Ke Jinyun was tongue tied.

"Injustice has its head and debt has its owner. After so many years of wrongdoing, we have to pay a price!"

Xue an said faintly, and then a flame exploded in the air.

In a quarter of an hour.

Everything returned to calm. Except for the bottomless pit on the ground, everything was clean as if nothing had happened.

Liao Zhiji was stunned.

Just... Just die?

That's the great zongduo of Guangming palace!

The top figure second only to the cardinal ended up in the end.

Then Liao Zhiji began to rejoice crazily.

I'm glad I saw the opportunity early, otherwise I might have died a long time ago.

However, this mood did not last long, and was interrupted by Xue an's eyes.

Looking at the cold eyes, Liao Zhiji's heart was about to jump out of his cavity and said with a strong smile: "big... Adult!"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being!"

This sentence directly made Liao Zhiji's heart return to its original place.

Anyway, saving your life is the most important thing.

But the next second, what Xue an said made Liao Zhiji nervous again.

"But if I don't kill you now, it doesn't mean I don't kill you in the future, so you have to prove that you have the value of not being killed!"

"Like...?" Liao Zhiji asked cautiously.

"For example, how can I see the saint without disturbing the strong in the palace of light!"

Looking at Xue an with a serious face, Liao Zhiji suddenly wanted to say that you'd better kill me!

After all, he is only a small priest and at best a middle-level figure in the palace of light.

The bright saint is the existence of the tip of the pyramid, and there is no possibility of intersection with herself at ordinary times.

Now Xue an let himself find a way to make him see the saint, but he can't disturb others.

How is that possible!

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, he still didn't dare to say if he gave up.

Because he knew very well that as long as he dared to say it, the boy in white would dare to kill him.

So he can only frown, "I... I'll try!"

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