you must find that the flowers and plants in the corner have suddenly withered.

With the withering of these flowers and plants, Ke Jinyun's strength soared again, and immediately suppressed Xue an.

But just then, Xue an sneered.

"Can't help it at last? Aren't you afraid to use the power of noumenon in advance, leading to the abandonment of previous achievements?"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll kill you even if I lose the source today. What's more, your talent is so amazing. If you turn you into blood mud, you will be able to breed the most beautiful flowers and plants. In that case, it's not a loss!" Ke Jinyun shouted coldly.

"The plan is good, but it is doomed to be just wishful thinking!" Xue an sneered and said faintly.

"Do it!"

Words fall.

The four corners of the garden suddenly burst into flames.

This sudden scene immediately frightened Liao Zhiji.

Ke Jinyun was even more incredible, but when he saw the flowers and plants being buried in the sea of fire, he couldn't help crying bitterly.

"No! It's impossible!"

With that, a flower wall surged up quickly, trying to stop the spread of the fire.

But this flame is not an ordinary fire at all. These flower walls only block it for a moment, and then they are burned into nothingness.

Then the fire spread quickly, making Ke Jinyun scream.

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