The flame rumbled over the sea of flowers. Where it passed, these beautiful or cold flowers and plants withered due to high temperature, and then deflagration under the action of critical temperature and turned into fly ash.

All good things have a cruel beauty when they are destroyed.

This sea of flowers is no exception, even worse.

But what is more cruel than this beauty is Ke Jinyun's cry.

It can't be described as miserable. It feels like a dying beast facing a bloody butcher's knife.

Full of despair and anger.

Of course, with the scream came Ke Jinyun's all-out attack.

He used every method you could think of.

In fact, his idea is also very simple, just to kill the boy who destroyed his whole life.

But his stormy attack couldn't help Xue an.

Especially when the flower sea was destroyed and the field was broken, Ke Jinyun's attack could not even break Xue an's defense.

So after enjoying a dazzling attack, Liao Zhiji watched his immediate boss roar reluctantly, and then disappeared in place.

The fire was shining into the sky, but it could not penetrate the shadow in the young man's eyebrows in front of him.

Seeing this, Liao Zhiji couldn't help shivering.

In his vision, this will be a fierce battle.

After all, Ke Jinyun has his own uniqueness in becoming the zongduo of Guangming palace.

Although the boy's means are unpredictable, he can't achieve his goal so easily.

As a result... Ke Jinyun only supported less than a quarter of an hour, and then he was defeated.

This bloody reality immediately made Liao Zhiji understand.

This young man is by no means ordinary. If he wants to live, he can only cooperate fully without any dissent.

Holding this idea, Liao Zhiji's face burst into a very flattering smile.

"Big... Your majesty!"

Xue an just glanced at him lightly, and then said faintly, "OK! Come out!"

Then, the originally fierce fire went out quickly, and then two figures came out of the fire.

It is Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun.

At the moment, Wu Jun's face was full of eager excitement. When he saw Xue an's first face, he worshipped his words.

"My Lord, what kind of flame is the fire you gave me and why is it so powerful?"

You should know that Duan muguang and Wu Jun were best at attacking with fire, so Xue an sent them to set fire secretly this time.

After using the fire given by Xue an, Wu Jun was shocked by its fierce power.

Xue an just smiled, "nothing, just a wisp of strange flame of my cultivation!"

The color of worship in Wu Jun's eyes is more prosperous.

The strange flame cultivated by yourself.

In other words, Xue an's means may be far more magical than he imagined!

Compared with the lower end, muguang is much calmer.

He looked around and frowned slightly.

"My Lord, is Ke Jinyun dead?"

"Of course it's not that simple!"

"Where has he gone?"

Xue an stretched out her finger and pointed at her feet.

Duanmu Guang was stunned, "underground?"

"Yes, no!"

Xue an suddenly stamped his foot. The huge impact directly collapsed the land with a radius of tens of meters. At the same time, countless cracks quickly spread around.

If you look from the air, the scene just now is like a thunder burst out in the sea of flowers burned into coke.

In these cracks, you can see the dense blood light below.

"What is this?" Wu Jun was curious, then bent down and looked carefully.

As a result, it didn't matter. Wu Jun's scalp was numb by the scene under the crack.

Because where is the blood light below? It's real blood!

And so many cracks are emitting the same light.

In other words, there should be a huge lake with blood below.

Wu Jun was stunned by his own speculation.

If so, where did the blood come from?

No wonder this sea of flowers will open so well. It turns out that there is such a scene below!

Just then, these cracks suddenly began to gush blood out.

The Wu Jun was nearest. Out of guard, he almost fell into the blood. He was still fast in Duanmu's sight. He suddenly pulled his back skirt, which could be regarded as pulling him up.

Xue an frowned slightly, "do you still want to resist when death is coming?"

Speaking of this, xue'an suddenly clenched his fist.

The land that had been burned into coke was directly pinched into nothingness.

So far, the huge blood pool below was completely revealed.

This is a frightening sight.

Thick blood surged in the blood pool, and huge blood columns rose from it from time to time.

The air was filled with unforgettable blood.

Liao Zhiji was silly and murmured, "originally... This is his noumenon!"

As a subordinate of Ke Jinyun, he had speculated before that this sea of flowers must have a close relationship with Ke Jinyun.

But he never thought the truth would be like this.

Thinking of this, he secretly looked at Xue an and saw the young man standing there quietly, his eyes clear, and his body naturally showed a heart breaking bearing.

Perhaps only such a character can easily solve all the mysteries! Liao Zhiji thought to himself.

But it was not over. After the blood pool was exposed, the surging speed accelerated rapidly, and at the same time, it set off rough waves, sweeping towards Xue an people standing in the air.

Before the wave came, the smell of the smell clearly showed that the blood was not a good thing.

But in the face of this unwilling counterattack, Xue an just smiled coldly, and then a flame appeared in her eyebrows.

The fireworks are transparent and frightening.

As soon as the flame came out, the originally arrogant blood pool immediately calmed down, including the waves sweeping towards the people also stagnated in the air, and gradually moved into a human shape, worshipping Xue an.

You should know that Xue an's red lotus fire is the bane of all Yin and evil things in the world,

Under this attribute bonus, even if Ke Jinyun's strength is far better than Xue an, he is still the death place of Ke.

Even as long as Xue an is willing, this flame alone can burn Ke Jinyun's body into nothingness.

Ke Jinyun is not a fool. Naturally, he can see this.

Therefore, his decision is not straightforward, even if he gives up resistance and lies down completely for forgiveness.

In this regard, as Liao Zhiji's boss, he and Liao Zhiji are similar.

Looking at Ke Jinyun who kowtows unceasingly, Xue an doesn't talk nonsense.

"Two questions. First, why did you kill Duan muguang and Wu Jun?"

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