The big pit left by Ke Jinyun after he was destroyed was temporarily shielded by Xue an with a dreamland.

Fortunately, Ke Jinyun's flower sea is a place of its own heaven and earth. What happened inside is unknown to the outside world, so Xue an was given a chance to beat the time difference.

But Xue an knows that this time difference is not destined to be too long.

In one more day, the disappearance of Ke Jinyun will attract the attention of the outside world.

Unlike Liao Zhiji, as zongduo of Guangming palace, he is a real high-level, so his disappearance will cause an uproar.

In other words, Xue an has only one day left. On this day, Xue an wants to see the bright Saint without disturbing many strong people in the palace of light, get the fragments of ancient mirror from her hand, and then escape from the control of the palace of light.

Time is tight!

Therefore, without any delay, Xue an ordered Duanmu Guang and Wu Jun: "you two immediately return to the planet when you came, and then take the three Yun lingxuan who stayed there to leave the Guangming Palace first!"

"Childe, this..." Hearing this, duanmuguang and his wife were shocked together.

Because they know what it means.

Xue an smiled calmly and waved his hand to them to stop talking.

"Don't worry, it's more free to leave me alone, and things don't necessarily collapse into such a situation. I'm just ready in advance!"

What else did Wu Jun want to say? Duan muguang pulled him, because he knew what Xue an said was true.

In the face of the absolute strength gap, these people not only can't help, but also become a burden.

So he nodded, "I see, but I don't know those three girls very well. How can I make them believe me?"

Xue an raised her eyebrows slightly, because Duanmu Guang's words were really a problem.

But soon he gave duanmuguang a sword.

"If they don't believe it, let them watch the sword, and if they encounter any difficult obstacles on the road, the sword idea can also help you!"

Duanmuguang only felt something more between his eyebrows, and then bowed his head in awe.

"OK, Wu Jun and I will leave immediately, young master... Be more careful!"

Xue an smiled, "don't worry!"

Duanmuguang and Wujun didn't dare to delay, so they got up and left immediately.

After they left, Xue an turned to Liao Zhiji and said faintly, "can you think of a way now?"

The indifference in his words made Liao Zhiji tremble secretly. After wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, he forced to laugh.

"Big... My Lord, I do have a not too mature idea, just..."

"Just what?"

"I just need you to be a little wronged!"

Xue an's eyes flashed, "tell me first!"


Then Liao Zhiji told his idea in a slightly trembling voice.

After listening, Xue an thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"Well, do as you say!"

Liao Zhiji was stunned. He didn't expect Xue an to promise so quickly, but he was more and more awed in his heart.

Able to bend and stretch, this boy is much more powerful than he thought!

Thinking of this, he looked respectful, "let's prepare now!"

"No need to prepare!"

As he spoke, a cloud of fog surged over Xue an. After it dispersed, the former handsome boy had become a beautiful and refined girl.

Liao Zhiji was stunned by the way the backhand changed the world and even the gender.

The preparation he just said is actually to let Xue an put on makeup to see the effect of pretending to be a woman.

As a result, Xue an not only pretended to be perfect, but also became a woman, which made him feel amazing.

"How's it going?" Although she is a girl, her voice is still Xue an's.

This question immediately awakened Liao Zhiji from his amazement and amazement, and then nodded in admiration.

"It's perfect. Apart from your voice, I just..."

Liao Zhiji just wanted to say that he couldn't find any flaws.

The girl before the meeting smiled, "what about this?"

The sound is crisp and pleasant, just like a yellow warbler out of the valley.

Liao Zhiji was stunned again.

But soon he forced himself to calm down, "there are no flaws!"

The girl said coldly, "in that case, let's start now!"


Jiang Jialu enjoys his life very much.

As a confidant of cardinal Wu Qiming, he is now in charge of the guard of the extremely fire cathedral.

Don't underestimate this position. Anyone who wants to see Wu Qiming must pass by him, or you can't even enter the church door.

In this case, the oil and water of this position can be imagined.

Today is no exception.

In just one morning, Jiang Jialu had received several generous thank-you gifts.

This made his face ruddy.

It's lunchtime now. After a busy morning, he finally has time to rest.

He leaned lazily against the stone pillar in front of the church door, looked at the extremely high church roof whose spire was even going to pierce the sky, and sighed the glory of light.

That is, when he was sleepy, the two people walking in the distance attracted his attention.

The man in front is his old acquaintance Liao Zhiji, but now his attention is attracted by the figure behind him.

This is a beautiful girl like a flower. She follows Liao Zhiji, making people forget the vulgarity at first sight.

As the head guard of the extremely fire Cathedral, Jiang Jialu is not a person who has never seen the world.

On the contrary, he has seen countless beautiful women over the years.

But these women are not as impressed as the girl today.

Because this girl is so quiet.

That impeccable cheek always has a relaxed and confident expression, especially her eyes, which are clear and like gemstones.

Just when he was stunned, Liao Zhiji had quickly walked up to him and said with a smile on his face.

"Leader Jiang, can the bishop be in the church now?"

"Ah... Ah!" Jiang Jialu came back to his senses.

Seeing this, Liao Zhiji couldn't help laughing.

I felt the same way when I first saw what Xue an had changed.

Of course, these thoughts can only be deeply buried in the bottom of my heart.

Liao Zhiji pretended to be affectionate and took a step forward. As soon as his wrist turned over, a thick leather package appeared in his hand.

Then Liao Zhiji handed it to Jiang Jialu and whispered.

"Then head Jiang, please introduce me!"

After many years in this job, Jiang Jialu has developed a special skill.

As long as any red envelope is touched by his hand, he can clearly know the value.

Therefore, as soon as this cowhide bag started, Jiang Jialu's eyes were bright.

This small bag alone can be worth several thank-you gifts in the morning.

So a professional smile appeared on his face.

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